Tuesday, March 26, 2024

You Have More Time Than You Need

You Have More Time Than You Need

Have you found yourself not doing things you liked to do? The belief of not having enough time is more a mental block than our reality, preventing us from using time the right way. We all want to exercise, meditate, go for a holiday, but time seems a barrier. By repeatedly creating the thought - I don't have time for this, we have programmed the mind to believe so, and eventually manifest it into our reality.

1. Constantly complaining about lack of time radiates an energy of rejection towards yourself or towards others. It gives a feeling of not being available for yourself, family, friends or colleagues.

2. Time is not the reason to not do something. The real reason is that the task has not been your priority. The day you say - This is my priority… I will exercise, I will meditate, I will spend time with my family… you will make time for it.

3. Cultivate a good relationship with time by valuing it. Do not waste it in wasteful thinking or activities. When you respect time, it co-operates with you and you will be able to focus better, complete tasks in lesser time and be more productive.

4. Select one activity for which you have been saying you don't have time. Firmly believe you have more time than you need and visualize yourself doing that activity.


Message for the day

God's love brings out the perfection from within.

Expression: The power of God's love brings about change internally. Through His love everything old and unwanted finishes. There is the natural tendency to bring about such perfection that the one who loves Him and gets His love becomes like a mirror - a mirror in which perfection of others too is visible.

Experience: There is such inner strength that I get because of God's love that even if somebody does something to hurt me, I don't allow myself to get hurt. Even if people are saying negative things, they don't influence or touch me in a negative way. I am so full with God's love that it naturally flows out to those around me.

Monday, March 25, 2024

Splashing Soulful Colours Of Love And Happiness

Splashing Soulful Colours Of Love And Happiness

The Spiritual Meaning Of Holi – March 25th (Part 2)

Wearing clean white clothes mark the essence of Holi, symbolizing that we the souls are clean and pure. The soul is completely cleansed after burning its vices in the fire of remembrance of the Supreme Power (Holika Dahan). The colors of Holi represent our original and natural soul qualities of peace, joy, love, bliss, purity, power and wisdom. We the souls need to first color the Self by connecting to God's unconditional love and purity. We are then ready to spray them on everyone else through our thoughts, words and behavior. Playing with colors and splashing them on other people signifies that we apply permanent colors of our peace, compassion and harmony to every soul. We dissolve our differences; forgive each other and come together to unite in the colors of love and happiness. 

Ho Li means I Belong. We celebrate the joy of belonging completely to God, the Supreme Soul. Ho Li also means Past is Past, never to come back again. So, we need to stop being in the past and re-living painful memories or holding on to people's mistakes. Ho Ly translates to spiritual purity. It means our every karma should be pure and divine. Let us not just celebrate but live the meaning of Holi every day.


Message for the day

The method to finish a weakness is to be detached from it.

Expression: When there is some weakness working within that has to be overcome, it is very essential for one to get detached from it, that means not to identify with the weakness. If there is an identification with the weakness, it is further strengthened and there is the inability to get rid of it. Since it is there in the consciousness, it is visible in the words and actions too.

Experience: When I am free from the identification with the weakness, I am able to bring about a change very quickly. I find it very easy to stabilise myself in the awareness of my strength and allow that strength to be revealed in all my words and actions. There is no heaviness of the weakness nor is there the feeling of having to give up something, but transformation takes place very easily.

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Holika Dahan: Burning The Evil

Holika Dahan: Burning The Evil

The Spiritual Meaning Of Holi – March 25th (Part 1)

Bonfire is created on the eve of Holi with an effigy on top of the pyre representing Holika. This spiritually denotes the evil or negativity present within each of us. Every household provides twigs and pieces of wood to prepare the bonfire. This means each of us should offer our unhealthy sanskars, wrong habits, resentment and hurt that we have held on to and unfulfilled desires of the past. Holika Dahan or burning of the pyre at night and people dancing around the bonfire, symbolize that we need to set all our negativities on fire. We can rejoice only after burning them into ashes so that they never come back. It also signifies setting on fire evils of the old world, to begin a new world of purity and virtues. 

The simplest way to burn our negative sanskars is Meditation. Meditation is a powerful personal connection with The Supreme Power, the Ocean of Purity and Love. When we remember someone, we are in connection with them, that is called Yog. When we are in powerful remembrance of The Supreme, Yog Agni (the fire of remembrance) burns all impurities. Mythologically, it celebrates the destruction of the demon King Hiranyakashipu and Holika, and the protection of devotee Prahlaad. So, it is a reminder of the power of faith and surrender. When we have constant and deep faith, the Supreme Soul protects us from the flames of pain and suffering. 

(To be continued tomorrow …)


Message for the day

True knowledge brings humility.

Expression: True knowledge inspires and encourages one to bring about a practical change in one's life. The one with knowledge naturally imbibes it, which is also revealed in his practical life. This is because he is humbly willing to learn from all situations. As much as there is knowledge, so much there is divinity and elevatedness revealed in all words and actions. Also such a person keeps learning from all life's situations.

Experience: To have the ability to learn from all that life brings is to have love for knowledge. Since I have love for knowledge, I am able to experience self-respect. This self-respect gives me the humility to accept situations and people as they are and keep learning. So whatever the situation or whoever the person I come across, I only find myself enriching myself and moving forward.