Sunday, December 31, 2023

Avoiding Mood Swings

Avoiding Mood Swings

Do you experience sudden changes in your mood from one end of emotional spectrum to another, with the slightest triggers throughout the day? We cannot always control situations but we can always control our mood, to not get affected by every unexpected turn of events.

Take this moment to see how you master your mood to keep it happy and peaceful.

Affirmation - 

I am a happy being. I am the creator of every mood. I take care of my mind and body… with exercises, meditation, spiritual study, diet, relaxation and sleep. My mind and body are stress-free. Irrespective of situations and people's behaviour ... at every step I pause and check how I feel…I check my mood… if there is even a slight discomfort, I internally detach from the energy of the scene…. I don't let the scene touch my mood and trigger negativity. I silence my mind and listen to my inner voice. I decide on a response which is right for my present and future. I return to the scene with stability and respond…I keep my peaceful and happy mood intact. My mood remains the same in every circumstance… if people are not fair to me ... in the face of an illness… if there is a crisis in the family… if there is an issue at the workplace. Whatever may be the situation today, I am peaceful. No one lives on my mind and I do not get affected by anything. I continuously release any pain and discomfort I am holding on to. I let go of uncomfortable habits. My stability lets me think clearly and solve any problem. I am a master of my mood.

Repeat this affirmation a few times to ensure your inner world is not affected by events in your outer world. Your consistently stable, good mood will improve your happiness, health and harmony.


Message for the day

To give regard to others' ideas is to be a learner.

Expression: The one who is open to the ideas of others is the one who is able to learn from everything. He is humble and has respect for all. He has the authority over what he does, he is the master and is yet open to learning.

Experience: Even when my best plan and ideas are rejected or criticised, I am able to remain cool and light because of my regard for others and their ideas. Because of this I am able to constantly learn and experience progress.

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Allow Simplicity To Take Over Your Life

Allow Simplicity To Take Over Your Life

From time to time, did you find your identity drifting from your true, authentic self, to being what someone else wanted you to be? Were you afraid of being judged, labeled or rejected if you didn't conform to social influence? When we live to be accepted, appreciated or approved by others, we kill our authenticity. The mind gets cluttered and stressed over other people's expectations and opinions. Let's accept and respect ourselves enough, to be and do whatever is comfortable for us. Let's not lose connection with our own self. We need to have the courage and integrity to think for ourselves, express how we feel, speak what we think, and do what we want. This is simplicity. When we simply our mind, our life becomes simple. Whether it is at home, at work or at a public gathering, define your habits, values, behaviors and stick to them. Remind yourself - Whether it is diet, dressing or living habits, I decide what is right for me. I choose simplicity and authenticity.

Do you believe that somewhere down the line, we have complicated every aspect of our life? Do you wish to go back to simpler times when you led a modest life and found happiness in ordinary moments? Today we say relationships are complicated, jobs are hard, parenting is a challenge, health is deteriorating… The truth is that world is not complicated, our minds are getting complicated due to over thinking, holding on to the past, trying to control what we cannot, reacting impulsively and living in an auto-pilot mode. So, our mind, intellect and body are constantly under stress. We are radiating this stress into the world and consuming back the energies of stress, anger, fear and pain. It's time for us to simplify our mind, our life and our world. Today, program your mind to release everything that is holding you back from keeping things simple. Allow simplicity to take over. You will realize the immense freedom and joy it brings, to you and to people who live or work with you.


Message for the day

The one who works to remove the sorrow of others is the one who is loved by all.

Expression: When there is the one aim of helping to remove the sorrow of others, there will be nothing negative while dealing with others. There will also be no expectations from others. Working with the natural desire to bring benefit to as many as possible, enables one to continue to contribute to whatever extent possible.

Experience: When I am able to have this one desire of helping others be more happy, I am able to make a contribution for others' happiness and progress. I then find that others naturally appreciate my selfless contribution and their good wishes help me feel light and experience progress.

Friday, December 29, 2023

Quality Recharging By Connecting With God (Part 2)

Quality Recharging By Connecting With God (Part 2)

1. Begin Your Day With A Close Meeting With God - During the early morning hours, when nature is silent and pure and human beings are quiet and detached from their physical existence, experience yourself as a soul and enter the soul world and float in it, touching and absorbing the pure vibrations of God. These vibrations will fill you with God's 7 qualities.

2. Imbibe God's Wisdom In Your Heart - After meditating in the early morning and getting ready after that, read or listen to God's wisdom with a fresh mind and body and imbibe every word in your heart and feel that God - the Supreme Teacher is teaching me with immense love. This will inspire you to fill every thought, word and action in the day with His qualities.

3. Add A Spiritual Vibration To Every Action - A very beautiful way of feeling and experiencing God's qualities and making them your sanskars, is to add a pure and divine vibration to every action, by remembering God before beginning any action, feeling His presence and taking His guidance during the action and thanking God after finishing the action.

4. Make A Quality Chart And Follow It The Entire Day - Every morning as you make a meeting with God, share with God a quality chart for the day. In the quality chart, depending on the day's timetable for your actions and the people and situations you are expecting to meet and come across, write in your mind or visualize, how will you bring the 7 qualities of God in every action.

5. Share The Wisdom And Qualities Of God With Others - To experience God's qualities in every action and do a quality recharging, share whatever you know and learn from God everyday with others and bring others closer to God. Also give others an experience of God's qualities through your face and smile full of divinity and every beautiful word and action.


Message for the day

To be a giver means to give according to need.

Expression: The one who is a giver would be sensitive to the needs of others and will be able to give what the other person needs at the right time, instead of giving what he wants to give. Also such a person is able to give without expecting anything in return.

Experience: When there is even a little thought to share with others whatever I have, I would naturally be able to perceive my own inner treasures and experience being full. Sharing with others, whatever I can, enables me to get their good wishes also. I thus find myself experiencing the richness of life.