Thursday, November 30, 2023

How To Bless Yourself?

How To Bless Yourself? 

We have all experienced the power of blessings of saints, parents, teachers, family and friends, on our life. A blessing means they create pure thoughts and words of happiness, health, harmony and success for us. Their vibrations influence our state of mind, raise our vibrations and change our destiny. If someone else's blessing can create miracles in our life, why not we bless our own self?

God bless you, All the best, May you be blessed might have been the most repeated wishes you received since childhood. You might have also travelled far and wide to seek blessings of elders, saints or someone you highly regard. Have you ever considered bestowing blessings upon yourself? We have all invoked blessings and experienced its power. By itself, a blessing doesn't create miracles in our situations. It first creates a miracle in our mind, by shifting our mind to a high-vibrational frequency. And then our mind which has just become powerful, comes out into action to manifest the blessing into our reality. What most of us don't realize is that we are qualified to bless ourselves (and others). Our every thought and word for ourselves can either be a blessing or the opposite of blessing. Low-energy thoughts and words of doubt, fear, failure or worry, radiate opposite of blessings for ourselves and block success. Let's shift to a vocabulary of blessings. Check and shift any low-vibration thought and word about the self in your inner and outer conversations, into a blessing. Remind yourself - I bless myself. I radiate the energy of the reality I want. My thought and word is a blessing for who I am and what I do.

Repeat this affirmation a few times to bless yourself, acknowledge who you are and celebrate who you are becoming. You will gradually be more self-reliant and confident. Your blessings will eliminate negativity within you, and protect you from negative energies around you. Remind yourself - Blessing myself is an important part of my daily spiritual practice. The more I bless myself, the more I attract what I bless myself with.


Message for the day

To donate virtues is the greatest donation.

To donate virtues means to express virtues through one's own words and actions. There is some or the other value revealed through all words and actions. The ones who constantly have the aim of donating virtues naturally bring benefit to all they come into contact with. No one would go away empty handed from such people. 

Experience: When I constantly have the aim of using my virtues I have the satisfaction of giving continuously under all circumstances. I also find my own treasures of virtues increasing and I find myself richer and better than what I was. Thus I experience constant progress in my life.

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Breaking The Cycle Of Negative Energy Exchanges (Part 5)

Breaking The Cycle Of Negative Energy Exchanges (Part 5) 

To conclude, we all know that every individual is inherently good. A little shade of the incorrect or improper personality exists inside each one, however light the shade is. We also know that this shade was not there originally in the soul but is an acquired one. And also the person with the negative shade, in most cases, does become aware of it, in times of silence and self-reflection and is also making an effort to remove it so that no discomfort or sorrow is caused to anyone because of it. Along with the negative shades, every person possesses many positive personality traits which are their strengths. Now when we are having an exchange of negative energies with such a person, what does a spiritually sensible person do? Be aware of those light shades of negativity of the other person, which are coming into action at that time. But also at the same time, he or she focuses on so many positive colours of the personality of the other, colours that he or she may have seen or heard about from others many times in the past. Also, an accompanied realization that even I have my share of negative shades which I am working on removing, makes this vision easy to practice.

Practiced consistently, this kind of positive vision accompanied by a deep hearted appreciation of the positive personality colours of the other person is mercy in action. This mercy is a shade of pure soul-to-soul love. Such appreciation makes it easier for others to reflect on and see what they need to do to change. But the first impact of this appreciation is on me, in keeping me free of negative and waste thoughts internally. So, appreciating the other's strengths in my mind and emerging them in my consciousness at such a time is very important as this not only keeps my perception, which is susceptible to being influenced by the negative at that time, clean, but also reaches the other person on an energy level. Also, he or she is inspired and empowered to bring those strengths into action, as a result playing his or her part to end the negative energy exchange. This is spirituality at its most magical. I'll not only have removed a source of pain, which is the negative shade of the other's personality in this case, which is coming into action; I'll have grown spiritually as well.


Message for the day

Easy nature makes tasks easy.

The ones with an easy nature constantly think of solutions instead of problems. So such individuals are free from the burden of problems and are constantly contributing to make things easy for themselves and others too. The right environment to bring out the best result is naturally created by them. 

Experience: When I have an easy nature, I am able to put a full stop in a second with great ease. I am not caught with the waste questions and exclamations. So I am able to enjoy everything that comes my way and move forward constantly with lightness.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Breaking The Cycle Of Negative Energy Exchanges (Part 4)

Breaking The Cycle Of Negative Energy Exchanges (Part 4) 

One of the root causes of negative energy exchanges between any two people is a clash of personalities or natures. This can happen between two people who are wrong or between two people, one of whom is right and the other is wrong and also not very uncommonly between two people who are both right in their own unique way. This happens simply because sometimes personalities of two people are correct, their ways of working are correct, their ways of thinking are correct, but they differ. This clash of personalities causes irritation on both sides, which becomes hatred, which becomes anger, causing hurt on both sides. How does one correct this? An important method for this is the sacrifice of the ego. Very often the cause of negative energy exchanges between two people who are both right is subtle ego on both sides, which ends when one of them sacrifices his or her ego. It is often said that the one who sacrifices his or her ego, is worthy of receiving the blessings in a group of people of different personalities as he or she brings about harmony in relationships.

The one who sacrifices the ego is mature and humble enough to realize that the responsibility to bring to an end to negative energy exchanges with a particular person lies with him. Such a person has a soft intellect and realizes the significance of moulding or adjusting himself as the situation demands and how that can bring to an end the exchange. Such a person is like an ocean of good wishes. He will sacrifice his own interest, sacrifice the I am right consciousness, sacrifice the Things should be done the way I like consciousness and put the interest of the other first. Also, he will give up his own name and glorify the name of the other. Such a person will very commonly praise the other and his way of working as well as his personality either individually or in a group. Such a person becomes a teacher and friend for the person with whom he was exchanging negative vibes prior to that, becoming an instrument to bring to an end the negative exchange of energy.

(To be continued tomorrow …)


Message for the day

There is victory for the person who opposes the weaknesses instead of the person.

Instead of trying to win over a person who displays any negative qualities, one needs to oppose the negativity itself. The one who knows the art of doing this will never do anything to encourage the weakness in the other person but will provide all help to finish it fully. 

Experience: Since I am able to look at the weakness only and am trying to finish it, I will be free from negative feelings of dislike and hatred. There would be a genuine feeling of love, which in turn provides the right environment for the other person's growth.