Friday, August 16, 2024

Start Feeling People's Vibrations

Start Feeling People's Vibrations

When you meet someone, where does your attention go? One: you focus on how they appear and what they're wearing. Two: you focus on what they say and what they do. Let's shift to the third option: focus on how their vibration feels. When we feel someone's vibrations, we understand them accurately. Do you feel a very heavy energy when working with a particular person, and you just wait to move away? Have you sensed a good vibe from a person you barely spend an hour with, and you wish to meet them more often? We are usually quick to judge people by external factors of how they appear, how they are dressed, their position, vocabulary and body language – we are missing the point. People's vibrations reveal who they truly are. Each person carries their vibrations, and we can feel them by pay a little attention. When we silence our mind and turn away attention from visible parameters, we sense invisible energies, their vibes. It helps us understand the other person's nature and intentions. The next time you meet someone, feel their vibes. Words or behaviors may be deceptive but vibrations cannot lie. 

Radiate your authentic vibrations to others. Likewise, take your focus to a higher frequency when you meet someone, to find out what is the vibration of the person is, do not get stuck at lower vibrations, choose to feel the vibrations and energy of everyone you meet, silence your mind and shift your focus on how they feel. Feel their energy field, feel their intentions, recognize them and understand them as they are. Trust your intuition and then choose a response that is right for you and the situation and take your interaction forward. Do not get entangled in their vibrations. As you go beyond external factors, you no longer get carried away by any falsehood or artificialness in people. Reading people's energy fields sharpens your intuition.


Message for the day

To do what is right for all is to remain happy.

Expression: The one who is always concerned for others is the one who can do right for others. There is constant benefit for others merged in every action of such a person. Because of having given without expectation, there is happiness in everything that is done. There is also uniqueness and speciality revealed in every action.

Experience: I experience double benefit, because there is happiness in the effort as well as in the result of that effort. There is constant success experienced by me. I am also able to receive the good wishes and blessings from others and I further get encouraged to use my speciality. So I constantly experience progress in my life.

Stop Running The Race … Enjoy The Present Moment (Part 4)

Stop Running The Race … Enjoy The Present Moment (Part 4) 

It is also important to keep a balanced mind, while we are working on something. Anger, aggression, ego or greed can create imbalance in our thoughts. When we experience being ourselves and are at ease with life, we feel the energy to adventure into anything that's possible. If we are able to balance effort with ease, we are still moving towards our goals and with an equal amount of aspiration, but at the same time, appreciating the flow of life with it. When we are able to realize that it is ultimately virtues like joy, freedom and happiness that are important for us, these virtues act as a compass to help us direct our efforts towards our goals with more peace and composure. Being in touch with our original values and positive feelings in every situation helps us in making correct life decisions. When efforts are accompanied by only a lose attachment to the goal, we experience a flow. Perfect people, places or opportunities arise for us, without feeling that too much effort went into it. This success may or may not look like success to everybody, but to us, it will feel so. 

Practicing meditation and detachment can help us remain in soul consciousness and emphasize experiencing being over doing. Our health, inner well-being and own definition of success is more important than any job, salary, degree or anyone else's opinion about us. We can, therefore, consciously create a situation of peace and happiness, where the rising tide of expectation is controlled. We are then no longer troubled by unfulfilled needs and even the most ordinary experiences become enjoyable.


Message for the day

The one who is responsible is the one who is always light.

Expression: To be resposnsible means to do everything with the best of one's ability. It comes with the recognition and the understanding of the importance of the task. No action is wasted, but everything meaningfully connects to the fulfillment of the task. So there are not even ordinary actions, but only those that are meaningful.

Experience: When I take up every task that I need to do with full responsibility, I am able to give my best. Then I will be able to be light having done my task well and in time. There is never the pressure of work, but there is plenty of time for the self and for others. I also find my inner resources being used to the fullest extent.

Stop Running The Race … Enjoy The Present Moment (Part 3)

Stop Running The Race … Enjoy The Present Moment (Part 3) 

We should also free ourselves from the belief that it is only the future which counts the most. In this treadmill of achieving socially valid goals, we keep trying to win a prize that eventually dissolves in our own hands, before we even feel the slightest of happiness of having achieved it. We also fail to notice so many potentially fulfilling experiences of the present in this race. The most crucial step in freeing ourselves is the ability to find rewards in the events of each moment. If we learn to enjoy and find meaning in the ongoing stream of experience, the burden of stress for achieving something often falls down from one's shoulders. Inner power returns when rewards are no longer externally connected. We learn to enjoy the genuine rewards of life and stop running after the prize that is sometimes just out of reach.

Once we have defined our goals, the learnings gained from overcoming obstacles along the way, leave us feeling more skilled, unique and capable. In the process of getting these individual accomplishments, an attitude of collaboration and co-operation with others can add a sense of harmony and fulfillment in life. We learn to be more sensitive to life, when we cultivate a space for care and respect for other souls and their ideas and lives that are beyond the physical self. This human integration and flow makes the present more enjoyable and it adds self-confidence to us, which allows us to build skills and also make significant contributions to our family, friendships, workplace and society.

(To be continued tomorrow …)


Message for the day

The one who is open to learning always finds an opportunity to learn and change.

Expression: Life has plenty of opportunities for the one who wants to learn. Each situation and person that comes one's way is an instrument for a new learning. Constant learning brings about a deep internal change and progress in one's life.

Experience: When I am able to learn from all that happens, I am able to be content for both what I have learnt and the change that I have been able to bring about. This contentment also keeps me enthusiastic and my mind open for further learning. I naturally become an embodiment of what I have learnt.