Monday, May 13, 2024

An Attitude Of Gratitude

An Attitude Of Gratitude

Sometimes we take for granted, all the people in our life and everything which makes life comfortable. When things are not right, complaining seems natural. If we look at our life's journey, a huge percentage of it is smooth. But we readily highlight difficulties and rarely acknowledge all that is good. Let's cultivate an attitude of gratitude for people, situations and things that come together routinely to make our life beautiful.

1. Gratitude creates happiness and being happy keeps you contented. Begin your day with gratitude. Connect to God and thank Him. Thank your mind and body for sustaining you. Then give gratitude to people in your life and objects you use.

2. Create a relationship with the objects you use. For example, don't leave your bed with blanket unfolded or pillow lying haphazard. Thank them for a good night's sleep and place them neatly.

3. Leave no room to crib or criticize, when there's a lot to thank. Not just situations and people who are nice, but be grateful even to those who're not being nice. They have made you stronger.

4. Start being grateful for literally everything. Then, once in a while when you experience something not being right, your mind will not complain.


Message for the day

The ones who see specialities become special.

Expression: To see specialities and ignore negativity is to take a step ahead by imbibing those specialities. This creates a habit of seeing, taking in and expressing only positive qualities. So whatever the person may be, whatever his qualities may be, there is only a connection of positivity with him.

Experience: When I am able to relate to everyone in this way with only specialities, I become special. I also find others responding positively to me and using only their speicialities while in contact with me. There are also a lot of good wishes that I receive from others because of my positive attitude.

Making Every Moment Of The Day Precious

Making Every Moment Of The Day Precious 

We live in a world where time is a very important aspect of life, around which our life revolves. As we get up in the morning, life gives us a fixed number of hours to do something worthwhile and make every moment of the day precious. How do we create miracles in every moment of the day? Let's explore 5 ways - 

1. Make Every Thought Of The Day Pure, Positive And Powerful - Thoughts are the biggest wealth we have, which make time important because when we experience goodness and strength in every thought and gives others an experience of that, we are creating miracles of positivity, which we see in our actions and relationships. These miracles make our lives and others' lives beautiful.

2. Fill Every Moment With God's Love And Closeness - The beauty of every moment of the day increases when we feel God and talk to Him and also give others the same experience through our vibrations, words and actions. Having God's experience with us is very important for constant success and happiness.

3. Creating Miracles Through Soul Consciousness - When we spend every moment of the day in the physical consciousness, we lose touch with our inner being and inner existence and we live life on the surface, because of which our time is used only for physical purposes and we don't nurture the soul along the way. Soul consciousness at every moment make us internally fulfilled, which makes all physical purposes easy to achieve.

4. Bringing Peace And A Smile On Everyone's Face - The most important service to other souls that we can do everyday is to make them peaceful and joyful. Every moment of the day becomes precious, when we are always doing this with everyone we meet and even with those who may be far away from us but we are connected to them through technology and mediums of science.

5. Creating A Positive Destiny With Positive Actions - Every moment becomes important when whatever we do in the day is influenced by the spiritual wisdom of the soul, God and the Law Of Karma, which creates a positive destiny for us and others.


Message for the day

The one who is aware of one's fortune enables others to experience their fortune too.

Expression: To be aware of one's own fortune means to appreciate and use all that one has. Also when there is the awareness of one's own fortune, there is a natural tendency to help people become aware of what they have and how they can benefit from it. So the one who is fortunate becomes a giver.

Experience: When I am able to recognize my own fortune, I am able to have the joy of being a giver constantly. Whatever the circumstances, I am able to give knowing that I am fortunate. But never is there dependency created on me, because my help is to make them aware of their fortune too and make them independent.

Experiencing Peace And Love - Our Original Nature (Part 3)

Experiencing Peace And Love - Our Original Nature (Part 3)

Many of us sometimes use anger as a weapon in what we sometimes call controlling people and we forget that it is not possible to control people, but it is easy to influence them. Influencing people is always easier and that can take place with peace and love and keeping good wishes. Also, looking at people with positivity and having a vision for them that they are good helps to make them do what we may expect them to do. Also, being humble and kind-hearted will make people respect you and do what you desire or bring any change that you desire much more. 

Always remember we are inherently peaceful and loveful souls and as we come in the cycle of birth and rebirth we lose these qualities and start becoming full of desires of different types. Expecting or desiring a certain type of behavior from someone else is the root cause of all forms of anger. Also, desiring a certain type of situation, as per our liking is another cause of anger. Both these desires, when not fulfilled, make us irritated or upset or even violent in some cases. On the other hand, accepting situations and people with ease is possible for those who are full internally, with different qualities and powers. These qualities and powers come with the help of spiritual knowledge and following a path to bring the spiritual knowledge in your life. The more spiritually strong we become, the more we are able to remain above changes in our life which are not as per our liking. Also, we remain stable when sometimes people close to us are behaving in a way, which is different from what we think is right or preferred. Also fulfillment on an external level can sometimes make us egoistic. On the other hand internal fulfillment of different qualities makes us humble and very uncomplicated in our dealings, a behavior which satisfies people easily.


Message for the day

The one who is able to discriminate well is able to bring about real benefit.

Expression: Everyone naturally works for the benefit of the self an d others. But the one who discriminates well is able to understand the other person's need and give accordingly. So whatever is done naturally brings benefit for others and also for the self.

Experience: When I am able to bring benefit for the right person at the right time with the right thing, I am able to win the trust of the other person. I expect nothing in return, but have the satisfaction of helping at the right time.