Monday, May 13, 2024

Taking Care Of What Is Eternal And Permanent

Taking Care Of What Is Eternal And Permanent

We are living a life which is full of identities which are temporary and only restricted to one birth. In our very busy lifestyles, which is based more on the physical identity, it is very easy to forget who we are spiritually, not only because we do not have the correct wisdom of what is our permanent identity or who we are spiritually but also because all our physical identities like name, age, gender, looks, external personality, education, profession, relationship, nationality, language, religion, etc. pull us towards them throughout the day. But, as God has made us realize spiritually that all these identities keep changing in every birth and if we keep getting attached to them in each birth and then keep losing them, the soul becomes tired and its happiness and lightness reduces. This is what is happening today with every soul in the world. This is causing soul fatigue and the soul in its journey of many births, is slowly losing its strength as a result of that.

At the present moment, God is making us soul-conscious and making us realize that if we want to strengthen the soul again, after such a long journey of many births, then we need to first start doing every action in the day in the remembrance of our spiritual self, so that we do not lose any more of our spiritual strength and also connect with the Supreme Being or God through His remembrance and the technique of meditation, so that we increase our strength. Along with this, we also need to nurture the soul with beautiful qualities of God, important specialties which benefit the self and others, sanskars and beliefs based on spiritual wisdom, an attitude of self-respect and giving respect to others, determination and will power for bringing about change in the self, spiritual attainments of different types from God and also give our thoughts and time in creating a new and beautiful world which will fill us with the nature of a world server. All these different attributes we will carry with us in our future births and all these will make the soul full of what it requires in very birth. Also, our physical reality of every birth will benefit from them also and become eternally beautiful.


Message for the day

To fill the ones who are hopeless with hope is the greatest service.

Expression: To have faith by seeing the positive qualities even in the most negative person is to fill them with hope. Also to fill hope means to encourage others to move forward in the most negative situation. When this is done they are able to use their potentials for a positive purpose and slowly bring about a change for the better.

Experience: When I am able to see positivity under all circumstances, I am able to have the courage and enthusiasm to make the best out of every situation. This also naturally makes me an inspiration for those around me too and makes me an image of support for those who want to make effort.