Friday, October 31, 2014

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 31-10-2014

Soul Sustenance 31-10-2014

Meditation - A Process Of Cleansing, Dialogue And Joining (Part 3)

Meditation can be defined as a process of cleansing, a process of dialogue and a process of joining. Today we take up:


We can take the third meaning of meditation from the Sanskrit word yoga. By understanding this word, we learn how to get divine cooperation, or put in another way, a certain external spiritual power that can liberate us and help us to dialogue positively with the self (explained yesterday). The word yoga means bringing together or joining again. Joining again with what or with whom? Firstly, with our original and eternal self: the soul, and secondly, with the eternal Supreme Source of all positive power and energy; this Source helps us to recharge ourselves with energy and to know ourselves.

At this time in the history of humanity, humans have lost the mastery and control over themselves. They do not have continual peace or a sense of purpose, happiness or fullness. The human soul needs to be recharged. Although the soul has great potential in its inner self, it needs a source of external energy for the latent (hidden) powers and virtues to emerge, just as occurs with seeds in nature. The seeds of plants and trees have their own source of inner energy. However, this energy cannot be released without the actions of an external energy source, in this case the energy of the sun. Through the power of sunlight, the seeds in the earth will sprout and flourish. The human body has its own energy, but needs external sources of energy on a daily basis: air, sunlight, water and food. Without these external sources, the human body would die. The external source of power that helps the latent virtues emerge in the human being is not physical, since the human soul is not physical either. This source of power has traditionally been called God or the Supreme Being: in fact it has been given many names.

(To be continued tomorrow….)

Message for the day 31-10-2014

To be flexible is to enjoy everything that life brings.

Expression: When I plan perfectly for the day ahead, I sometimes find that I am not able to implement all that I had planned for. Things seem to be coming up unexpectedly spoiling everything for me. I am then not able to be happy with what is happening and so find it difficult to do my best in the particular situation.

Experience: It is as important to be flexible in my thoughts as it is to be particular about my daily schdule. Flexibility allows me to accommodate the unforeseen situations that come up my way and enables me to make the best use of everything. And so I enjoy everything that comes my way.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

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Thursday, October 30, 2014

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 30-10-2014

Soul Sustenance 30-10-2014

Meditation - A Process Of Cleansing, Dialogue And Joining (Part 2)

Meditation can be defined as a process of cleansing, a process of dialogue and a process of joining. Today we take up:


In Greek, the word meditation is translated as dialogismos, from which comes the English word dialogue. Meditation is a dialogue with oneself, with the true self; a very necessary process for developing self-knowledge and accumulating inner strength.

The basis of spiritual dialogue with oneself is introspection. Introspection is the ability to examine and change oneself, as one wants to or should do. Without a consistent re-evaluation of our attitudes and thought models, negative habits easily dominate our consciousness. A healthy dialogue with our inner selves means that we interact positively with others, without being trapped or lost in ourselves. Introspection involves being an observer: observing and not reacting to situations or people with negative emotions such as anger, hate, fear, resentment and jealousy. Being detached observers helps us conserve our inner energy and keeps us spiritually, mentally and emotionally healthy.

(To be continued tomorrow….)

Message for the day 30-10-2014

To be free from the burden of responsibility is to fulfill the responsibility well.

Expression: When I am responsile for something or people expect me to be answerable for something, I tend to feel heavy because of these responsibilities. With the such a feeling of having a burden, I'm not able to fulfill my responsibilities to the best of my ability.

Experience: Whatever responsibilities are given to me are according to my capabilities. When I remind myself of this I'll be able to be light and give my best to fulfill all my responsibilities.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

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Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 29-10-2014

Soul Sustenance 29-10-2014

Meditation - A Process Of Cleansing, Dialogue And Joining (Part 1)

Meditation can be defined as a process of cleansing, a process of dialogue and a process of joining. Today we take up:


Meditation is a useful method to help human beings redirect their life positively and healthily, and to achieve inner stability. The word meditation comes from the Latin word mederi, which means cure. Curing the inner self is not a matter of taking medicines, but it involves re-establishing the balance through knowing oneself, having the correct attitudes and making the correct use of mental and emotional energy.

In meditation, we learn to observe our inner self and recover the resources that can cleanse (heal) and harmonize us: peace, love, truth, wisdom, purity and happiness. Through concentrated thought we learn to let these positive and pure energies manifest (show) themselves in our conscience and in our day-to-day actions.

(To be continued tomorrow….)

Message for the day 29-10-2014

Trust comes when there is mutual respect.

Expression: It is normally experienced that it is difficult to trust people around me. I do want to but the negative experiences do not let me do so. I add up to this negative experience with each incident that happens, which further breaks my trust for people.

Experience: The only way to trust and gain people's trust is by having respect for them. Respect makes me look at the specialities in everyone and I am able to relate to these specialities. The more I look at the positive aspect in others, the more I am able to encourage others to use these specialities and relate to my own specialities too. This is the only way that trust comes.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

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Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 28-10-2014

Soul Sustenance 28-10-2014

Conquering The Emotion Of Jealousy (Part 3)

Internal contentment or satisfaction is the antidote (neutralizer or healing agent) for jealousy. People with strong self-esteem and self-respect are the ones who remain satisfied or content and away from the emotion of jealousy while coming in contact with different people with their own unique specialties, virtues and attainments.

Self-respect or self-esteem depends on knowing who I am, knowing my eternal (ageless), internal self. When I have found that sense of internal identity, I feel I have a right to be here, to exist. Without this dimension, it is very difficult to really respect myself deeply. If I base my self-respect on identifying with the superficial (artificial) aspects of my being: my looks, personality, wealth, success, my friends, intelligence or my role, I will never have a stable sense of self-respect, because all these aspects are changeable. Thus I will end up fluctuating all the time. To stay stable in my self-respect, I need to have a deeper understanding of my internal self and tap into those riches that are within me forever, waiting to blossom, like the flower from the seed. As I become internally aware, those riches and resources start flowing out of me. The more stable I am in my self-respect, the more I radiate what I truly am. I feel a deep sense of contentment and I am happy to be me, however I am. I accept myself as I am.

Let us be honest a person who is jealous just cannot sit stably on the seat of self-respect – they keep moving i.e. fluctuating. Today they meet a person with lesser specialties or attainments than them and they are on top of the world - they rise above the seat of self-respect and enter the dimension of ego. Tomorrow they meet a person with more specialties or attainments than them and that is a bad day for them - they go underneath the seat of self-respect and enter the dimension of low self-esteem. What a shallow way of living! The ideal way of living – in both cases, remain in self-respect and give respect to the other. Remember that the jealous, the angry, the bitter and the egotistical are the first to race to the top of mountains. A confident and internally content person enjoys the journey, the people they meet along the way and sees life not as a competition. They reach the summit last because they know God isn’t at the top waiting for them. He is down below helping his followers to understand that the view is glorious where ever you stand.

Message for the day 28-10-2014

The ability to find solutions comes when I know the art of listening.

Expression: I normally get to hear a lot of things and tend to get coloured by all that I hear. The more I hear about negative things, the more difficult it becomes to maintain my own positivity. Yet I can do nothing to ignore the things that make me feel negative.

Experience: I need to know to listen to people rather than just hearing them. To know to listen means the ability to transform negative into positive. Just as a doctor listens to all the negative aspects about the disease etc and still knows only to give the medicine, I too need to listen in order to give what is required.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
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Monday, October 27, 2014

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 27-10-2014

Soul Sustenance 27-10-2014

Conquering The Emotion Of Jealousy (Part 2)

In the 21st century, there are so many mediums which inculcate the feeling of jealousy in a person. Social Media is one such platform. While Facebook and Twitter rule the roost, commonly people wonder * How does he get so many likes? * How is she so photogenic? * Again a 'check in'! * His life is so eventful. You never know how and when these thoughts start affecting your life, mental peace and behavior greatly.

Jealousy is a complex emotion, which often stems from insecurity or a fear of losing control. Everybody expresses and handles jealousy in a different way, but certain universal techniques can be used to help conquer it. Being aware of jealous feelings is the first step towards keeping it under control. Also conquering jealousy requires an honest conversation about how you feel. It's far healthier to talk about your negative feelings than to reveal them through your actions. The more you communicate with them, and seek reassurance the more your feelings of jealousy will subside.

Hold a strong and determined belief inside yourself that jealousy is an emotion you will never face. Your idol or perfect self just doesn’t deserve the existence of the emotion. For instance, if you have an acquaintance of yours who is extremely pretty and sometimes, you envy her. That is the time when you need to firmly tell yourself that this is just not your perfect self. You can’t feel that way. Take a few minutes to stand back mentally from the person. The next step is to observe your thoughts as if you were an onlooker or a detached observer. Being as silent as possible, ask yourself as if the thoughts you are having are the ones you wish to keep, if they are going where you would choose them to go. In the resulting silence, steer (change direction) your thinking to where you want it to be; perhaps to personal affirmations (positive thoughts) you use to establish yourself on your seat of self-respect. The affirmations can be: * I am aware of myself as a special person with my own unique specialties or * I am aware of myself as internally rich, full of many invisible treasures, * I am aware of myself as a content being and overflowing with happiness, etc. This technique changes our attitudes and feelings and influences us positively.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Message for the day 27-10-2014

To have learnt means to bring about a practical change.

Expression: From all that happens, I usually understand a lot of things and take important lessons. But sometimes I find myself making the same mistakes again and again. So I am not able to bring about real change.

Experience: Once I realise and learn from a mistake that has happened, I need to spend some time in understanding it even further. I need to ensure I don't ever repeat the same mistake. This will enable me to bring about real change.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
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Sunday, October 26, 2014

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 26-10-2014

Soul Sustenance 26-10-2014

Conquering The Emotion Of Jealousy (Part 1)

Man was handed the master key of the knowledge of good and evil karma by God. He used the key to perform good karma for some time. That was the day of humanity. Over a period of time, while playing the game of different roles in the world theatre, the key was lost and man started to perform evil karma. The evil man started identifying with evil so much that he forgot his original good self and thought that evil is the eternal self. That was and is the night of humanity. That is why in the scriptures, mistakenly it is said that even angels used to sometimes feel jealous. In Indian scriptures, devis and devtas, the original good men and women, have mistakenly been shown to possess the emotion of jealousy at times. Poor perception of the evil men, who made the scriptures and temples in the remembrance of the good men and women, the angels, after they had ceased to exist! The good men and women were nothing but our early births as we started our journey of birth and rebirth as flawless beings.

Today humans are empowered beings who have the capacity to experience so many emotions, both positive and negative. Sadness, anger, happiness, sympathy and the list is endless. Out of all these one very powerful and dominating emotion is jealousy. When we see different players in this game of life playing different roles, sometimes while seeing them with the spectacles of role consciousness, feelings of jealousy or a desire to be like the other are experienced. Comparisons emerge in our minds.

While being competitive and having aspirations to succeed are absolutely fine and there is no doubt that to do that sometimes we have to look at the other or even others and this drive helps us meet life’s challenges also, but when this look at the other is accompanied by comparisons and feelings of low self esteem as a result and takes the form of jealousy; it gets out of control and starts having an adverse effect on our relationships, that steps should be taken to curb those feelings.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Message for the day 26-10-2014

To forgive the self is to have the ability to forgive others too.

Expression: I sometimes find it very difficult to forgive the mistakes committed by others. I do try to understand but am not able to understand the other person's behaviour and so find it difficult to forgive them.

Experience: When I have love for myself and am able to learn from all that happens, I am able to forgive myself. When I know to do this, I can understand the other person too from his perspective and can easily forgive him.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
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Saturday, October 25, 2014

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 25-10-2014

Soul Sustenance 25-10-2014

The Law of Focus and Attention (Part 2)

If our attention is focused on people's defects and weaknesses, we transmit energy to these aspects and strengthen these weaknesses in the other person and in ourselves. If, on the other hand, our attention is directed at the positive aspects of others, we reinforce these qualities and virtues and help this person express them, which is also beneficial to us.

Our personality is made up of a series of values, beliefs and habits. If we wish to transfer our energy to new and positive aspects of ourselves, we must choose the personality traits that we want to emerge from us, focusing our time and energy on them and, in this way, this virtue, value or quality will manifest itself in our life.

Message for the day 25-10-2014

The way to bring transformation in others is to have mercy for them.

Expression: Inspite of wanting to bring about a positive change in people and working towards it, I rarely find that kind of change that I expect. People continue to display their old patterns of behaviour and finally I end up only feeling disappointed or frustrated.

Experience: Real change can come in people only when I am able to have a vision of mercy for them. With mercy I am able to percieve and bring out the best in people without actually being caught up with expectations. Once I am able to see the positive qualities I am able to encourage them to use these qualities.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 192 | Airtel Digital TV # 686 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 171 | online

Friday, October 24, 2014

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 24-10-2014

Soul Sustenance 24-10-2014

The Law of Focus and Attention (Part 1)

Wherever we focus our attention is where our thoughts are directed with most frequency and interest. Thus energy is produced in this direction, whether positive and beneficial energy or negative and harmful energy.

If we have a complicated mind, which thinks too much about certain things unnecessarily, our attention may be led towards the obstacles, problems, upsets and the things we worry about from a critical and negative viewpoint. By paying more attention to difficulties and problems, we feed these types of thoughts with our attention, so that we end up attracting these situations towards us. Finally, the problems and obstacles absorb us due to the amount of energy we have invested in them, turning what was perhaps a molehill (something very small) into a mountain.

The situation does not necessarily change immediately on changing our attitude. With this inner change, however, we will have more energy, clarity and determination to face up to and change the situation. When we focus on seeking solutions to problems and difficulties with a positive and enthusiastic attitude, we attract positive energy towards us, and this helps us transform mountains into molehills.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Message for the day 24-10-2014

The method to stay in constant enthusiasm and to keep others enthusiastic is to see specialities in others.

Expression: Many times while I am sincerely working towards my task, I find myself losing my enthusiasm. I also might find people not very happy with me or my work. I do make an attempt to understand their feelings but fail to do so. Such negative responses further reduce my enthusiasm.

Experience: I need to develop the art of looking at specialities in people. The more I am able to see their positive qualities, the more I am able to relate to them with that speciality. This encourages the other person further to use that speciality This will naturally keep me constantly enthusiastic.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 192 | Airtel Digital TV # 686 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 171 | online

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 23-10-2014

Soul Sustenance 23-10-2014

Marrying Spiritual Practices With Actions

Spiritual practices and life are interconnected; so are my thoughts and actions. It is not possible to separate them. The immediate influence of any spiritual practice like meditation is on the quality of my thoughts. The quality of my thoughts is then reflected in my day-to-day actions. As the quality of my actions improves, it starts influencing my thoughts positively and the quality of my spiritual practice also starts improving. When I really understand this, it becomes clear that the right way to live is to marry both these sides within my life - meditation and practical life, marry the process of improving the quality of my thoughts with my actions, because both are interconnected with each other.

Actions performed by being too action conscious, in a wrong, non-spiritual consciousness, have led to a monotonous and meaningless existence, an existence without permanent peace, love and joy, causing feelings of discontentment and an emptiness in many hearts. On the other hand, religious or meditation practices, which were done with the aim of bringing peace and happiness in our personal life as well as in relationships, but were performed in seclusion (by detaching or becoming aloof from society), did not achieve the desired objectives and was unable to influence life positively. This caused spirituality to become disconnected from reality.

I want my consciousness to become such that I can experience the richness of a life of actions, interactions and relationships of the world, but adorned (decorated) with the jewels of the energy and spiritual power that only meditation can provide.

Message for the day 23-10-2014

The method for easy progress is to claim the blessings of all.

Expression: Sometimes we find ourselves making a lot of effort and putting in a lot of energy for getting something done. Yet we find that the results are not according to the efforts that we have put in. We then begin to wonder it happens so.

Experience: To be able to give happiness to those around is to increase the speed of my progress. For this I need to pay special attention to keep giving happiness and not giving sorrow to those around me. This brings me their blessings and these subtle wishes bring me happiness and success easily.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 192 | Airtel Digital TV # 686 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 171 | online

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 22-10-2014

Soul Sustenance 22-10-2014

Understanding And Overcoming Repetitive Thoughts

Repetitive thoughts are mental dependences that arise due to a badly channeled imagination, false beliefs or mental weakness. For example, this happens when the pattern of negative repetitive thoughts makes us experience continuous feelings of guilt. Or we think, almost obsessively and continuously, that someone wants to hurt us or are after us. Or we create continuous thoughts of jealousy, hatred and violence with regards to another individual. They are negative and self-destructive habits. We fall into repetitive thoughts, which make us live in constant unhappiness.

We spend a lot of time during the day with these types of unnecessary thoughts. They are leaks of energy that weaken us. We have created the habit of thinking like that and, therefore, it is in our hands to learn to change it. We can free ourselves of these dependencies and the result is to be freer, mentally, of negative and repetitive thoughts, which are like a constant hammering. It is a question of learning to control what we think, thinking positively and in a focused manner, meditating and exercising the mind. We exercise to keep the body healthy and strong; in order to have a healthy and strong mind we have to learn exercises like meditation and relaxation that help us to free ourselves from repetitive thoughts which are nothing but bad positions or postures of the mind.

Message for the day 22-10-2014

To be free from weaknesses is to move forward constantly.

Expression: Most of the times I do win over my weaknesses and achieve progress but sometimes I find that I am defeated at the wrong moment by my own weakness and I experience failure. So instead of finding the progress that I should I find that I am moving back.

Experience: In order to bring benefit to others and to myself, I should recognize and remove even the last trace of weakness that is working within me. For that I need to have a constant checking about the real cause of the weakness and remove it. Such checking and changing helps me to overcome my weaknesses.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 192 | Airtel Digital TV # 686 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 171 | online

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 21-10-2014

Soul Sustenance 21-10-2014

Limiting Influences On Your Decision Making Ability (Part 2)

With whom does the choice to make your decisions lie? Are you going to be dominated by your fears and others’ negatively powerful influences, which paralyze your judgment power and confuse you sometimes or are you going to exercise your choice? When someone dominates you, they control you and make you feel irritated, frustrated and weak; they satisfy their own ego like that by controlling you and bringing you under their influence. You need to decide if you are comfortable being a victim of the other by being the one who satisfies the egos of others. It is not a very healthy attitude, on their part, but it happens in many relationships and we fall prey to that, because of a lack of spiritual power. Get back your personal ruling and controlling power and do not be afraid to be free and responsible for your choices. From today on, promise yourself that you will not allow your husband or wife, or children, or your friend, or mother-in-law, or your office colleague, anybody for that matter, influence the power of choice, the power to decide, that you possess. In the end, that way they will be happier; perhaps not at first, because a power game is created. Your personal freedom will lead to a healthier relationship, in the long run. Its fine to take an opinion or a viewpoint or support from someone, but there is a fine line between that and being controlled by someone, which we, many a times cross, and become a victim.

You are free when you take responsibility for what you are and how you feel. In meditation you can realize everything that has influenced you and know how to clear it, so that only the highest, the most positive influence you. This depends on each one of us. In our present society, there are many influencing factors, from the most negative, violent, corrupt and mediocre, to the purest, highest and most spiritual. It depends on each one what you want to consume and allow to be influenced by.

Message for the day 21-10-2014

To bring equality in whatever I understand, desire and do is to be truly successful.

Expression: Although my understanding of right and wrong is really good, I am not usually able to be or feel successful. This is because I notice a mismatch between what I know and what I want. So I am not able to bring that knowledge into action.

Experience: A conscious effort needs to be put in from my side to compare and see which is better for me - what I know is right or what I feel I want. When I compare in this way, I will be able to change my desires in keeping with the right thing. When these two match, I will be able to bring it into action too. So I will be able to be successful.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 192 | Airtel Digital TV # 686 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 171 | online

Monday, October 20, 2014

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 20-10-2014

Soul Sustenance 20-10-2014

Limiting Influences On Your Decision Making Ability (Part 1)

It is extremely important to realize that, in any situation, you have the power to choose whether your response in that situation will be passive or pro-active, positive or negative, indifferent or attentive etc. You choose what action you take and how you feel. But do you exercise your power of choice all the time? You need to check which factors influence your decision making and push you either in one direction or the other? There are many factors that control and limit your power to make the right, and more importantly, free choices. These factors primarily include influences of people that dominate your ways of thinking, your beliefs, your attitudes, even your complete personalities, etc. You are also limited by the influence of your own fears, attachments, desires, biases or other negative and waste thoughts, which result in a lack of focus.

There are a lot of people who are not used to thinking for themselves or even prefer being a ‘yes’ man going along with what others think and say, without having an opinion of their own. Also as you pass through your childhood and teenage life and enter adulthood, you acquire many preconceived ideas or beliefs from your family and social and cultural environment; that is why you assume inside that some things or people are always positive and others are always negative when, in fact, that’s not necessarily true. This directly affects the type of decisions you make, each time there is a requirement for one. In any particular situation, courage, wisdom, high self-esteem and focus is required to sit down calmly and make an assessment about the possible choices before you, and then finally make the right decision. The more you practice relaxation, positive thinking and meditation, the more you rise above all the negatively influencing factors mentioned above , the more you experience the positive qualities and powers mentioned above and exercise your power of choice accurately and with confidence.

(To be continued tomorrow ….)

Message for the day 20-10-2014

To be free from negative thoughts is to be free from punishment.

Expression: Whenever there is a negative situation I tend to react very negatively to it. I tend to have a lot of negative thoughts and experience a lot of difficulty at that time. I then begin to blame the situation and feel that I am facing punishment because of it.

Experience: I need to understand the fact that the biggest punishment I experience is through my own negative thoughts. The more I can free myself from these kind of negative thoughts I can free myself from experiencing any kind of punishment.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 192 | Airtel Digital TV # 686 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 171 | online

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 19-10-2014

Soul Sustenance 19-10-2014

Nurturing My Relationship With Myself

One of the most significant areas of importance in any human’s life is that of relationships. Someone with very good, close, harmonious and loveful relationships with loved ones, friends, colleagues, etc. is normally considered very fortunate or lucky. But of all relationships, the first and most basic one is the one I have with myself. So, how good, close or deep is my relationship with myself? How well do I know myself? Am I my own friend? If I think over the last week or fortnight, how many of my reactions were unexpected or uncontrolled or basically not the right ones? How many reactions left me confused, sad, unenthusiastic, peaceless, depressed, negative in any other way or in short uncomfortable? If there have been several such situations, it is an indication that there are still things deep within me that I do not know.

Normally a friend is someone whose company I enjoy, for whom there is love and from whom there is some benefit. As in any worldly relationship, without knowing a particular person to the core I can never have a deep relationship with that person. As the phrase ‘spiritual knowledge’ implies, it is the knowledge of the spirit or the self. Only by knowing myself completely and having a good relationship with the self, can I channelize my inner potential that I have within myself - just as water from a river, when properly channelized, provides water for various purposes. In any worldly relationship, if enough time and attention is not given to it and it is not nourished, it gets affected negatively. In the same way, though it's obvious that I have to spend a large chunk of each day involved in situations arising from my duties, routine activities, responsibilities and worldly relationships; my relationship with myself should also be given enough time and attention, so that it does not suffer. If I am not careful about that, my worldly life may use up my energy completely and discharge my inner battery. I need to find times in the day when I give time to my relationship with the self and recharge myself. The peace and happiness I long for internally will be obtained by having a good, positive relationship with the self.

Message for the day 19-10-2014

The one who has attention on the self is the one who constantly experiences progress.

Expression: Whenever I am faced with a situation, it is very easy to think and talk about others and their mistakes. I hardly have any time to look at and understand myself and my mistakes. I then continue to repeat the same mistakes again and again.

Experience: Whatever the kind of situations I am faced with, I need to remind myself that I am the one who is going to benefit by bringing about a change in myself. So with this thought I need to constantly continue to check myself and bring about a positive change in myself.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 192 | Airtel Digital TV # 686 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 171 | online

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 18-10-2014

Soul Sustenance 18-10-2014

Overcoming The Fear Of Interaction Or Socializing

There are various activities that you are perhaps afraid of doing, but that you know they are very useful activities to indulge in e.g. if you are afraid of socializing or interacting with people, either on a one-to-one basis or in a group. In a party or a situation where lots are people are enjoying the company of each other or in a meeting with your boss for e.g., you feel out of place and uncomfortable. The problem might lie in a negative image of the self or low self-esteem, lack of confidence, fear of the other’s opinion about you, lack of spiritual strength, past failure in having done so, being influenced by the other person’s role or position etc. How do you overcome this fear? By interacting with more and more people. The more you interact and mix up with them and express your viewpoint fearlessly, you realize that it is not a problem. Even if you make a mistake or you feel unsure, with practice you will see that there is no problem.

Most of our fears are overcome with the practice of doing what you are afraid of. If you do not make a brave step forward in order to overcome the fear of expressing yourself, you will continue to be the victim of this fear. This fear is then a negative energy that paralyses your intellect as a result of which your concentration and your decision-making power reduces. It also disorganizes your ideas, and confuses you whenever you express yourself in front of a person or people. What is more, fear produces clumsiness in your words, body movements and actions and makes you lose your image of credibility. It gives an impression of nervousness and low self-respect to the other. You have to overcome it, and you will manage to do it with practice and by changing the vision that you have of others: they are not a threat, they are not judges who are going to pass a judgment against you, they are offering you the opportunity to express yourself. If you value yourself, you will not be afraid of not being appreciated by them and others will finally appreciate you. If you do not value yourself, the opposite will happen.

Message for the day 18-10-2014

The one who is free from expectations is the one who is constantly cheerful.

Expression: Usually I am quick to percieve my own desires and I do realise that desires give sorrow. So I make effort to overcome them. But most often I am not able to recognise my own expectations that I have from people which destroy my own cheer. My expectations from others prevent me from bringing about a positive change in myself.

Experience: I need to recognise that each and every individual is unique with his own unique specialities and values. When I recognise this uniqueness I will not expect people to behave according to what I feel is right but will respect them for what they are. Thus I'll be able to be constantly cheerful.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

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Friday, October 17, 2014

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 17-10-2014

Soul Sustenance 17-10-2014

Overcoming Frustration In Relationships

There are two things in life that we can never change:

• the past and

• other people

This often brings us one frustration after the other, especially when we do not get the results that we want. Frustration is also a sign of failure, and every time that you fail in getting what you want from the other, your self-esteem and self-confidence are reduced.

Frustration is a form of anger.
You allow the negative emotion to control you, and therefore you lose control. Most times situations will not be as you want them to be and neither will people behave as you want them to. Therefore, you can decide now if you want to continue allowing the other to dictate your reactions according to how they behave, which results in the loss of your rule, control and personal power, or you can decide that no matter how the other behaves, you rule over your responses; you decide what you want to think and feel.

When another tries to control you and then gets frustrated because you don't do what he or she wants or you aren't who he or she expects you to be, they get in a bad mood with you; they look at you with anger and what do you do? You then place an invisible barrier between you and him or her. In such a way that they cannot 'enter' into your world and you do not leave yours either, they lose their influence over you. In the same way, when you try to control people you lose your influence over them and distance is generated.

Message for the day 17-10-2014

True service is to serve equally through thoughts, words and actions.

Expression: Whenever I think of serving others, I think of only serving through actions or maybe even through words. I never think of serving through my thoughts too. So sometimes I do find that my service is not complete and doesn't have a true impact.

Experience: Before I can think of helping someone through words or through actions, I need to make sure I have good wishes for them. Only when my feelings for them are full of positive and powerful wishes can my service create its impact on others.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

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Thursday, October 16, 2014

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 16-10-2014

Soul Sustenance 16-10-2014

The Creations Of The Mind

Scientists have learned a lot about our physical functioning, but most admit that what actually keeps a human being alive is a mystery not completely solved. Rising above being just a product of chemical and electrical activity in the brain, as believed by many of us, spirituality orients me and trains me to come close to my real self, my spiritual self. Before I was a stranger to my own self, unaware of what is going inside my consciousness and distant from my own self. The first step in coming close to myself is that I learn to use the energy of my mind in the most effective way possible. For this, I decide to find a place where, each day, I can sit for a few minutes without interruptions, in order to focus on the self and explore the inner world of the creations of the mind - my thoughts, feelings, attitudes and emotions.

There has been a lot of conflicting views in the world about what the mind is and how it works. In the teachings of meditation by the Brahma Kumaris, the mind, which gives rise to my thoughts, feelings, attitudes and emotions, is seen as a faculty of the soul, not the body. It is rather like the difference between a television set and the movies seen on that set. The movies originate in the minds of the directors, not in the television set itself. The television set is just a medium for displaying the movies. So it is with all these four creations (thoughts, feelings, attitudes and emotions). These originate in the non-physical consciousness and not in the physical brain. The brain is just a processor of them and the body is a medium via which all four are displayed or brought onto expressions, physical gestures, words and actions. When I realize this, and really understand this difference, it very empowering. I am then able to use the power of discrimination to make choices between thoughts, feelings, attitudes and emotions that are useful and empowering for myself and others, and those that bring me down.

Message for the day 16-10-2014

Truth is effective when it is combined with tact.

Expression: I usually react when something goes wrong. In the heat of the moment I give corrections and others don't seem to understand. Then I tend to become confused, as it is difficult to make a choice whether to leave the situation as it is or to prove my point to the others.

Experience: Unless truth is combined with tact I cannot make people realise their mistakes. When I find something going wrong, I need to wait for the right time for saying what I have to. I also need to tell it in a way that the other person can understand. Only then will my words have their impact on others.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 192 | Airtel Digital TV # 686 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 171 | online

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 15-10-2014

Soul Sustenance 15-10-2014

Saying Goodbye To Anger

'I expect' is the great illusion, which converts itself into demanding rights without due respect for others.

Anger in all its forms is a direct result of an expectation not being fulfilled and brings cries (although sometimes silent ones) of * They should have done this * Why did this happen? or * Don't you know better? Disappointment, accusations and demands are violent energies, which we throw around very naturally and easily in our daily life when our expectations are not fulfilled. They are like a burning fire that eats away at our original spiritual qualities, turning them to a dust that pollutes the self and others.

Instead, let us continue to practise returning our thoughts to the self and remembering our original source of peace. In that experience of deep, natural peace, we will find balance and clarity and the ability to tolerate and adjust to the unexpected.

One of the keys of meditation practice is to quickly gather our thought energy and take it inside to connect to our original qualities, no matter what may be happening outside, or even inside!

Let me disconnect from the external and plug in to the internal energies that support me and then I will be able to say goodbye to anger very easily.

Message for the day 15-10-2014

The one with contentment is neither upset nor upsets others.

Expression: Many times I find that my words, actions or behaviour tends to upset others inspite of my not wanting to hurt them. I seem to be very happy with the situation, but others don't seem to be. At that time I am not really able to understand the reason for this and I consider the others to be unreasonable.

Experience: I need to check myself when others are getting upset with me. I need to make effort to check and change myself constantly so that I am able to move along with the demands of time. This is what will bring about true contentment - such contentment that neither will I be upset nor will I upset others.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

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TATA(Sky # 192 | Airtel Digital TV # 686 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 171 | online

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 14-10-2014

Soul Sustenance 14-10-2014

Self Conversations And Their Significance

A very important subtle activity that we all indulge in for a lot of time in the day is having conversations with the self, sometimes consciously and a large number of times without even being conscious of it. We need to be extremely careful about what the quality of our conversations are because self conversations very strongly influence our perception i.e. the way we see ourselves, others, situations as well as our personalities and also mould them. If channeled properly, they can be constructive i.e. ones that empower the self; if not, they can be destructive i.e. ones that bring the self down or weaken it in some way or the other. They possess immense potential, both positive and negative, if we want we can use them to liberate us or they can even limit us. We can judge, criticize and threaten ourselves or praise and encourage the self in a positive way. It's important to create thoughts of acceptance, respect and approval for ourselves, even if situations don't go the way we desire or expect. Such positive conversations help rise above the dependence on what how people see us and what they think and talk about us, making the self extremely powerful.

Positive self conversations are not fantasies or disconnecting from reality and a few minutes given to the activity do a lot of benefit and no harm at all. They can be done by detaching oneself from actions when we have an emerged conversation and our complete focus is on the conversation and we do nothing else at that time or whilst being involved in actions. Some actions like going on a drive, cooking, having a meal or simply taking a walk or going on a jog allow self-conversations to take place alongside. At these times we give less mental energy or attention to the conversations i.e. we can have a merged conversation so that the respective action is not affected adversely in any way. We can choose how much mental energy to give to the activity, depending on the karma alongside.

Message for the day 14-10-2014

The one who is constantly flying with zeal and enthusiasm brings progress in others too.

Expression: Whenever problems come my way, I tend to feel heavy with waste and negative thoughts. At that time I am not able to feel free and light. When there is heaviness in my mind, I can't move forward with enthusiasm and thereby find it difficult to contribute for others' progress too.

Experience: Whatever the circumstances I am faced with, I need to make special effort not to reduce my enthusiasm in any way. The more I am able to be enthusiastic, the more I am able to contribute to the progress of others too along with my own progress.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
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Monday, October 13, 2014

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 13-10-2014

Soul Sustenance 13-10-2014

The Mental Kaleidoscope (Part 2)

We are so used to controlling people and situations to obtain a particular result that we have forgotten how to use the power of faith.

The Law of Faith says, Plant the right seeds, make the right effort, but also let things be. Faith does not mean to be passive (inactive) but rather to have acted and thought about something and then have the patience and trust that the Drama of Life is also taking care of it; the outcome of any action is not just up to me.

In the spiritual knowledge taught by the Brahma Kumaris, we often hear the term 'a consciousness full of faith is victorious'. As the Drama of Life turns, such an intellect works like a kaleidoscope and can perceive and see the often hidden, beautiful patterns in life’s situations that, in time, become visible and benevolent.

Success, or victory, depends as much on doing the task with the right intention, as it does on allowing things to take their own course. Wisdom is an awareness of this balance.

Message for the day 13-10-2014

The one who recognises the needs of others is the one who gives real happiness.

Expression: I usually make a lot of effort to give in some way or the other to those around me. Yet I sometimes find that people are not able to be happy with me. What I give is usually based on what I feel the other person needs. I continue to give in this way and begin to expect from others too, and find myself disappointed when I am not appreciated.

Experience: I need to be a giver in the true sense. Before I think of giving, I need to recognise the needs of others. The more I keep myself tuned to this I will enjoy what I am giving and the impact of it will be there on the others too. I will then find that others are pleased with me too.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 192 | Airtel Digital TV # 686 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 171 | online

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 12-10-2014

Soul Sustenance 12-10-2014

The Mental Kaleidoscope (Part 1)

A kaleidoscope creates beautiful patterns from chaotic bits and pieces, which are scattered everywhere. When the kaleidoscope is turned, disorder becomes order, chaos becomes beauty and symmetry. The Drama of Life is constantly turning and we are part of its cyclic movement; sometimes this cyclic movement of life is supportive, comprehensible (understandable) and enjoyable and, at other times, it is tense, fearful, stressful and incomprehensible (not understandable). There is confusion and fear because we do not understand what is happening, why it is happening and how it will get better. Things not only appear chaotic but also hopeless. If the intellect is able to go beyond the questions of Why?, What? and How? and just be still, without judgements, or pressure, for some period of time, then things do work out. To do this requires faith.

The power of faith means that we know that somehow and somewhere right solutions and answers will come in their own time.

(To be continued tomorrow…)

Message for the day 12-10-2014

To be free from waste questions is to save time.

Expression: When difficult situations come my way I usually have a lot of questions in my mind about it. I continue to ask myself why the situation has come and have no answers. These questions usually bring me no solution for the problems at hand but I continue to have waste thoughts.

Experience: I need to understand the importance of the time that is in my hands. When I recognize the value of my time I will not waste time in unnecessary thoughts but will try to find a solution for the problem. If there is no solution for the problem I at least just stop thinking unnecessarily and just accept it.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 192 | Airtel Digital TV # 686 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 171 | online

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 11-10-2014

Soul Sustenance 11-10-2014

Directing Your Inner Orchestra Well (Part 2)

You can direct your orchestra well, which means that you can:

• Achieve what you want.
• Reach where you want.
• Be who you are.
• Stop being who you are not.
• Feel what you want to feel.
• Stop feeling what you do not want to feel.
• Be. You can be in your space.
• Do. You can do what gives meaning to your life.
• You can stop doing what lowers you, is ordinary and you do not want to do.
• You can reach excellence by crossing inner mental barriers.
• Let go of that which you have clung on to.
• Free yourself and fly.

If you believe that you can, you can. You have to harmonize your inner voices. Listen to those that allow you power, strengthen you and accompany you. Silence the voices that suppress you, judge you badly and limit you.

Message for the day 11-10-2014

When there is determination in my thoughts, the clouds of negative situations will fade away.

Expression: There are a lot of negative situations that come my way, as I am moving along. During the difficult phase I tend to experience a lot of negativity within too, either in the form of fear, anger or pain. At that time the difficulty seems very big and seems to last forever.

Experience: I need to recognize the fact that whatever difficulties I face are like passing clouds. These clouds come at their time and fade away at their time too. I need to develop the determination to work on my problems with this understanding. I will then be able to face the situation with ease.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 192 | Airtel Digital TV # 686 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 171 | online

Friday, October 10, 2014

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 10-10-2014

Soul Sustenance 10-10-2014

Directing Your Inner Orchestra Well (Part 1)

Our inner orchestra is made up of different music instruments – the different instruments are: our memories, desires, tendencies, mind, beliefs, emotions, feelings, fears, intuition, judgements, creativity, our imagination...

When you direct your inner orchestra well, you can remain unaffected by external influences without succumbing to them. When the orchestra directs you, you dance from one side to another without a clear direction and with a music that is not very harmonious or sweet; it is noisy and you suffer. Who is the director of this orchestra? You. Who are you? You – the consciousness, you - the soul, you – the being. When your consciousness is in charge, you make the orchestra play according to the inner voice of your being, according to your purest intentions and values. You can. You simply have to be awake, alert and attentive. If the director of the orchestra closes his eyes for a few moments and covers up his ears, what happens to the orchestra? You have to keep the eyes of your inner spiritual vision open; what is called the third eye. And listen with your heart, not with your physical heart but with the heart of your being. If your orchestra rules over you, and you - the director - are stiff, without flexibility, asleep, un-sympathetic, you will not be able to achieve your dreams or arrive at the destiny that you would like to reach. And, to make things worse, when your orchestra dominates you, you are more vulnerable to being dominated by the orchestra of others. Or you will allow someone else to direct your inner orchestra. This is the ideal road on which to get trapped and suffer. Is this what you want?

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Message for the day 10-10-2014

The right way of living spreads joy to others.

Expression: When people around me are not happy with me, I usually believe that I am right and they are all wrong. I then cannot check or realise my own mistake. So I rarely make an attempt to change myself and continue to wait for others to change or understand me.

Experience: If people around me are not able to get happiness from me or the way I live, I need to look at my own life in a detached way to see where I could change. Even a slightest change brought by me with sincerity will have a great effect on those around me.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 192 | Airtel Digital TV # 686 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 171 | online

Thursday, October 09, 2014

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 09-10-2014

Soul Sustenance 09-10-2014

Empty Handed We Come And Go Away (Part 2)

Continuing from yesterday's message, a soul who does not cling, is easy natured, who wears the clothes of its roles and responsibilities, but not very tightly, experiences constant happiness and serenity and connects with everyone or everything, but yet can disconnect whenever required. This is true inner freedom. Such a soul always smiles and coming in contact with such a soul is soothing. Such a soul is a liberated carefree emperor and gives a comfortable feeling of liberation to everyone and everything it touches or comes in contact with. On a lighter note, if you are still not convinced about living a life of detachment, you can start with asking yourself, do you enjoy interacting with someone who likes to possess or cling or control or someone who does not? What is a more empowering and comfortable experience for you? The answer is obvious.

Once we get convinced about the idea, we will be courageous enough to challenge internal pressures like old thought patterns, habits, beliefs, past experiences and external pressures in the form of real life challenging situations, the information that we receive from outside and of course our friends and loved ones who will try and convince us to take the opposite path of attachment in subtle or non-subtle ways. Along with inner conviction, becoming aware of ourselves as spiritual beings through meditation, which will help us rediscover our real and authentic being, will also assist us immensely in this process and will provide us the power for the same. Meditation helps us empty ourselves of all that is unnecessary or excess waste inside us and discover the essential, which is precious, as a result we feel full and complete inside, and we no longer desire to possess or hold on to anything physical or non-physical. Hence, we very naturally, without much effort, start living our day-day life without depending on the crutches of attachment.

Message for the day 09-10-2014

Where there is peace there is patience.

Expression: My usual reactions to the stimuli around me are programmed, so I tend to be impulsive or react quickly to situations, I don't give myself time to think or understand. Because of this lack of patience I lose out on many things and I don't realise that I am losing out too.

Experience: At all times I need to make a conscious effort to keep my mind peaceful and calm, more so when there is a difficult situation. With this state of mind I am able to deal with situations patiently because peace brings power which in turn brings patience.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 192 | Airtel Digital TV # 686 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 171 | online

Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 08-10-2014

Soul Sustenance 08-10-2014

Empty Handed We Come And Go Away (Part 1)

There is an old saying that we came empty-handed not only when we entered this particular life but when seen from a broader perspective, also when we entered the world. The same is the case when we leave this life or the world as a whole. Every birth for the soul is a fresh chapter or innings in its journey of life.

Everything that has come to us will definitely go away from us one day. While some may perceive this basic fact of humanity to be unrealistic and not in tune with practical life, but the fact is that attachment or the tendency to possess or cling is a defiance of this law, which leads to a form of fear filled spiritual suicide because the joy and contentment that seems to come from this tendency is only temporary and artificial and between these moments of happiness, there is fear of the loss of the physical or non-physical object that you try and possess, embedded in between and this fear causes the object to start controlling you and you feel suppressed and in bondage. As a result, your inner potential and creativity remains untapped and even starts reducing, without you realizing it consciously. In such a state, you fail to see and accept new ideas, opportunities and people in your life. You inner world becomes closed and chaotic and very difficult to manage and your internal self is weakened and harmed, leading to an internal self suicide. When someone stops clinging to anything, physical or non-physical, they don't become indifferent or cold, but their consciousness just starts becoming broader and functions without any limits, barriers or boundaries.

(To be continued tomorrow ...)

Message for the day 08-10-2014

To be flexible is to enjoy everything that life brings.

Expression: When I plan perfectly for the day ahead, I sometimes find that I am not able to implement all that I had planned for. Things seem to be coming up unexpectedly spoiling everything for me. I am then not able to be happy with what is happening and so find it difficult to do my best in the particular situation.

Experience: It is as important to be flexible in my thoughts as it is to be particular about my daily schedule. Flexibility allows me to accommodate the unforeseen situations that come up my way and enables me to make the best use of everything. And so I enjoy everything that comes my way.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 192 | Airtel Digital TV # 686 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 171 | online

Tuesday, October 07, 2014

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 07-10-2014

Soul Sustenance 07-10-2014

Understanding The Process Of Birth And Death

When the body has become unserviceable due to age or disease, or it suffers a fatal injury, the soul leaves the body. At the moment of death, the soul withdraws its energy from the organs of the body and vacates its seat in the middle of the forehead. Like a bird, it leaves the cage made of skin and bones, and taking its sanskaras, it enters into another, a new body, in the womb of the new mother. From the very birth, the sanskaras of a soul are apparent (visible); whether the new-born baby is happy, unbothered, sad, shy, mischievous, quiet, violent or agitated.

Death occurs at the precise moment when the account of giving and taking with other souls through a particular body is finished. The new birth is determined by the soul's account of karmas with another set of souls. One may be born into a cultured, wealthy family, another as a beggar, one may be born deaf, dumb, blind or crippled, another with a strong supple body. The type of body and the conditions of birth are determined by the thoughts and actions performed in the previous births.

Message for the day 07-10-2014

All desires end when there is the one desire to experience progress.

Expression: It is believed normally that in order to progress one needs to have desires. But desires are not always fulfilled and unhappiness is experienced because of it. Then I am not able to appreciate whatever comes my way.

Experience: I need to replace all my desires with one desire, i.e., the desire to experience progress. With this thought, I will be able to make the best use of what I get in the right way. When I move forward in this way making the best use of everything I will be able to experience constant progress.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 192 | Airtel Digital TV # 686 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 171 | online

Monday, October 06, 2014

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 06-10-2014

Soul Sustenance 06-10-2014

Balance Between Masculine and Feminine Qualities

These are some examples of masculine and feminine qualities:

Logical, Verbal, Brave, Enthusiastic, Enterprising, Flexible, Creative, Responsible, Self-confident, Jovial, Detached

Intuitive, Silent, Affectionate, Serene (Peaceful), Patient, Tolerant, Inspiring, Optimistic, Resistant, Mature, Sweet

Opening up to the spiritual consciousness (or the consciousness of the soul) makes the masculine and feminine qualities emerge from our inner selves. As we become more conscious and attentive, we come across a balance between masculine and feminine qualities, achieving greater harmony in our lives and in our relationships. When we are only aware of the physical form, a part of our being may remain hidden. For example, if a man only identifies with his masculine form (I am a man), his feminine qualities do not develop. In the same way, many women have not developed their masculine qualities due to the thought: "I am (only) a woman". E.g. in a family where the father is often absent and cannot provide his support for long periods of time, the role of the mother takes on another broader dimension. She can make the masculine qualities emerge, combining authority and bravery with her more feminine aspects.

Addiction to relationships, in other words, the dependency on other people, is to a large extent due to an imbalance of masculine and feminine qualities in our inner selves. The main reason why this happens is that we do not develop the qualities that we are missing internally and we seek the company of others who have these qualities. We try to compensate for our weaknesses and fill our defects by taking what we are missing, from other people, thus becoming dependent on them.

Message for the day 06-10-2014

The power of silence makes the impossible achievable.

Expression: When I am faced with a difficult situation, my mind is flooded with thoughts. I also begin to talk about it a lot, describing the problem to all I meet. Then the problem looks so big that I feel I could do nothing to change it.

Experience: I need learn the art of silence(mental and verbal). Internal silence brings the right solutions because my mind is calm. And when I don't describe the problem too much to people I will know there is a solution and I will be able to find it too.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

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