Monday, June 03, 2024

Realizing The Soul And How It Works (Part 2)

Realizing The Soul And How It Works (Part 2) 

The soul is a non-physical energy which runs the physical body in a manner which can be compared to how electrical energy runs a television set. If there is no electricity, inspite of a complex machine which a television set is and with all its parts, big or small, it will not be able to show us images of the world. It will not be able to keep us updated about the world's events. In the same manner, the physical body with its various parts and different systems cannot function without the existence of the soul inside it. As soon as the soul leaves the body, the heart and other organs stop working, even the brain does not function. The soul is a prime mover of the body. The soul is located inside the brain near the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, which are parts of the brain. It controls the five sense organs – eyes, nose, ears, tongue and hands through the brain and with the help of the nervous and hormonal systems. The brain functions as a bridge between the soul and the different body parts.


The brain's activity detected by various sensitive instruments that science has given is caused due to the existence of the soul. If there is no non-physical soul which actually thinks, inside the body, then there will be no activity detected inside the physical brain i.e. the brain will be silent. It's the mind which actually thinks and not the brain. The mind is non-physical and is a part of the non-physical soul. We can also compare the soul and physical body relationship with a computer. The brain is like a CPU or central processing unit of the computer, whereas the soul is like a programmer of the computer. The brain expresses all thought, word and action programs received from the soul, through the body. The body is like the monitor of the computer which displays the final version of what has been processed by the brain. As we think, the brain, which is a physical organ of the body, picks up these signals from the non-physical soul. The signals or orders which the brain has detected are then converted into various actions performed by the body. Non-physical instructions of the soul are given a physical form by the brain and brought into action.

(To be continued tomorrow …)


Message for the day

True victory lies in inspiring courage in others too.

Expression: The one who is victorious enables others to be victorious too. Such a person will never make the other person seem any less. He will never allow the other person to feel defeated because the one who is victorious is a bestower. He has the ability to give courage to others and fill with hope to achieve something better. 

Experience: When I have the feeling of being victorious, I would naturally want others too to experience the same. I would look for ways to give courage and support to the ones who are losing. This will never let me lose hope in myself or in others and will also win the trust and good wishes of others. So there is a constant experience of being victorious.

Sunday, June 02, 2024

Nothing New - The Wisdom For Difficult Situations

Nothing New - The Wisdom For Difficult Situations 

Why is it that many times when we face a new negative situation, we feel it's more difficult than the previous situations and this time it will not be easy to pass the situation. Also, our mind becomes filled with thoughts of possible failure and our faith in ourselves, in life and also in God tends to shake. Suddenly life seems full of darkness, and we are no longer as happy as we were before the situation came in our life. Also, we don't interact enthusiastically with others and sometimes our health and personal and professional work also gets affected negatively. What is the solution to this and how should we learn from every negative situation, use it to make ourselves powerful and not fear it at all. Also, how can we keep this positive and powerful mental state constant? 

The wisdom given by God, to remember in such situations is Nothing New. Nothing New means that I have filled my mind with the experience of passing many difficult negative situations in the past and based on that experience, this situation is not new to me and I know that the way I had, with God's positive help, support and powers passed those old situations, I will do the same now also. I am just repeating my actions again. I already know the result as being positive and I am sure of it. I am also sure that God will help me again this time also. The only thing that separates me from the positive end result is time and patience is the road to success. I take the road and don't bother about the different stages of the situation that I pass on the road. Some stages may be favourable and some may sometimes not be so favourable. But I am sure, based on my past experience, that every stage will pass. I have to only keep moving ahead in God's remembrance, on the road of patience and the more I do that, the more I will receive God's help at every stage, and He is completely responsible for resolving the situation. I am only acting in the situation, according to God's guidance, who knows all aspects of the situations better than me and because He is very wise, He knows what is best for me and the situation. I have always been victorious and will be victorious again.


Message for the day

Determination fills a thought with power.

Expression: Any thought which is added with determination automatically brings confidence. This confidence naturally fills the thought with power. When there is the thought, 'I can do it', there is surely the power to do it. Then there are no distractions, nor is there any comparision with others. All resources are put to the maximum use and the task is accomplished.

Experience: When I am able to fill my positive thoughts with the power of determination, I am able to bring all my special thoughts and plans into action immediately. I am able to feel the satisfaction of bringing equality into my thoughts, words and actions. There is no feeling of helplessness, but there is only confidence and courage in doing what I am supposed to do.

Saturday, June 01, 2024

Being Stable In Criticism

Being Stable In Criticism

Regardless of the form it takes and the intentions behind it, criticism can be difficult to accept. But if we learn how to deal with it, we can certainly benefit from the feedback. A large part of criticism directed towards us is not in our control, but how we respond to it is always our choice. No matter who you are or what you do, does someone always judge you? Even if things seem to be going well, do you find people criticizing your ideas, behaviors, talents, efforts or results? Like it or not, criticism is unavoidable so it helps to take it in our stride. We need to be stable in the face of criticism. It usually comes with an energy of anger, insult, disrespect or rejection. So, more than the feedback itself, the accompanying vibrations hit us hard. Yet, we have the choice to only accept the feedback and be untouched by the negative vibrations accompanying it. People's criticism is more about them than about us. It mirrors their weak state of mind – their hurt, their worries, their insecurities and their personalities. Basically, they are in pain and are relaying it to us. Our role is to understand, empathize and not radiate negative energy back to them. You have the power to make things better or worse when criticized. Be courteous to them, validate their words and improve yourself if needed. Otherwise release that scene from your mind. Remain stable in criticism, just as you remain stable in appreciation. Know yourself well and do not get disturbed when someone criticizes you.

Sometimes when sharing their feedback, people are rude, they criticize you. Pause and think through the criticism, check if it is valid. If yes, thank them and improve yourself. If not, let go, do not create any thoughts about what they say. Remain stable and don't react or argue or defend. Just state your views assertively. Understand they might be disturbed, jealous or insecure. Understand they are different, they are only expressing their opinion, which is based on their personality. Know your strengths and work on your weaknesses. Do not take criticism personally. Remain detached as you see their nature.


Message for the day

To end waste means to be free from defeat.

Expression: The one with faith in the intellect always remains at a distance from waste, whether it is waste thoughts, wste words or waste actions. To move away from waste means to be victorious. The one who is free from waste is busy with the positive and useful. Such a person is constantly searching for solutions and trying to make the best out of the situation.

Experience: It is because of waste that I sometimes experience defeat and sometimes victory. If I am able to finish waste, I am able to finish defeat. Because whatever the situation may be, however challenging it may be, if I am able to finish waste I am able to recognise the benefit that is merged within it and so I am able to experience being constantly victorious.