Friday, June 30, 2023

5 Steps Of Co-operation For A Joyful World (Part 1)

5 Steps Of Co-operation For A Joyful World (Part 1) 

The most beautiful emotion of our everyday lives is joy which all of us most naturally want to experience and love experiencing. Our world that we all are inhabitants of was once a land full of joy and enthusiasm. The same world, as it has become older with time has lost its happiness and today almost each and every individual in the world has some challenging situations in their lives, which can at times stop them from remaining joyful always. It is worth wondering as to how we can transform the complete world into a place full of joy and lightness. Each and everyone's every thought, word and action of co-operation is required to fulfill this purpose. This purpose may seem difficult but it is very much possible. Let's look at 5 important steps of co-operation that we can take to fulfill this purpose:

1. When I Change, The World Will Change - The first and foremost step towards world transformation is changing the self. A very common thought of laziness or excuse that we think is allowable at times is that by my change itself, how can the world change, a world with a population of eight billion people. But it is important to realize that when I change, my family will change. When every family changes, our society will change and when our society will change our city and then our country will change. Finally with each country becoming happier, the world will change. So, let's take that first step of making myself happier by creating positive thoughts and becoming more emotionally stronger. Hold the hands of spiritual wisdom and meditation in your life. Make them your close companions and within a short period of time, your thoughts of worry, anxiety, fear, low self-esteem and insecurity will become a distant past for you and you will become lighter and happier. This happiness will radiate to the world around you.

(To be continued tomorrow …)


Message for the day

The sweetness of the mind brings sweetness in words and interactions.

There is an understanding of the need for being sweet in words and interactions. But this sweetness can be expressed only when there is sweetness in the mind. Sweetness of the mind means there is not even a trace of negativity. Such a mind is further open to all that is nice and beautiful and expresses its own freshness and beauty in interactions. 

Experience: When I am able to keep my mind sweet, i.e., free from any kind of bitterness or ill-feelings, I am able to experience the beauty of life. There is no feeling of sorrow or negativity but the mind is nurtured to further positivity with everything that comes its way. I am then able to experience constant growth and progress.

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Inhale Strengths, Exhale Weaknesses

Inhale Strengths, Exhale Weaknesses

We all set fitness goals and work out daily for a few minutes. But while we exercise or practice breathing techniques, unaware, our mind can create negative thoughts of worry, fear and pain. So our body gets strengthened but our mind gets depleted. With just one small practice during workouts, or even any time during the day, we can energize our mind effortlessly. With each breath - Inhale a strength, Exhale a weakness. When you set out to practice any form of physical workout – walk, jog, exercise, yoga, pranayam or breath-control techniques – what do you think of, all that while? Do you generally remain aware, or do you become clueless about anything and everything that comes to your mind? During physical workouts, we let the mind drift into randomly thinking – about challenges, other people, brood over past, worry about future, make up scenarios, or indulge in gossip. We energize the body on the one side, but our unnecessary thoughts and conversations radiate dis-empowering vibrations to the body. Let's ensure that the 20 minutes give us both physical and emotional health. Let's workout in silence or have very little conversation, but every thought and word needs to be empowering. Every breath in-and-out can happen with the right thoughts - inhale strengths and exhale emotional toxins, for example – I'm inhaling happiness, I'm exhaling worry. Take care of your thoughts, remembering that an emotionally fit mind radiates healing energy to the body.

Remember always that you are a peaceful being. Peace comes to you naturally. Be relaxed throughout the day, in your interactions, in responding to situations. Take care of your body and mind. Every morning set aside 20 minutes to meditate, 20 minutes to exercise, energize your mind and body. While exercising direct your thoughts in a beneficial way and remain focused on your breath. With each breath, remain mindful, ease your state of mind. Think of a strength with each inhalation, think of a weakness in yourself with each exhalation. Inhale peace, exhale stress, inhale compassion, exhale anger, inhale faith, exhale fear. With each breath take in powerful vibrations and expel negative energy out. Regulate your breath, regulate your thoughts, heal your body, heal your mind. Practice this even during the day, while working, travelling, watching TV. Effortlessly use your breath to your advantage, to feel powerful, refreshed, confident. When a challenge arises, you will find it easy to avoid auto-pilot reactions and you will create right thoughts and respond with awareness and stability. You will cross the situation easily and remain relaxed and stress-free.


Message for the day

To be free from weakness means to have the power to mould.

When there is a weakness, it becomes difficult to mould according to the needs of the situation. Weakness creates hardness and rigidity not allowing the situations to create internal beauty. So the one who is constantly working with one's own weakness finds it difficult to stop the negativity from being expressed immediately. The weakness is revealed inspite of making effort not to and there is unpleasantness created. 

Experience: To have the ability to mould means to become real gold. I become as flexible and beautiful as pure gold, which is ready to take beautiful shapes when it comes under the influence of the heat of the situation. So I have no hard feelings for having to adjust, but I am able to enjoy the beauty I create and the joy I spread.

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Respect and Regard - Are They Different?

Respect and Regard - Are They Different? 

Regard and respect are different, contrary to popular belief. Regard is an external gesture of courtesies and protocols, given for people's roles and positions. Respect is internal, a feeling and vibration radiated for who the person is. Regard may vary, but respect should be equal for everyone. What are your parameters for respecting people and giving regard to them? How well do you treat someone who is junior to you by age or designation, or has achieved lesser than you? Do you believe regard is same as respect? Our roles and positions in society are different. We called the roles higher and lower. We also mixed respect and regard. Respect is a feeling for what a person is. Regard is an outer gesture for people's achievements, roles and possessions. We need to extend courtesies and follow protocols externally, according to people roles and positions. So regard is for people's role. Respect is for the being, for who we are. Since we are all equally pure, equally beautiful and equal beings, respect should not vary. Every individual is to be equally and uniformly respected. Radiate nice thoughts, speak well and behave cordially with people. This is how respect radiates to them. Your regard can vary based on what they have, but your respect for them shouldn't. 

Respect is the foundation of your relationships, separate respect and regard. Give respect for the Being and give regard for their Doing. Extend regard for people's age, knowledge, achievements, wealth, roles or position. Do not equate regard with respect. Your respect should not change according to people's role. There can be differences of opinion but you continue to respect them. Respect yourself and radiate respect to all. Respect every individual for who they are, for their qualities, nature. Your every interaction should begin with a pure vibration to the individual. Before meeting anyone, first create a thought for them as Beautiful being or Peaceful person and then you talk to them and come into action. Respect everyone by accepting their behavior and not questioning it. Connect to who they are and before connecting to the roles they play, build a foundation of authentic respect. Your vibrations of thoughts, words and behaviour should be the same for everyone, your respect should be uniform for everyone.


Message for the day

Feelings change intentions, thus changing actions too.

When there are negative feelings like jealousy or hatred towards another person, those feelings naturally create misunderstanding. Even if the other person has a good feeling while doing something, a negative intention is attributed and this naturally changes one's own behaviour or response making it negative too.

Experience: When there is the slightest bit of negative feeling within me for someone, it naturally creates further negativity from others too. I find everything I come across to be negative, like the one who wears coloured glasses sees everything to be of that particular colour.