Sunday, September 30, 2012
Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 30-09-2012
Soul Sustenance 30-09-2012
The Causes Of Fear (Part 1)
Fear can be caused by:
• Ignorance - When you don't know how your colleague in office is, or when you don't know the intentions of the other, you are afraid. When you don't understand, you are afraid.
• A lack of inner preparation for the situation - For example, if you go unprepared to an exam, you will be afraid of failing it.
• A lack of clear knowledge on how to avoid or recognize actions that bring about situations which are dangerous for one's wellbeing.
• Insecurity in general and specifically, about your qualities and your own capacity.
• Lack of faith in yourself.
• Mistrust.
• The inability to open oneself.
Tomorrow we shall discuss some more causes of fear.
Message for the day 30-09-2012
The best comparison is the comparison with oneself.
Expression: The one who is comparing oneself with what he was and seeing how he can improve or how he has improved is the one who is constantly bringing about progress in his own life. On the contrary the one who is comparing himself with others is the one who is constantly finding excuses and leaving behind the opportunities that he gets for bringing about a change.
Experience: When I am free from excuses and free from comparison with others, I am able to be light even in the most challenging circumstances. I am not caught up with my own mistakes or those of others, but am able to constantly add on to my treasure store of experiences and be richer and richer with every new challenge faced.
In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 29-09-2012
Soul Sustenance 29-09-2012
Understanding Attachment
Entertainment industries publicize the illusion (false belief) that in order to be happy we must acquire "things" and form relationships of attachment to them; that in order to find love we must possess or be attached to the other person. This confusion between love and attachment has entered into all our relationships in a number of ways.
To our conditioned minds it appears to be a contradiction (error), but it is a basic spiritual truth - to be loving it is necessary to be detached. Attachment is the root of fear and fear and love cannot exist together just as day and night, winter and summer cannot. The idea and the practice of detachment are found in almost all the paths of wisdom, over the centuries. This is so because attachment is one of the deepest habits that we learn to develop, and we do not realize that anything we attach ourselves to turns into a trap for our consciousness, for the self, the being. We know we are attached when we begin to think about someone or something when they are not present and there is no need to think about them. Our mental energy exhausts itself and we have the sensation that we lack control over our thoughts and feelings.
Each time that we automatically cling (hold on) to something, we invoke (call for or attract) the presence of fear - whether it be of people, position, power, money or even opinion, any form of attachment means that we will fear harm or loss. Fear takes on many faces (worry, anxiety, and tension); it prevents our spiritual growth and frightens us away from or blocks us from love.
Message for the day 29-09-2012
To be a leader is to lead by one's own example.
Expression: Everyone knows what is right and what is not. But the one who is able to live by what is right, and shows the same in his words and actions is the one who is able to inspire others to bring about a change. There is then no need to speak a lot of words to inspire others.
Experience: When every action of mine is qualitative , I find that people look up to me for guidance and support. When people look up to me and take inspiration from me, I am able to keep attention on my words and actions so that whatever I speak and do is beneficial for myself and others.
In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris
Friday, September 28, 2012
Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 28-09-2012
Soul Sustenance 28-09-2012
Improving Your Responses By Moving From A State Of ‘Doing’ To ‘Being’
This is a meditation exercise which you can practice anytime in the day when you are busy interacting with someone or a group of people. At that time, create the thoughts below, very, very slowly in your mind. Experience the essence of each thought -
I am a soul and at peace with myself and the world around me... This scene, in which I find myself in, is one of many scenes in which I play a role... Now, I disconnect for a few seconds from what is happening around me... Mentally (not physically), I take a step back and just watch, as an observer, what is happening... I make no judgments - I just observe... As I observe, I see that each soul in the scene is playing their own unique role, according to their capability and understanding, because of which I accept each one completely without any conditions...
I remain patient in allowing this scene to develop in a natural way... I wait for an invitation to participate - it always comes finally... I have no desires from the situation... But, at the same time, I am happy to contribute towards achieving the most positive and effective result... In the meantime I maintain my peace and share the energy of that peace with all around me as this is the most important contribution that I can make... I realize that simply by observing peacefully I am participating positively in this scene…
If you dedicate time to consciously practice the above meditation for a few moments in many actions during the day, you will finally find that you move into this state of just being (while yet doing) very, very naturally. You are not avoiding life or the world around you. Instead, you are learning to take control of your awareness and involvement, disconnect when you want, be more mentally sharp in understanding (what is visible as well as subtle or non-visible) all that is happening around you and give yourself the time and the personal space to respond accurately and positively.
Message for the day 28-09-2012
To be free from the identification with negativity is to be always light.
Expression: The one who identifies with his negative traits is always thinking about it. There is a trace of this negativity that is seen in everything he does or talks. He is not able to be free from this negativity because with each passing day the identification with it becomes stronger. Slowly others too start perceiving him in the same way.
Experience: When I am able to be free from the identification with my negativity, I am able to be constantly light. There might be situations or people who might provoke my negativity, but I am able to maintain my inner positivity. This is because I have managed to finish my identification with the negativity.
In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 27-09-2012
Soul Sustenance 27-09-2012
The Law of Cause and Effect
To imagine how the law of karma works, consider what happens when we throw a stone into a lake: it causes ripples that spread out towards the shoreline, before returning to the centre point.
Human beings constantly emit energy. We create thoughts, emotions and feelings that transmit vibrations. There are people who tend to radiate energy and others who tend to absorb it. The energy we give off hits other people and rebounds back to us. From this law we should understand that if people send us energy that is not very pleasant, perhaps it is because on another occasion we sent out this type of energy, although it may have taken a long time to come back to us.
If we make an effort to give off positive energy, with love and respect for others, this energy will also come back to us. Positive energy creates a higher vibration than negative energy. Radiating positive energy produces an aura around us that protects us from negativity or from feeling hurt or humiliated. Our ego, which causes the radiation of negative energy, makes us susceptible to criticism, lack of respect and slander. If our ego does not take over, the negativity will not touch our inner selves.
Message for the day 27-09-2012
The one who is clean and clear inside is the one who becomes a mirror for others.
Expression: When there is the ability to realize and bring about a change, there is also the ability to make oneself clear and clean inside. Such a person naturally becomes a clean mirror for others to see their own perfection. He becomes an inspiration for those around for bringing about the best from within.
Experience: Each and every moment of my life, when I am able to work to bring about a change in myself constantly, I am able to remain in touch with my inner qualities. I have the joy of experiencing my inner perfection, which naturally flows and touches the lives of those around.
In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 26-09-2012
Soul Sustenance 26-09-2012
The Power To Decide
Sometimes, there are certain situations where I'm not so much faced with a choice between truth and falsehood where the power to discern (discriminate) is required, but I have to balance competing aims or priorities in deciding on a course of action. There's great value in getting this right, because poor judgment can entangle me in consequences from which it might take years to recover. If I'm deflected because of my attachments or desires, I'll lose my ability to decide accurately.
Understanding myself as a soul, and keeping my heart full and free through my relationship with the Supreme Soul (meditation) makes my mind free from waste thoughts. Having a clean, clear and concentrated mind helps me remain in the best possible position to judge correctly. I'll be like the Statue of Justice, wearing a blindfold as she carefully weighs the evidence: free from prejudice (bias) arising from superficial appearances, above the influence of situations and the emotions and opinions of others, perfectly centered, she is optimally placed to sense the right way forward.
Message for the day 26-09-2012
To experience newness each day is to be creative.
Expression: Sometimes we find things to be very monotonous. There seems to be nothing new that is happening. Days pass on and we tend to become action conscious only trying to finish the tasks at hand. We feel caught up in the routine not able to enjoy anything anymore.
Experience: Instead of just doing what has to be done in a monotonous way, we need to take a thought each day to experience something new. There is such a variety in each day; we only have to discover ways of experiencing it. When we learn this creative art, we will never be bored, but will be able to enjoy everything that comes our way.
In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 25-09-2012
Soul Sustenance 25-09-2012
Observing But Not Absorbing
To observe means we take a new, appropriate mental position in whatever situation, or in whatever relationship, we find ourselves. Observation is a silent skill — a skill we need to learn if we are to assess clearly what positive changes are needed to be made in the self in a particular situation or relationship.
If we fail to learn this art of observing, we are likely to react and absorb ourselves in the negativity of the person, or event. We get lost in the quicksand of 'what's wrong?' which prevents us from putting things right. As we absorb and fill ourselves with negative emotion, we become heavy and remain helplessly rooted to the ground. The gravity of overload does not allow us to rise above a situation and to understand the reality of what is happening. As a result, we lose perspective and overreact.
If we wish to understand how the mental position of observation gives us the power of perspective, we can look at the example of the bird and the ant. The ant, extremely busy, running here and there, scrambling over everything in its rush to find and collect food, will see only what is in front of its nose. The bird, on the other hand, leaves the earth and, as it flies higher and higher, starts to see the bigger picture, compared to when it was on the ground, or on the branch of a tree. Seeing the whole picture, it has a completely different perspective. It is only then that it can truly see where to go and what to do. When we get absorbed in a situation or relationship, we lose perspective, we are like the ant, we get too involved in the details, missing the 'obvious', and cannot imagine, or think of other possibilities.
Message for the day 25-09-2012
True spirituality is that which makes one practical.
Expression: Usually spirituality is perceived as something that has to be kept separate from the normal daily life. But true spiritual life is that which is very practical. The one who is able to fill himself with spiritual power is able to use this power for being better and better in his practical life.
Experience: When I am able to recognize the inner beauty and am able to give myself time to be in touch with this spiritual aspect, I am able to be powerful and beyond chaos in all situations. I am able to go within to find the immense power and use it in practical situations. So I find myself being successful in practical situations.
In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris
Monday, September 24, 2012
Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 24-09-2012
Soul Sustenance 24-09-2012
Revising My Purpose In The Professional Sphere
A young entrepreneur once thought that, in the corporate world, if you earn this much amount of money successfully in a short span of time, you are considered better than the remaining entrepreneurs and you reach the peak of fame. A time arrived when he said to himself "This is stressful. Is this what I want? Working so hard to reach the top, so that you become famous in the entire country and are known amongst the fastest growing businessmen. No, I want to excel in my career, but in another way, without stress, without fighting to reach and maintain fame and power." He then revised his purpose: "What do I want? Why do I do what I do? For what and for who do I do it? What is the price that I have to pay for this dependence on fame?"
Aspiring to be famous causes continuous stress and anxiety. You participate in a race in which you compete and are comparing yourself constantly. You stop taking care of yourself and nourishing your inner self. You take care of your image but not your inner being. This brings about an inner emptiness and loneliness that, sometimes, is unbearable for us. Reaching fame, financial wealth, the power of a visible position, and reaching it with a broken soul, a broken apart family and a sick body, causes anxiety and depression. We need to look inwards and ask ourselves – does our life’s purpose revolve around the search for fame and power? If yes, then we need to revise our purpose suitably by realizing the negative effects that this search can have on our lives.
Message for the day 24-09-2012
To be strong is to be free from the influence of the body.
Expression: To allow the body to influence the mind is to be doubly ill. The one who allows himself to be doubly ill is not able to deal with the illness of the body. On the other hand, the one who is powerful in the mind is able to maintain the inner strength in spite of the disease and so has the power to put in effort to finish it.
Experience: Instead of being conscious of the disease of the body, all I need to do is to maintain the consciousness of being powerful internally. Then I would not be afraid of the disease of the body but will have the courage to deal with it. I am able to see the disease as something temporary and will soon find myself rid of the illness, as I am powerful within.
In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 23-09-2012
Soul Sustenance 23-09-2012
Playing My Part As A Hero Actor (Part 3)
In yesterday’s message we had discussed how some of us believe that our life script has been written by God and we do not play any role in the same. In this regard, it is very important to state that respecting, thanking and remembering God in good as well as bad times is obviously very very good and the right karma but submitting ourselves blindly to God’s will is an inactive response which prevents each of us from using our free will to make any choice at any moment and shape our future. While there is a master plan which is being played out on the stage of the world, a part of the plan is that we each have free will and an opportunity to decide our actions and responses. We need to realize that each one of us possesses an intellect, which absorbs the capacity to discriminate right from wrong, good from bad, from God and decides how to act on the world stage.
In this regard, there are two aspects. The first aspect is – God writes my life script completely for me without me playing any role in the same. The other aspect is - I perform actions and create my responses, based on God’s knowledge of good and bad karmas which he has given me, so as to shape my destiny and write my life script accordingly. There is a fine difference between these two aspects, the second aspect being the correct one. This knowledge given to me by God is stored in my intellect; I am the master of it and can decide how to use it to play my part.
Message for the day 23-09-2012
To be strong is to be free from the influence of the body.
Expression: To allow the body to influence the mind is to be doubly ill. The one who allows himself to be doubly ill is not able to deal with the illness of the body. On the other hand, the one who is powerful in the mind is able to maintain the inner strength in spite of the disease and so has the power to put in effort to finish it.
Experience: Instead of being conscious of the disease of the body, all I need to do is to maintain the consciousness of being powerful internally. Then I would not be afraid of the disease of the body but will have the courage to deal with it. I am able to see the disease as something temporary and will soon find myself rid of the illness, as I am powerful within.
In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 22-09-2012
Soul Sustenance 22-09-2012
Playing My Part As A Hero Actor (Part 2)
In yesterday’s message we had discussed how we possess the potential in our hands to write the scripts of our lives, our destinies. Some of us do not like this idea because we have been taught since we were small that life is all about luck, but this incorrect belief does not let us realize the immense internal power or potential that we possess of shaping up our destiny, our future. By resigning ourselves to a life of luck, we do not use our potential and conveniently avoid doing the inner work of becoming awake and aware of who we are as spiritual beings and the masters of our own destiny. This is why waking up from the sleep of this wrong belief is the first step towards empowering ourselves, towards taking responsibility for our life, for our present, our future.
Also there are some of us who hold the belief that the course taken by each one of our lives is not written by luck but is decided by God, so it is egoistic on our part if we believe that we can write our own scripts, interfering with the plan that God has in his mind for us. So in times of challenges in our lives, although its not wrong to pray to God at those times, we commonly use words like ‘if God would like it, I shall overcome this obstacle or I will be successful in this particular task or my health will get okay or I will pass this exam etc.’ In times of happiness, although it’s not wrong to thank God at those times, we completely submit ourselves to God’s will, thinking that it is he and he alone responsible for what good that is happening in my life. In the case of the sorrow we forget that although God can help us to some extent, whether we will surpass the sorrow or not is very largely dependent on our past actions which are influencing the present situation. In the case of the happiness, we forget that though God’s blessings do help and work, our past actions are a very important dominant factor which is creating situations of positivity in our present lives.
(To be continued tomorrow…)
Message for the day 22-09-2012
To have knowledge means to remain cheerful.
Expression: The one who has the right understanding based on accurate knowledge is the one who is able to remain content even during difficult situations. Since there is a clear understanding about situations and the people around, there is no difficulty in giving the best under all circumstances. Such a person uses all challenges to enrich his own capabilities.
Experience: When I am able to use knowledge as a weapon in a positive way, I am able to understand everything that happens. I understand that there is a reason for whatever happens and there is something to learn from every situation. So I am not upset with the varied situations I am faced with, but am able to remain cheerful enjoying everything that comes my way.
In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris
Friday, September 21, 2012
Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 21-09-2012
Soul Sustenance 21-09-2012
Playing My Part As A Hero Actor (Part 1)
While just as beings we reside in the soul world, as human beings we play our many roles through many physical bodies in this beautiful world drama on this amazing, colorful and round stage called planet Earth. Each day is filled with multi-million scenes in different locations on this very big stage. Some scenes are directly related to us, some indirectly and a lot many aren’t related at all. Each scene that we are directly involved is an opportunity to not only play our role in the best possible way but also as a result shape the role in the most appropriate way possible. Therefore, we are all hero actors who by playing our roles as well as possible, create the script of our own life i.e. create our own destiny.
And do remember doing this has a positive influence on others’ scripts also, which rebounds back to us and in return helps us in our making our scripts better. While we have been given a role to live the entire birth right from childhood to old age, we possess the power, the remote control to dictate and control as to how exactly we will live the day, the year and each year of our present birth, our present role. Each day offers us multiple options as to not only how we act but also how we respond to the world around us and our script or destiny gets shaped up according to the options we make. Our destiny is decided not by what happens to us or around us, but by (i) how we act (sometimes the actions are responses to external events and sometimes they are not) and (ii) how we respond to a million events and circumstances which we encounter as we make this complete journey of life.
(To be continued tomorrow…)
Message for the day 21-09-2012
Even the impossible becomes possible with determination and there is sure success.
Expression: The one who is determined is the one who never gives up in adverse situations. He is able to use all the challenges as a means for self-progress. He is never deterred with situations which seem difficult to handle, but is able to creatively bring out new ideas that help him to cross over the obstacles with ease.
Experience: Determination brings confidence in me and in my ability to achieve what I set out to achieve. I am able to remain confident and sure of my own success. This confidence gives me the encouragement not to let go half way through, but to do something till the end. With each obstacle that comes my way that seems to deter me from my path, I find myself improving and progressing, making myself better and better. So I am able to experience success constantly.
In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 20-09-2012
Soul Sustenance 20-09-2012
The Mental Periscope
This is the ability of the intellect to come out, observe, understand and initiate appropriate action and, when necessary, go back inside and be calm and still. This act of taking the thoughts inside is called introspection and in this introspective state the self can re-energize, examine, reflect and refine, or just be completely still - whatever it may wish to do in that state of silence. When the intellect uses its capacity as a periscope, it is able to find a balance between the inside and outside worlds.
Effective meditation means to gather the positive resources of the inner self and then use them in the outer world.
It is important to remain neither too much inside, nor too much outside, but constantly to create a balance between the inner and outer realities. Meditation resembles the cyclic path of energy: going from the inside out and then from the outside in, gathering information, or experiences that we need to reflect on, or understand better. On other occasions, it may be a question of recharging our minds with positivity and peace: we go inside and, with the practice of silence, the battery becomes re-energized.
Message for the day 20-09-2012
To consider oneself an instrument of God is to be light.
Expression: To be an instrument of God means to allow God's qualities to flow through one's life. It means to be available for God's task to happen. The ones who considers himself to be an instrument neither has ego of the work that is done through him nor has he any difficulty in dealing with situations. He is able to do everything well and with ease.
Experience: When I am an instrument of God, I am able to remain light even while being responsible. Being an instrument I would naturally consider myself responsible for God's task to be done through me. Also since I am God's instrument, I feel the responsibility of making myself more and more beautiful.
In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris
Monday, September 17, 2012
Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 17-09-2012
Soul Sustenance 17-09-2012
Important Understandings On Reincarnation (Part 2)
5. Each time a soul leaves an old body and takes a new birth, it carries its sanskars from the old birth into the new one. Other sanskars that can be present in the new body (apart from the ones from the previous birth) are:
- sanskars from parents
- sanskars accumulated during the new birth e.g. from siblings (brothers or sisters) or from friends, also those picked up during education and more
- sanskars of will power (the ability to bring about changes in the self using will power)
- original sanskars of peace, love, purity, bliss, joy and power (the ones that were present in the soul when it first came down from the soul world into the physical world to play its part)
Out of these five types of sanskars, in each soul, the sanskars that are visible at different stages of life are varied e.g. in some soul, sanskars may be completely different from the ones the parents possess, because the sanskars from the previous birth are more visible; in another soul, sanskars of will power may be intense, the soul may have brought about a lot of transformation in its personality since the time it was born; in a third soul sanskars from parents and friends may be most visible; in another soul, practicing meditation, original sanskars may be more visible, etc.
(To be continued tomorrow …)
Message for the day 17-09-2012
To remain in peace is to give support to those around.
Expression: If there is inner peace even when there is negativity all around, there is
the ability to give support to those around. The biggest service that one
can do is to give this support to those in need during challenging times.
The one who remains in peace even in chaotic conditions becomes an example
Experience: When I am able to maintain my own inner state of calm under all
circumstances, I am able to learn from everything that happens. I am able
to bring benefit for those around me because of the vibrations of positivity
that I am able to spread. I become a source of inspiration and support for
all those in need.
In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 16-09-2012
Soul Sustenance 16-09-2012
Important Understandings On Reincarnation (Part 1)
1. The soul has a separate identity from any of the bodies it adopts.
2. The human soul does not take a birth/body of any animal species, just as a lemon seed does not grow into a mango tree. The human soul always takes a human body e.g. if the soul of a cow was to take the birth of a human, wouldn’t it carry sanskars of performing all actions like a cow into its human birth – how would it then function through the human body.
3. The various lives or births of a soul are like different episodes of a television serial, all different, yet connected with each other.
4. The cycle of action and reaction is never-ending. The soul must continue to play its entire role until all it has received the fruits for all its actions. This may require more than one body.
(To be continued tomorrow …)
Message for the day 16-09-2012
To finish excuses is to take up full responsibility.
Expression: To take up responsibility means to be ready to bear the consequences of the action done. The one who is responsible will never give excuses, but will be able to take the responsibility of correcting the situation. Under all circumstances, such a person will be able to give his best without situations hindering his output.
Experience: When I am responsible, it is not important for me why a mistake happened, but it is more important for me to find a method so that I am able to rectify what has gone wrong. So when I am responsible I am neither worried nor concerned too much for whatever has happened. On the other hand I am able work with lightness to improve the situation.
In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 15-09-2012
Soul Sustenance 15-09-2012
Enhancing (Strengthening) Qualities With The Help Of Meditation (Part 2)
Think and visualize alongside the following words in your mind so that you begin to feel and experience what is being described. Soft music may be played in the background.
I remove my awareness from my physical body and my surroundings in which I sit and turn my attention inwards... I become aware of many thoughts going through my mind... I look at my thoughts from a detached observer point of view. I watch each thought come and then move on like light clouds in the sky... As I am a witness to my thoughts, their speed of coming and then moving on begins to slow down; my thoughts reduce in number... Gradually, I focus my attention on the idea of peace... I experience an energy wave of peace gently washing over me, removing all anxiety and stress from my mind... There is just peace... my thoughts fade away… In this moment, it is as if ... I ... am ... peace
My mind is now calm and clear - peace becomes a feeling… I experience deep contentment within... I relish the taste of this inner state… I realize, this is my natural state; this is what I like... Having returned to my natural state of peace… I sit for a while, enjoying these feelings of calmness and serenity... I feel that in a short while, I have collected the treasure of peace…
Now I bring in front of the eye of my mind a situation that I very commonly face in my office or at home… I visualize myself maintaining my state of inner peace using the treasure I have just collected and how it is affecting my thoughts, words and actions in the situation... I feel the power of peace helping me and others... I gently repeat the scene in my mind and begin to see how the power of my inner peace gets radiated to others around me through my thoughts, words and actions and then reflected back to me by them... With this feeling of total peace, I gently return back to my awareness of this physical body, of this room.
Practice the above meditation for about 10 minutes at least twice a day. The best times are in the morning before the day starts and then once again in the night, before going to bed.
Message for the day 15-09-2012
To tighten the loose screw of carelessness is to be powerful.
Expression: The one who is careless is not able to use the powers and the skills that he has. All the positive qualities within are wasted, because the one who is careless is not able to use them in the best possible way. But the one who is able to tighten the loose screw of carelessness is able to recognize and use the potentials that are within. So there is power visible in such a person.
Experience: When I am able to be free from carelessness, I am able to move forward with lightness and happiness. There is no difficulty of any situations experienced and I do everything to the best of my ability without giving any excuses. I am able to experience being powerful under all circumstances, as I am the master of the situation.
In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris
Friday, September 14, 2012
Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 14-09-2012
Soul Sustenance 14-09-2012
Enhancing (Strengthening) Qualities With The Help Of Meditation (Part 1)
The present lives of most people are filled with frequent phases of stress and anxiety. The meditation which we are sharing with you in this set of messages will help you focus on the experience of the quality of inner peace and tranquility and combat this stress or unwanted noise of negative thought and visualization processes. There is an important basic principle on which meditation is based - where our attention goes i.e. what we give our thought power and visualization power to, there the energy of the mind and intellect flows; and where energy flows, things grow. If we give our thought power and visualization power to something positive or constructive or useful, there is a constructive use of the energy of the mind and intellect, there is a buildup of the positive energy of the mind and intellect and hence there is a feeling of empowerment (strengthening). If we give our thought power and visualization power to something negative, there is a wastage of the energy of mind and intellect and hence there is a feeling of disempowerment (weakening).
When applied to the virtue of peace, as we 'give' our mental or emotional attention to the topic or idea of peace, we feed it with the invisible energy of our mind or consciousness; as a result it grows from a thought into a deep feeling of peace and the final result is the experience of inner peace – not only do our thoughts and feelings become peaceful, but our words and actions are also filled with a peaceful vibration, which is not restricted to us but which others around us also experience and absorb. Inner peace is not a state of timidity or submissiveness. It is a state of inner power. Experiment with the thoughts we will mention tomorrow in our meditation. Using the meditation as an example, you could meditate on other qualities such as fearlessness, love, humility, happiness, tolerance, flexibility, or any other quality you would like to strengthen or enhance within yourself.
(To be continued tomorrow …)
Message for the day 14-09-2012
Change comes with what is done than what is thought of.
Expression: Thinking about others' actions can give a headache. Instead it is good to think about what is to be done. If someone is doing something wrong, instead of risking one's peace by raising complaints in the mind, it is good to do something to change the situation. When this is done, it creates good feelings for others. These good feelings become like ointments that heal wounds and re-establish friendship and relationships.
Experience: When I am able to think about what is to be done in all circumstances, I can find myself progressing. There will naturally be the understanding that there can be nothing that can be done to change the other person, so I am able to be happy and content under all circumstances. Yet I am able to have the enthusiasm to make effort to change the situation.
In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 13-09-2012
Soul Sustenance 13-09-2012
Fulfilling Desires By Changing Your Belief System (Part 2)
We have been holding a lot of incorrect beliefs as to what can lead us to back to our eternal and original state (these states were discussed in yesterday’s message) and many of our actions are based on these beliefs. We have mentioned a few examples of incorrect beliefs below. There are many more, which you could reflect on.
Lust and attachment increases love in a relationship.
Anger is necessary for success in relationships and is important for getting work done and gaining respect. It provides a mental upsurge of energy.
Greed attracts physical prosperity and brings happiness.
Ego is power; a person with no ego is generally timid or submissive.
Worry prepares us for the worst, worrying for someone close is expressing our love for them.
Being emotional and crying for our loved ones in bad times, is expressing love for them. Being emotional and crying in good times is expressing and experiencing joy.
Gossiping increases social bonding and gives one an experience of joy.
Jealousy inspires us to do better and achieve more.
The Supreme Teacher changes our belief system and not only makes us aware of these incorrect beliefs but reconditions us by incorporating correct beliefs inside us so that we start performing karmas or actions based on them and start progressing towards our eternal and original state.
Message for the day 13-09-2012
God's love brings out the best from within.
Expression: God, who is an image of perfection, becomes a source of inspiration and power for the one who is connected to Him. with the connection with God, and with an experience of His love, it becomes easy to be in touch with the innate qualities of peace and purity. In all circumstances, the presence of Godbecomes a great motivator to express the inner beauty.
Experience: When I am deeply connected with God, I am able to be connected with the innate beauty. God's love becomes a source of energy to connect me back to my innate beauty. Thus I find that I am able to maintain this inner beauty under all circumstances. I am not negatively influenced by the situations or people.
In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 12-09-2012
Soul Sustenance 12-09-2012
Fulfilling Desires By Changing Your Belief System (Part 1)
One most important characteristic that differentiates the Supreme Soul from human souls is that the Supreme Soul is the only entity that exists in this World Drama that is completely desire-less and remains that way eternally. If we were to make a list of desires that human beings have, we would name a lot many and various different types of desires. Whatever karma or action any soul performs at different points in the World Drama, whether positive or even negative, pure or even impure, they are all performed to fulfill these different types of desires. But when seen from a spiritual perspective, whatever the external form of the desire may be, the internal desire is always very simple – to go back to its eternal (or inert) state of peace or original state of peace, love, joy and power. The eternal or inert state of each soul is the state in which it exists before it begins its journey of birth and rebirth, when it resides in the soul world and the original state of each soul is the state in which it exists when it has just begun its journey of birth and rebirth i.e. at the beginning of the birth-rebirth cycle. Even negative karmas based on the personality traits of anger, greed, ego, lust, etc. may externally seem to be filled with violence or impurity, but internally, each time any soul performs such karmas, all it desires is a return to its eternal and original state (we shall explain this in tomorrow’s message). But it does not realize how these karmas take the soul away and not close to these states.
This is where the role of the Supreme Soul comes in. The Supreme Soul is completely desire-less and possesses the capability, knowledge and power to fulfill these desires of the soul.
Being the Supreme Teacher, He guides and teaches us what are the right karmas or actions that can help us fulfill our desires and take us closer to our eternal and original state and which actions, take us away from it. Also He is the only one who can teach us how to connect with Him so that these desires are fulfilled, because he is the Ocean of all the qualities that exist inside us in our eternal and original state and connecting with Him fills us with these qualities. The connection and the right actions, both, are vital for our progress.
(To be continued tomorrow…)
Message for the day 12-09-2012
Concentration on positive thoughts brings power and growth.
Expression:Whatever thoughts are concentrated upon, those thoughts become powerful. It is like the growth of a seed. When a thought, a positive thought, is planted in the mind and it is concentrated upon, it becomes like sunlight adding energy. The more the concentration on them these thoughts begin to grow.
Experience: When I am able to create a positive thought, each morning and water it with attention throughout the day, I am able to find myself becoming more and more powerful. Negative circumstances or people with negativity do not influence me but I become a powerful source for finishing that negativity. I am able to maintain this positive thought under all circumstances.
In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 11-09-2012
Soul Sustenance 11-09-2012
“Karmas” In Spiritual Consciousness (Part 2)
Vikarmas or negative actions are those actions performed in body-consciousness. Sukarmas or positive actions are those actions performed in soul and Supreme Soul-consciousness. Given below are some more differences between the two (we had explained a few yesterday):
Body Consciousness: Relationships become bondages (burdens) and causes of sorrow rather than enjoyment.
Spiritual Consciousness: Relationships with others are purified and elevated. There is no sense of bondage.
Body Consciousness: Conflicts, which can be called clashes of sanskaras, occur between souls. There is negativity, sensitivity and disunity.
Spiritual Consciousness: Souls are able to harmonize with each other with happiness and peace.
Body Consciousness: Actions are performed to attract or impress others by the physical identity.
Spiritual Consciousness: Actions are performed to bring others also into relationship with the Supreme Soul.
Body Consciousness: Charity performed for others has the shadow of ego and has limited results.
Spiritual Consciousness: The highest charity of introducing other souls to the Supreme Soul is performed selflessly through thoughts, words and actions.
Message for the day 11-09-2012
To be free from attachment of one's own qualities is to have the ability to work on the self.
Expression:The main form of attachment of the self is the attachment to both one's own specialities and weaknesses. When there is the ability to free oneself from this kind of attachment there is the ability to work on both. There is the awareness of them, but not bound by them. There is the ability to use specialities with love and according to the need. There is also special attention given to finish weaknesses.
Experience: When I am free from attachment, I am aware of them, but there is neither arrogance of the specialities nor any inferior feelings for the presence of the negativity within me. I am able to experience detachment from them and able to use my specialities with ease. I am not disturbed with the presence of the weaknesses but am able to win over them with ease.
In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris
Monday, September 10, 2012
Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 10-09-2012
Soul Sustenance 10-09-2012
“Karmas” In Spiritual Consciousness (Part 1)
The soul creates its destiny according to the karmas or actions it performs. Vikarmas or negative actions are those actions performed in body-consciousness. Sukarmas or positive actions are those actions performed in soul and Supreme Soul-consciousness. Given below is a list of differences between the two:
Body Consciousness: The soul is influenced by any of the vices; principally anger, greed, ego, lust or attachment.
Spiritual Consciousness: The soul brings its original qualities of peace, power, purity, love and bliss into action
Body Consciousness:The soul is unable to settle its past karmic accounts and so karmic debts accumulate.
Spiritual Consciousness:The soul balances out its karmic debt and actually begins to accumulate or store credit.
Body Consciousness:Actions cause sorrow and loss for the self and others in contact.
Spiritual Consciousness:Actions fill the self and others with happiness and peace.
(To be continued tomorrow ….)
Message for the day 10-09-2012
True honesty brings clarity about the self.
Expression: Honesty doesn't mean just speaking the truth. Honesty means being clear with oneself. Then it naturally brings clarity about one's own capabilities. This clear understanding enables one to do the best according to the capacity. It gives the recognition of a higher step that can be climbed and brings the humility to learn from the different lessons of life.
Experience: When I am honest I am able to know my own limitations and accept them with love. This acceptance keeps me busy with what I can do and also silently makes me ready for the next step. When time comes, I am able to do it, because I have already prepared myself for it. I don't stop when situations demand more from me because there is total clarity within.
In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris
Sunday, September 09, 2012
Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 09-09-2012
Soul Sustenance 09-09-2012
To Complement And Not To Compete (Part 2)
We all have a place within this beautiful embroidery of life; let us know it, enjoy it, express it as our right, but never overdo it because we feel our role or position is 'more advanced', or 'better' than others. Sometimes, when there is a sense of personal or collective emptiness, there is the need to be recognized, which creates attachment to your own talents, role or virtues.
We have to learn to complement rather than compete. Nature works on the principle of complementarity. This can be seen with the seasons, day and night, the continual cyclical process of birth, growth, maturity, decay, death and rebirth. Even our bodies work on this principle. Look at the face! Each face has two eyes, one nose, one mouth, two ears, all in the right position and functioning in an appropriate way. Which of these is more important? Would you say the eyes are more important, so you would prefer to have three eyes and no nose? Or would you say the nose is more important, so you would prefer to have three noses and no ears? We cannot think like this because it is absurd and illogical. Each feature has equal value and when we recognize the equal value of all things, then we stop being illogical - comparing, competing, feeling superior or inferior, or striving to be what we are not. In a society that functions, can everyone be a doctor, an engineer or a farmer? Everyone has different talents and positions because different tasks have to be fulfilled if the whole society is to run well. If we examine life carefully, we realize that the recognition of this principle of complementarity is the basis of creating a peaceful and happy coexistence, because the vision of equality respects and honors the differences.
Message for the day 09-09-2012
To use the gift that one has is to be powerful.
Expression: Each one has surely been bestowed with a special gift, a gift that is unique to each one. The one who recognizes this fact is able to use it for the purpose of bringing benefit to one and all. Under all circumstances there is the ability to bring out the best from within the self. So there is the influence of that on all around and everyone is benefitted.
Experience: When I recognize my own uniqueness, I am able to remain free from comparison and competition. I am able to be in the state of self-respect of knowing who I am. This then keeps me content and peaceful. Along with this, I have a lot of enthusiasm to use this special gift of mine. So there is a constant experience of contentment along with progress.
In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris
Saturday, September 08, 2012
Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 08-09-2012
Soul Sustenance 08-09-2012
To Complement And Not To Compete (Part 1)
Harmony, well-being and the fulfillment of individual purpose are only possible when our consciousness is universal or inclusive (taking everyone into consideration) in the sense that we can recognize and appreciate the purpose and necessity of all things in life and, therefore, give them the space to express their basic right to be. When people, either on an individual or collective level are no longer universal or they are exclusive (no longer taking everyone into consideration), that is, when the foundation of their identity is based on ego and superiority, then harmony, peace and certainly love are lost both in the individual and in society. Individuals, societies, nations, religions and politics all do not remain universal when they are gifted a particular specialty, talent or position. While it is healthy and necessary to value who you are, it becomes most unhealthy and violent to become attached to your special qualities, making others feel inferior because they do not possess those same qualities. The reason for conflict, on any level, is nearly always this sense of right to dominate or suppress others because we feel we are better in one way or another. Unfortunately, in modern society, the idea of outdoing others in order to prove the value of the person, or idea, has overtaken the basic principle of life, which is complementarity. When we learn to complement rather than compete, there will be peace and, above all, self-respect. Self-respect means to recognize myself as I am and thus fulfill my purpose without injury to, or comparison with, others.
(To be continued tomorrow …)
Message for the day 08-09-2012
To understand the power of positivity is to finish negativity.
Expression: All it takes to finish darkness, is a little light. What is real is light and what needs to go away is darkness. In the same way, negativity is nothing but a lack of positivity. The one who is able to use positivity in situations, is able to finish negativity very naturally. There is a very powerful influence of this inner positivity, where no negativity of the self or the others remain.
Experience: When I am able to enable myself to use the power of positivity, I experience myself to be free from the influence of negativity. I am powerful in all situations, and deal with them with great ease. Others or situations don't have an influence on me. Instead I am able to influence others with my own commitment to positivity.
In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris
Friday, September 07, 2012
Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 07-09-2012
Soul Sustenance 07-09-2012
Taking Charge Of Your Responses In Close Relationships
In relationships with your loved ones, when looking at the other, sometimes positive emotions are generated and sometimes negative. On the one hand, joy, love and happiness is generated on being with them; but then attachment, dependency and expectations are generated.In such situations, you are more focused on others and are always looking at the other person's behavior, you stop seeing yourself and being aware of your reactions and taking the responsibility for the responses that you create.You get frustrated when the other person does not meet your expectations. As you depend on them, if they don't act as you would like, if they don't reach home or call you at the time you would like; all this frustrates you. You radiate this energy to the other: "they are not doing what they should be doing," and so you feel frustrated and discontented.
All the while that you hold the other one responsible for your frustration, you are not in charge of your own reactions, because you have given power to the other to dominate your emotional world. It is there that you lose your freedom. You lose your freedom because you give to the other, in the name of love, power over your own moods.You allow the other's energy to enter your inner world and cause inside you frustration, bad moods, irritation, sorrow and a mental and emotional dependence where you are constantly thinking about where they are, what they have to do, what they have to say, where they have to go, and all this consumes a lot of your mental energy. Wanting to control the other and the frustration that it brings with it uses up a lot of emotional energy.
Message for the day 07-09-2012
As is the seed so is the fruit.
Expression: Several times we find things happening unexpectedly. Yet, there should be the understanding that nothing is unexpected or a matter of chance but everything depends on the seeds previously planted. When there is this understanding there is no passiveness but there is an ability to take responsibility and better the situation.
Experience: Every thing I do has a deep significance and an importance for what I have to attain. When I understand this fact, I am able to make the most out of what I have. I am never discouraged by the negative results that I get today, nor do I take myself to a great height for the positive things that I get. I remain stable and make the best use of what I have.
In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris
Thursday, September 06, 2012
Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 06-09-2012
Soul Sustenance 06-09-2012
Role Consciousness To Soul Consciousness
Experience the following thoughts one after the other:
I am conscious of myself and of what is around me...
I look at my life as a detached observer...
I observe the different roles I play during the day...
I see to what point I am capable of releasing myself of the role after I have played it and the scene has ended…
I can be myself...
I am freed from my roles and the consciousness of my body with which I play the roles...
I become light, without any burdens, free of weight...
I am only pure consciousness, I am light...
I am a miniscule point of light that radiates from the centre of my forehead...
I radiate the innate qualities of my being...
I radiate vibrations of peace; I radiate vibrations of love...
I am peace, I am love, I am light...
Message for the day 06-09-2012
To make big things small is to remain in peace.
Expression: Many times life brings situations, which are difficult and seem impossible to work on. But there should be the ability to transform something as big as a mountain into something as small as a grain of sand. To do this means to look for solutions instead of looking at problems. It also means to make effort to find the right answers for the problems.
Experience: When I have the ability to look at things lightly, I will be able to make even big things as small. This gives me the courage to deal with situations with ease. Then I am able to remain in peace. Such a state of mind is naturally able to bring out the best solutions under all circumstances.
In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris
Wednesday, September 05, 2012
Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 05-09-2012
Soul Sustenance 05-09-2012
The Art Of Stepping In And Stepping Out In Relationships (Part 2)
In the same way as the gardener (explained yesterday), we have the duty, or rather the honor, of planting positive seeds of good intentions, love, respect and tolerance, at the same time allowing others and the forces of the universe to be given the space to work and respond according to their time and inclination. Very often we plant those seeds but want an immediate result: I have shown so much patience, but she doesn't change. or How much longer do I have to tolerate? I feel suppressed. We become attached to what we do, so there is no space for things to happen at their own appropriate time. Sometimes we have the wrong type of mercy, or we want to take control, thinking we know better, so we step into people's lives too much. This interference and lack of free space provokes hatred, resentment and conflict with others.
At other times, we get fed up with others; our tolerance and empathy is completely reduced and we say, I've had enough, or I have got to do my own thing and so we step out, but in a selfish way, that is, we isolate ourselves from others, or situations. We justify, or disguise, this isolation and rejection and dislike towards others with such phrases as, I need my own space or Let them stand on their own feet. In actual fact, we aren’t bothered anymore; we have stepped too far out of the picture because we have not cultivated the patience which allows the good and positive to germinate and grow in its own time. It is an art to know when to step back and when to step forward, but a very necessary one if well-being is to be achieved.
Message for the day 05-09-2012
To understand is to be easy and light.
Expression: Life brings obstacles and difficulties. They do not come to stop or hinder progress. They can strengthen and help in bringing progress with more experience. To understand this is to keep advancing. Understanding this aspect means to know that it is not always necessary to find a solution, it is enough to keep moving forward, leaving the obstacle behind.
Experience: True understanding is to understand what the solution of the problem is and bring it into my own life accordingly. When I am able to understand this instead of focussing too much on the problem, I am able to remain happy. This brings a lot of inner lightness and ease and thereby I am able to use all my strength in bringing about solutions.
In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris
Tuesday, September 04, 2012
Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 04-09-2012
Soul Sustenance 04-09-2012
The Art Of Stepping In And Stepping Out In Relationships (Part 1)
For any activity, or relationship to remain peaceful and successful, we must know how far to step in and how far to step out. It is like a gardener who sows seeds at the right time, steps in to plant and water them and then steps out of the picture to allow nature to carry on with her work. However, from time to time, he steps in again to see if there is enough water, if any insects are attacking the plants, if any food is needed. His role is to find the appropriate space for the potential beauty and uniqueness of the seeds to emerge; he does not create the flowers but facilitates their expression. The gardener does not step in too much; that would be called interference. After planting the seeds, he does not demand an immediate result; he does not dig them up next day to see if they have sprouted. He plays his role, fulfils his duty, but lets go because he understands the blooming of the flowers is not dependent on him. Nor does he let go too much. If he did, then the plants would die from lack of care, or the insects and weeds would destroy them. He does not let go so much that he isolates himself from the process. Instead, by knowing when to step in and when to step out, he creates a respectful partnership or relationship with nature.
Tomorrow we shall apply this example to real life relationships.
Message for the day 04-09-2012
To move towards perfection is to have commitment for goodness.
Expression: The one who has a desire to move towards perfection is constantly busy trying to add goodness and positivity to everything he does. The aim is not just to keep out negativity but it becomes more important to add positivity. So such a person finds constant progress in his life and slowly moves towards perfection.
Experience: WWhen I find little excuses to bring about positivity, I am able to enjoy each and every moment. I never find anything ordinary or waste but everything is meaningful and beautiful. I am able to enjoy the richness of each and everything and discover the hidden treasures in each and every moment. I find myself slowly moving towards perfection.
In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris
Monday, September 03, 2012
Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 03-09-2012
Soul Sustenance 03-09-2012
Where Does The Supreme Soul (God) Reside?
Where does the Supreme Soul (God) live? Is there somewhere I can go to see him, to be with him? Since he is a tiny star-like soul (energy) it is obvious that he does not pervade the physical universe. In fact he is beyond it. He is in one location and when I discover that location, I can connect with him with my mind wherever I am and whatever I am doing.
The home of the soul (from where the soul has come on the world stage) and the Supreme Soul is the region of subtle, golden-red light, the incorporeal world or Shantidham, which is a world beyond the five elements which can be visualized during meditation. It doesn't mean that the Supreme Being is millions of light years away. I can reach him in one thought, just as a correctly dialed telephone number connects me. He is only one thought away from me. In this region of absolute stillness, silence and purity, God, the Supreme Soul is able to remain perfectly stable, constant and unchanging, while the rest of the universe and the souls are changing around him, coming in the cycle of happiness and sorrow. The Father's home is also that of the children. Some people think that he dwells (resides) in the heart of human beings. In a figurative way he does, his love and other virtues are there in our hearts, but his real home is the soul world.
Message for the day 03-09-2012
To let go of worry of the problem is to find the right solution.
Expression: When the mind is caught up with any problem there is a great difficulty in finding solutions. Instead when the mind is free from worry, it finds the answers that lie within. So whatever the kind of situations or problems, the one who is free from worry is the one who is able to respond to the situation in the right way. Nor does such a person take time in making decisions during challenging times.
Experience: When I only continue to worry about my problems it is like cursing the darkness. It will not bring light. All I need to do is light a little lamp and I will find the light coming in slowly spreading all around. I find that it is very easy to find the solutions that are already within me.
In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris
Sunday, September 02, 2012
Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 02-09-2012
Soul Sustenance 02-09-2012
The Three Mirrors For Inner Beauty (Part 4)
The third mirror is the mirror of your own thoughts, words and actions – What you think and feel about yourself and others is invisible to others and only you know what it is. But you radiate your thoughts, feelings, emotions and attitudes through your facial expressions, your eyes, your words, your body language and your actions when you interact with others. That way your words and your actions act as a mirror in which to see yourself. You achieve this when you are a detached observer and you become aware of your responses, your reactions and how you express what arises from within you. This awareness of being an observer needs to be maintained sub-consciously throughout the day and consciously in the night by filling a daily chart before sleeping, on any three personality traits of your choice. Your main weaknesses or strengths you want to enhance should be included in the chart. We have explained the different types of traits that can be covered in a daily chart in our older messages. You could either evaluate these personality traits with a yes or no or perform a percentage wise evaluation like 50% or 80% for e.g. So it is a good practice to look into this mirror once in the night, before sleeping. This mirror will give you a review of the day that has gone by and make you careful for the next day. The daily chart is useful for this purpose. Filling a daily chart does not take more than a few seconds.
Finally and most importantly, always do remember thatthose who use these three mirrors actively and use them well to ensure that their internal self looks good and beautiful all the time become living mirrors for others. People who come in contact with them are able to see accurately what their internal self looks like. On seeing how beautiful and perfect they are, other people quickly realize their shortcomings or weaknesses and also take inspiration to become as beautiful, clean and virtuous beings as them.
Message for the day 02-09-2012
To be accepting means to give a chance to the other person to change.
Expression: When someone makes a mistake there is usually a feeling of guilt and a lot of negative feelings. At such a time if there is understanding and love, it helps the other person bring about a change. There will be always an environment of positivity provided by the one who understands and accepts. So anyone in this environment can bring about a change with great ease.
Experience: Only when I am able to accept can I bring about a change in the other person. When I accept I am able to see what the other person is lacking and provide him with it. So I am actually giving the other person a chance to change. Also when I accept others and understand them, others too are able to accept me and love me as I am. I find my relationships becoming more and more beautiful.
In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris
Saturday, September 01, 2012
Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 01-09-2012
Soul Sustenance 01-09-2012
The Three Mirrors For Inner Beauty (Part 3)
In the last two days’ messages, we have explained the first mirror for inner beauty.
The second mirror is the mirror of meditation – In the silence of meditation which is a connection or the experience of a relationship with the inner self and the Supreme Soul, each day you come close to and dive deep into both of them. When you create powerful, positive thoughts about the self and you also visualize your true spiritual self, you feel and experience your true virtuous being, what you are - radiant and free of all influences. That experience helps you to see yourself as you really are and in contrast to how you are now. Perhaps you feel peaceless, disturbed and dejected today, but by creating thoughts of peace and contentment in meditation you quickly realize that in reality that is your true nature. In that way, it serves as a mirror for self realization and checking and changing. When you visualize the Supreme Soul during meditation and experience His virtues, it helps you to see and quickly realize yourself in contrast to Him and make the required changes in yourself because the child should reflect the qualities of the Father.
So a good practice then is to look into this mirror and check yourself once in the morning before the day’s activities and once before sleeping for 10 minutes each time. Also, since this is the most powerful mirror, it is extremely vital to carry this mirror with you throughout the day and check yourself in it for one minute after every hour. This may sound too much time given to the inner self to many, but all of us are aware that like an untidy, unkempt external self is not pleasing to the self and does not create a favorable impression on those who come in contact with us, in the same way that applies to the inner self also. So one minute spent in looking into this mirror and doing some self-introspection and checking and changing will keep us looking good for the next fifty nine minutes and if we do mess up internally during those fifty nine minutes, then corrections can be made quickly in the next one minute break – it’s as simple as that.
(To be continued tomorrow ….)
Message for the day 01-09-2012
The one who has courage to bring about a change is free from excuses
Expression: For the one who recognizes the need for bringing about a change, every situation is an excuse for doing something new. If there is no commitment to change in every situation, excuses are given and others are blamed. So there is nothing new that is done and nothing new achieved.
Experience: Life becomes very interesting for me when I am willing to take up the challenges that it brings. I am not afraid of new situations and challenges but am able to make the best out of the situation, I am free from fear and have the courage to bring about a change easily and naturally.
In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris