Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Overcoming The Fear Of Public Speaking

Overcoming The Fear Of Public Speaking 

Many of us feel nervous, shy, break into sweat or fear the thought of public speaking. Did you know that public speaking is among the most feared activities in the world? Some of us feel it is not our strength and fear being judged. Public speaking is an essential skill to effectively convey what we want to.

1. Your thoughts, feelings, personality, values – they are all a packet of your energy called vibrations. These vibrations reach people before your words. They are the first level of your communication with others. So keep them pure.

2. Meditation and daily study of spiritual wisdom every morning keeps your thoughts clean and less. When you start thinking right and positive, you will no longer need to be careful with your words. You will speak what you think, believe and live by.

3. Focus on conveying the message, not on impressing your listeners. Do not compare or compete with others. Stand by the truth, untouched by people's opinion.

4. Visualize yourself respectfully sharing what is in your inner consciousness - your wisdom, skills, views or experiences with a selfless intention of giving. Visualize people who receive your message getting positively influenced.


Message for the day

To be free from worry means to have the power to change negative into positive.

Expression: The ones who are free from worry change that which is bad into something good, because the state of mind is calm. The one with a calm state of mind is able to think creatively and see very clearly even beyond the situation. So there is the ability to transform the seemingly negative situation into something very positive. So there is clear decision-making and quick action. There is also no time wasted. 

Experience: When I am free from worry, I constantly remain satisfied for having seen the positive and finding the solutions immediately instead of looking at the problem and worrying over it. This internal silence gives the feeling of power, which naturally enables transformation in a second and only the goodness is absorbed.