Monday, November 29, 2021

Happiness: Incorrect Beliefs And The Truth (Part 2)

Happiness: Incorrect Beliefs And The Truth (Part 2)

Yesterday we identified how owing to one wrong belief, we had equated happiness to our accomplishments. Today let us check two more incorrect beliefs and understand the truth.

Belief 2: I can buy happiness.

Suppose I believe that buying my dream car gives me happiness, I may purchase and own the most expensive car. I have essentially bought physical comfort. While on a long drive in it, I could get one phone call conveying an unpleasant news which finishes my happiness. If my car gave happiness, happiness would stay despite the call. Even after the call, my car continues to give physical comfort and my physical body is comfortable. Since happiness is an emotional comfort, it disappeared when I (who is looking for happiness) went into pain after the call. Why do we feel happy upon buying a car? Because when we create a thought - I bought my dream car it generates a feeling of happiness. So we used an object (car) as a stimulus to create a response (positive thought).

Truth: Let us not purchase objects seeking happiness in them. Everything physical is designed to give physical comfort. Happiness is an emotional comfort.

Belief 3: Family and friends give me happiness.

Oscillating between acceptance and expectations, our relationships are getting strained. We focus on what to get from relationships rather than give. Our expectations from each other is getting long. We are accepting people only when they, speak, behave as per our needs. If I equate my happiness to others obeying me, it cannot last. No sooner than someone obeys the first time, I hand out my next expectation. So happiness leaves me at this point, only to return if the person obeys again. Else I get upset. People have their definitions of rights and wrongs, so setting expectations will always hamper relationships and ruin happiness.

Truth: No one can make us happy or sad. Happiness is our emotion, our internal creation regardless of quality of our relationships.


Message for the day

To do something altruistic each day is to ensure happiness.

Expression: When there is the thought to do something altruistic for someone every day, there is the ability to give happiness unconditionally. Whatever the relationship or whatever the personality of the other person, the one who develops the habit of doing this, is able to remain a source of support for those around. 

Experience: The best gift I can give is to give happiness and to finish sorrow.  When I am constantly thinking of this, not for any reward but just for the sake of it, I am able to discover and enjoy the fruit of that action.  I am free from expectations and am able to enjoy the action itself.

Happiness: Incorrect Beliefs And The Truth (Part 1)

Happiness: Incorrect Beliefs And The Truth (Part 1)

A significant number of people are suffering from depression in the world today. This is a hint for us to pause and ask if we are doing enough for our mental wellness, which is directly connected to emotional wellness. If we experience stress, anger, fear, hurt, jealousy, our emotional health suffers. Basically, we are caught in these negative emotions in pursuit of happiness. Most of us begin chasing dreams since childhood and do not pause thereafter for decades, because of the biggest incorrect belief that our happiness is what we acquire — that happiness is a byproduct of our belongings. So, we seek happiness in accomplishments, possessions and relationships. Let us scrutinize these three popular but misleading beliefs.

Belief 1: Accomplishments make me happy.

Suppose I am an employee who knows that it takes two years to be promoted as a manager, I sincerely work for it. But my own conditioned thought often reminds me - I will be happy when promoted as a manager. So I do not permit myself to be happy today, I will not permit for two more years. Some day if I sense that my promotion may not happen due to my inefficiency, issue with team members or a management decision, I create stress, anger and anxiety - as I believe these are not only affecting my career but snatching my happiness. I may resort to unfair means to get the promotion. So I create and transmit negativity, going into pain for two long years. If in this state I become a manager, can I be happy? Also such happiness does not last as I will focus on the next promotion, then the next...

Truth: Happiness is not in our accomplishments. It is not to be postponed until our goal is reached. Happiness is in our way of thinking along the way, while working towards the goal.

Tomorrow we shall evaluate two other belief systems.


Message for the day

To be clean at heart is to give happiness to others.

Expression: The one who has a clean heart is the one who always tries to do the best for those with whom he comes in contact. Thus, the person develops the ability to accept others as they are and ignore anything wrong done by them. Instead, he is able to do the right action without losing the balance. So such a person brings happiness for himself and for others through every action he performs.

Experience: When I have a clean heart I am able to have an experience of my inner qualities. I am able to enjoy the beauty of the different relationships, each relationship and each person being unique.  Thus others are able to get in touch with their inner beauty too. So there is happiness experienced by all.

Writing Letters To God

Writing Letters To God

A very beautiful practice on the path of spirituality is to write about your daily activity to God in the night before sleeping or at some other time. God is a beautiful and caring Supreme Parent who is always protecting us and helping us at every moment in the day. There are many people who sometimes think that God is an Ocean of Wisdom and He already knows what is happening in our lives. Then why should we tell Him anything? We have a deep relationship with God and as an important dimension of this relationship and because we love and respect God so much, it is good to give him a short 5-6 lines description of the day that has passed and a little about the day that is to come, so that He guides us with His wisdom and Supreme intellect. How should we write such a letter? Let's discuss 5 important things - 

1. Give God a clear view of about how you are progressing as a person - what are your weaknesses and strengths and ask Him how you should remove your weaknesses and improve your strengths further?

2. Tell God about what situations are there in your life - both positive and negative. Ask Him how can the positive situations benefit you and how the negative situations can be overcome?

3. Also, share with God your experiences on the spiritual path, and ask for His light and insight of them so that you can take them further and enjoy the spiritual path more.

4. Give God an idea of the different relationships in your life and ask for His opinion on how they can be improved and how your close ones can be connected with God and their lives can be made more spiritual and beautiful. 

5. Lastly, express your love to God always in your letters and strengthen your bond with Him. The more you do that, the more you will receive His love back and His spiritual sustenance will keep making you a more perfect and positive person.


Message for the day

Humility is to respect everything that comes our way.

Expression: To love simple things is humility.  It teaches to respect all that life brings.  That means there is an ability to appreciate and value everything appropriately.  So one is able to use everything that comes one way to the fullest extent for the benefit of the self and that of others.

Experience: When I am humble I am able to remain focused on my inner peace and not lose my sense of personal well-being.  I am able to simply learn from everything that happens to my life and add on to this sense of well-being.  No situation is difficult or impossible to work on, but I am able to overcome all challenges with ease.