Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 30-06-2015

Soul Sustenance 30-06-2015

Finding The Destiny Maker (Part 1)

All of us are players in the world drama with fixed roles, which we play in different births. At the same time once in the world drama we get a chance to re-define or re-shape or in other words re-write our roles with the pen of spiritual wisdom given by the Supreme and as per his subtle (non-physical) and physical directions given, when He comes down on Earth and is with us. So, we are indebted to God because of this, because our complete fortune and the roles we play would not be possible if the Supreme would not shower on us his love, his presence, his knowledge and his company.

You might ask that is destiny already made and we are merely playing the roles given to us? Also, are these roles given to us by God or are they just eternal and fixed? This is partially right. Roles are fixed and eternal but the roles are not given by God to us. As mentioned above, God only shares with us the way of re-shaping our roles when our roles are no longer happiness filled and our physical body, relationships with others as well our minds along with the roles that we play in our families as well as in our professional lives are no longer permanently happiness filled. On the other hand, there is sorrow in every sphere of life and if happiness exists also, it is not secured or safe. It is the time in the world drama when we can no longer say for sure that tomorrow will bring no negative surprises in the form of disturbing situations. So, we have to thank God because it is at this time when He comes down to help us and brings back happiness in all our life spheres. So, our roles are fixed i.e. destiny is already made and we are also given a chance by God to make our destiny once in the world drama. Love for the Supreme who is the destiny maker of our lives should flow from our heart and we should make God a part of our lives and find Him in the world at the present moment and take the pen of writing our destiny from Him. This is because the time for doing that is now. In fact, it is now or never.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Message for the day 30-06-2015

The ones with faith in the self will be able to make their thoughts and actions equal.

Contemplation: When you have faith in yourself you will be able to have a high aim and you will be able to put into action all the thoughts that you have according to your aim. Your plans will then not be limited to thoughts only.

Application: With the firm faith that you are special and unique, start putting into practice all the special thoughts that you get without postponing them. Slowly you will find yourself doing all the things that you think you should be doing.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 192 | Airtel Digital TV # 686 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 171 | online www.pmtv.in

Monday, June 29, 2015

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 29-06-2015

Soul Sustenance 29-06-2015

Living Life On The Surface

In an ideal situation, the thoughts that run in my mind, should be exactly those that I would like and I want. We do exert this control, that we possess, over our thoughts, but it is not complete and it is only sometimes. The more we become completely engrossed in our daily routine, the more our thoughts tend to become reactions to what goes on outside us. That’s when they go out of control and our lives move in an unfocused way. As a result things don't work out as we might have desired. Then we develop a habit of blaming other people and circumstances, or we justify our pain by telling ourselves we are not very worthy or powerful enough. Often, these two inner strategies go together. The trouble is, both are cover ups, preventing us from going for a long-term solution.

In this way, we tend to live our lives on a very superficial level, without taking the time to find the solution to what is going on wrong inside. Deeper difficulties remain hidden inside. I move from one scene of life to another - eating, watching television, studying in college, getting married, changing jobs, buying a new car or house, etc. without ever stopping. All these are part of living, but if I make them my whole and sole, my foundation, it’s as if I skate across the surface of life without being in touch with the core. As time progresses, an inner shallowness develops. Then the feeling keeps growing inside that there must be more to life than this. I then, find that my relationships are not working out as I would have hoped and they are lacking in depth.

Message for the day 29-06-2015

Understanding brings happiness.

Expression: Happiness lies in understanding the secret of whatever is happening. When one is able to remain happy in this way, he is able to spread this happiness to those around too, influencing the lives of all.

Experience: When I am able to remain happy under all circumstances, I am able to be free from the influence of others' negativity. Instead I will be able to become a major source of positive influence to those around me.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 192 | Airtel Digital TV # 686 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 171 | online www.pmtv.in

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 28-06-2015

Soul Sustenance 28-06-2015

Crossing Negative Circumstances (Part 3)

In order to have a wider perception and not to drown in any negative situation i.e. not to get affected by it, you can position yourself in a positive way. Instead of losing respect for the self and developing a negative consciousness, if you make your consciousness positive and stabilize yourself in respect towards yourself, in maintaining your positive and powerful self-esteem and a healthy distance (not necessarily physical distance, but rather by not letting the situation absorb you), you will be able to have an eagle's vision. From above, everything looks smaller. It is easier to get over something small. You can. I am a victorious soul or I am a destroyer of obstacles are examples of positive consciousness.

Whatever happens, it is important to always be aware that you create your thoughts and you allow the situations to have greater or lesser impact inside you, according to how you see them. Learn to create thoughts full of courage, trust and determination. Spirituality and the practice of meditation helps you do just that. Those thoughts, charged with positive energy, will help you to allow each situation to pass; to really overcome it and leave it behind; for it not to remain alive in your thoughts or in your memory.

With the power of a mind that creates thoughts full of good energy, wherever you go, you will create a pleasant atmosphere.
Your vibrations will create spaces full of beauty, love, trust and peacefulness; spaces where all those who enter will remove their masks and will connect again with their true self.

Message for the day 28-06-2015

You'll be able to do your best when you have respect for the tasks that you are involved in.

Expression: Even the smallest task that you do becomes special when you understand why you are doing it. It then enables you to have respect for whatever you do. When you work with this respect you'll automatically do the best.

Experience: Check what your feelings are in all the tasks that you are involved in throughout the day. In case you find any task as unimportant don't do it. Also tell yourself at the beginning of the day that today you will take the time to do everything properly.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 192 | Airtel Digital TV # 686 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 171 | online www.pmtv.in

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 27-06-2015

Soul Sustenance 27-06-2015

Crossing Negative Circumstances (Part 2)

The challenge lies in knowing what the strategy is to learn to live through negative situations without allowing them to influence our emotional and mental state.

In order to achieve that, in the first place, we should change our interpretation. Instead of interpreting the situation as an obstruction, interference or barrier to our path, we need to change our perception. We can ask ourselves questions like: What has this situation taught me? What does it say to me? Remain detached, observe and listen before reacting immediately. From detachment, observation and listening we can have a more practical and wider perception.

We are the creators of our realities. Reality, in itself, does not create for us stress, pain or unhappiness. It is our way of looking and interpretation of reality that brings about these reactions. Therefore, we have to review how we perceive situations and with what beliefs we interpret and judge them. Reinterpreting the situation, the concrete reality, implies allowing the old perception to die in order to make room for a new vision. Without the old dying, the new cannot be built correctly. Instead of seeing people or situations as obstacles on the path, we can see them as opportunities to practice patience and tolerance, to know how to listen, thank and love. They allow us to widen our capacity to co-operate and enlarge our heart so that we might be more generous.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Message for the day 27-06-2015

The power of transformation brings all attainments

Expression: When there is the ability to transform negative into positive, and waste into useful in a second there is the ability to be useful for the self and others. There would not be just complaints against the situation, but the best would be made out of all situations and move on to the aim set out.

Experience: When I am able to use the power of transformation to finish negative and waste, I am able to experience being free from obstacles. So I am able to experience contentment under all circumstances for having made the best use of everything available.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 192 | Airtel Digital TV # 686 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 171 | online www.pmtv.in

Friday, June 26, 2015

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 26-06-2015

Soul Sustenance 26-06-2015

Crossing Negative Circumstances (Part 1)

There are periods of life in which it seems to us that there is someone or something who gets in the way of our path. Circumstances, instead of going in our favor, go against us. They are barriers that make it difficult for us to reach our objectives; they are interruptions that prevent us from feeling satisfied; they are situations that seem to reduce our feelings of success.

When we find ourselves with these scenes that appear to block our progress towards the aims and objectives that we have set out for ourselves, we tend to have negative thoughts; we feel anger and rage, or we feel sad and unenthusiastic, as if we don't have the strength to either overcome or transform the situation. Rather it is the situation that overcomes or overpowers us and leaves us exhausted. Some people are not prepared for this to happen and put all their strength into fighting the situation. They do so with feelings of anger, revenge and injustice. Often it becomes a process that wastes their energies and leaves them exhausted, without achieving a true solution.

It is possible to live through situations without them causing such an emotional energy loss. That does not mean that we become cold and insensitive to what happens around us. It is a question of living through situations without drowning into them. If we drown ourselves in them we won't be able to help others or ourselves. We will be lost, like the shipwrecked, at the mercy of the waves, the tides and the winds. We will have lost the control of the steering wheel of our ship – our life.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Message for the day 26-06-2015

To be free from guilt means to ensure quick and easy progress.

Expression: Blaming oneself for all that happens and taking the mind to extreme levels of guilt takes one to a sense of unworthiness. Such a person loses the strength and is unable to look for solutions in difficult situations. Hence there is nothing new that can be thought of, and the situation doesn't get any better.

Experience: When I continue to blame myself, I believe that I deserver neither happiness nor love and that the sorrow that I am experiencing is a deserved punishment. So I lose all enthusiasm to improve the situation and have no awareness of the treasures that I have. So I experience no progress in my life.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 192 | Airtel Digital TV # 686 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 171 | online www.pmtv.in

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 25-06-2015

Soul Sustenance 25-06-2015

The I Inside (Part 3)

If we continue to love our specialties, our personality or our role for the most part of our life, then over a period of time we forget the real self which is waiting to be recognized. Every time I think I am one of the above, I become more and more disconnected with my real self which is going to give me a more permanent self-esteem or pride and as a result a permanent happiness. The personality skills, the sparkling education success and the way I dress up, these are all temporary because don’t forget life is a roller coaster where success can easily leave me within a short period of time. So, enjoy all of them because even they are attainments and enjoying attainments is not being materialistic or non-spiritual but don’t become dependent on them for your happiness. On the other hand, the source of all the specialties and personality – the real I is a sum total of the basic qualities of the soul – peace, love and joy and all that is good inside which is eternal and also the relationship of the I or myself with a higher source which is also imperishable (un-destroyable) is what I need to be dependent on because it will never leave me.

Don’t forget, in our earliest births as pure deities, we were extremely skilled, very beautiful and very rich, so much so that everything good that a human being can have physically was with us, yet we were completely detached from all these attainments, enjoying all of them. That too at a time when these attainments were imperishable, because that was the original world, a world of happiness. But, now all these attainments in our life are no longer permanent and can very easily go away from us in a split second because we live in a world which is unpredictable and with many ups and downs. No skill or role has with it the assurance of being permanent. On the other hand, it is the time when the imperishable I is the one which stands by us permanently. So, it is this I the hand of which we need to hold tight permanently and also connect the I with a permanent source – the Supreme Soul and enjoy every moment of life with complete security, surety and safety.

Message for the day 25-06-2015

The ones who see specialities become special.

Expression: To see specialities and ignore negativity is to take a step ahead by imbibing those specialities. This creates a habit of seeing, taking in and expressing only positive qualities. So whatever the person may be, whatever his qualities may be, there is only a connection of positivity with him.

Experience: When I am able to relate to everyone in this way with only specialities, I become special. I also find others responding positively to me and using only their speicialities while in contact with me. There are also a lot of good wishes that I receive from others because of my positive attitude.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 192 | Airtel Digital TV # 686 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 171 | online www.pmtv.in

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 24-06-2015

Soul Sustenance 24-06-2015

The I Inside (Part 2)

We all are used to seeing ourselves with the spectacles of others’ perceptions which are all based on physical attitudes and clouded by the worldly view. Today, we look at ourselves with a lot of respect for all that we think is good in us and based on what others tell us about us. And then, suddenly someone criticizes us and we become depressed and lose our mood to the other person’s perception. All this because we have learnt to identify with things other than the real I. Suppose I identify with what specialties I possess e.g. I am a good debater (speaker) and this specialty has bought me a whole lot of praises from people around me all through my academic career. Over a period of time people start praising you regularly for that and the identification gets stronger. Identification means losing yourself in the object of your attachment so much that you completely forget that this is not the real you. In this case, the skill of debating (speaking) with confidence is a characteristic which I possess, which can easily lose its importance if I don’t get an opportunity to express it as I become older or am out of school or college. So, what happened to the object of my attachment with which I identified myself? Suddenly it gets back at me and the same object starts giving me sorrow if the praise that I am used to receiving because of it is no longer available. In this situation, wouldn’t it have been better that I shouldn’t have attached myself so much to this characteristic in the first place. The more the identification, the more the sorrow experienced.

So, a simple way of not experiencing sorrow in the above case is being happy and feeling lucky for what we possess but at the same time keeping a relationship of detachment with the characteristic of how we express ourselves through our words and deliver our ideas through our voice. A relationship of detachment means not losing myself in the characteristic but playing my role with it and even keeping a pure pride that I possess the characteristic which can also be called self-esteem, but at the same time not get over-awed or over self-impressed by the characteristic. That would lead to a healthier relationship with my attainment, which if it is reduced or is lessened by any chance or not praised any more as much as before, it will not harm my self-esteem and give me unhappiness at any point of time.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Message for the day 24-06-2015

To be victorious means to pass obstacles with ease.

Expression: The ones who aim to become victorious never think of not being faced with obstacles. Instead they look at each obstacle as a chance to use and express their own inner powers. So there is constant progress visible in them.

Experience: When I am prepared for the inevitable challenges that life brings, I will not experience fear, tension or anxiety but will always be confident and fearless. Apart from actually being victorious in the situation, I also experience winning over my weaknesses and discovering new powers within me.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 192 | Airtel Digital TV # 686 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 171 | online www.pmtv.in

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 23-06-2015

Soul Sustenance 23-06-2015

The I Inside (Part 1)

We all live our lives at a fast pace, finishing one scene and entering the next one after forgetting the first scene and sometimes carrying its memories into the second one. But have we wondered or stopped to ask ourselves that is our identity which we use to perform our actions one of our profession or role or how we look or dress up or carry ourselves or for that matter our gender or the country or caste which we belong to? When we use the term self-identity, two words come to our mind – one is what we call self or me or I and the other is identifying with what i.e. I, the self, am identifying with what? Very often I am identifying with what I am not or what I seem to be but I am not in reality. The looks and the personality as well as the education are acquired but what I am really is what I am before I learn my education and shape up into the features that I have. You might say that this is an old story of spirituality, but what we need to train ourselves from today to do is to start seeing ourselves in the mirror of spirituality and start observing the real I or me – the one that is invisible to the physical eyes but is the core of what we call ourselves – human beings. As in a coconut, the softer inner surface or the core or center is what gives us strength whereas the hard exterior is what is not eaten or is lesser important.

People who are used to the common practice of seeing in the physical mirror before starting their day are reminded of so many physical characteristics mentioned above that they forget that behind the acquired exterior is a non-visible interior that also requires cleaning up and being dressed up. This is because that is what comes into contact with people’s hearts – people whom we meet everyday, and also it is the inner face that will impress people after they have temporarily been impressed by the clothes we wear and how beautiful we are. After all it is the smile that is more important than the shirt. What use is a good looking suit if the person wearing the suit is egoistic and jealousy filled? Living life in the essence of the inner self is the way of reaching out to others with love and compassion and remaining contented yourself also.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Message for the day 23-06-2015

Concentration develops when the intellect is clean and clear.

Expression: For the one whose intellect continues to wander, concentration becomes difficult or impossible. On the other hand, for the one who is focused on one thing there are no other distractions at that time and there is easy concentration.

Experience: When I am able to remain focused, I am not troubled by distractions which lessen my concentration. Instead I am able to increase my discrimination power and am able to decide and judge well. This happens because my intellect becomes clean and gets cleared of waste.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 192 | Airtel Digital TV # 686 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 171 | online www.pmtv.in

Monday, June 22, 2015

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 22-06-2015

Soul Sustenance 22-06-2015

The Relationship Between The Soul And The Body

Human being means the consciousness, the soul or being (living energy), experiencing life through the physical body, the human (non-living). The body is perishable and temporary, whereas the soul is eternal and without physical dimension. • The soul is the driver; the body is the car. • The soul is the actor; the body is its costume. • The soul is a diamond; the body is the jewelry box. • The soul is the musician; the body is the instrument. • The soul is the guest; the body is the hotel. • The soul is the deity; the body is the temple. I can use a knife to chop vegetables. I can use the same knife to kill someone. The knife neither decides (outwards) nor experiences (inwards), but can be washed easily under water. Now look at the fingers which held the knife. They neither decide nor experience the actions. They too can be washed under water. It's easy to realize that the knife is an instrument, but it is more difficult to realize that the fingers as well as the arms are instruments too. The legs are instruments for walking, the eyes for seeing, the ears for hearing, the mouth for speaking, the tongue for tasting, the heart for pumping food and oxygen (via blood) around the body, and so on. Even the brain is an instrument used like a computer to express all thought, word and action programs through the body and to experience the results. If every physical part of the body is an instrument, who or what is it that is using this instrument? Very simply it is I, the self, the soul. The soul uses the word I for itself and the word my when referring to the body; my hands, my eyes, my brain, etc. I am different from my body.

Message for the day 22-06-2015

To have tolerance means to be stable.

Expression: When one is faced with defamation or insult, tolerance gives the power to be stable and cool. And so there is the ability to smile even when there is negativity that comes. Tolerance means to see beyond the insults because of being stable in the stage of self-respect.

Experience: When faced with criticism, if I am able to be stable in my stage of self-respect, I am able to learn from every negative remark that comes my way. I will never become defensive, but will be able to see clearly what new learning I could take.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 192 | Airtel Digital TV # 686 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 171 | online www.pmtv.in

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 21-06-2015

Soul Sustenance 21-06-2015

The Three Mirrors For Inner Beauty (Part 4)

The third mirror is the mirror of your own thoughts, words and actions – What you think and feel about yourself and others is invisible to others and only you know what it is. But you radiate your thoughts, feelings, emotions and attitudes through your facial expressions, your eyes, your words, your body language and your actions when you interact with others. That way your words and your actions act as a mirror in which to see yourself. You achieve this when you are a detached observer and you become aware of your responses, your reactions and how you express what arises from within you. This awareness of being an observer needs to be maintained sub-consciously throughout the day and consciously in the night by filling a daily chart before sleeping, on any three personality traits of your choice. Your main weaknesses or strengths you want to enhance should be included in the chart. We have explained the different types of traits that can be covered in a daily chart in our older messages. You could either evaluate these personality traits with a yes or no or perform a percentage wise evaluation like 50% or 80% for e.g. So it is a good practice to look into this mirror once in the night, before sleeping. This mirror will give you a review of the day that has gone by and make you careful for the next day. The daily chart is useful for this purpose. Filling a daily chart does not take more than a few seconds.

Finally and most importantly, always do remember that those who use these three mirrors actively and use them well to ensure that their internal self looks good and beautiful all the time become living mirrors for others. People who come in contact with them are able to see accurately what their internal self looks like. On seeing how beautiful and perfect they are, other people quickly realize their shortcomings or weaknesses and also take inspiration to become as beautiful, clean and virtuous beings as them.

Message for the day 21-06-2015

The one who is able to discriminate well is able to bring about real benefit.

Expression: Everyone naturally works for the benefit of the self and others. But the one who discriminates well is able to understand the other person's need and give accordingly. So whatever is done naturally brings benefit for others and also for the self.

Experience: When I am able to bring benefit for the right person at the right time with the right thing, I am able to win the trust of the other person. I expect nothing in return, but have the satisfaction of helping at the right time.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 192 | Airtel Digital TV # 686 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 171 | online www.pmtv.in

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 20-06-2015

Soul Sustenance 20-06-2015

The Three Mirrors For Inner Beauty (Part 3)

In the last two days’ messages, we have explained the first mirror for inner beauty.

The second mirror is the mirror of meditation – In the silence of meditation which is a connection or the experience of a relationship with the inner self and the Supreme Soul, each day you come close to and dive deep into both of them. When you create powerful, positive thoughts about the self and you also visualize your true spiritual self, you feel and experience your true virtuous being, what you are - radiant and free of all influences. That experience helps you to see yourself as you really are and in contrast to how you are now. Perhaps you feel peaceless, disturbed and dejected today, but by creating thoughts of peace and contentment in meditation you quickly realize that in reality that is your true nature. In that way, it serves as a mirror for self realization and checking and changing. When you visualize the Supreme Soul during meditation and experience His virtues, it helps you to see and quickly realize yourself in contrast to Him and make the required changes in yourself because the child should reflect the qualities of the Father.

So a good practice then is to look into this mirror and check yourself once in the morning before the day’s activities and once before sleeping for 10 minutes each time. Also, since this is the most powerful mirror, it is extremely vital to carry this mirror with you throughout the day and check yourself in it for one minute after every hour. This may sound too much time given to the inner self to many, but all of us are aware that like an untidy, unkempt external self is not pleasing to the self and does not create a favorable impression on those who come in contact with us, in the same way that applies to the inner self also. So one minute spent in looking into this mirror and doing some self-introspection and checking and changing will keep us looking good for the next fifty nine minutes and if we do mess up internally during those fifty nine minutes, then corrections can be made quickly in the next one minute break – it’s as simple as that.

(To be continued tomorrow ….)

Message for the day 20-06-2015

The one who is aware of one's fortune enables others to experience their fortune too.

Expression: To be aware of one's own fortune means to appreciate and use all that one has. Also when there is the awareness of one's own fortune, there is a natural tendency to help people become aware of what they have and how they can benefit from it. So the one who is fortunate becomes a giver.

Experience: When I am able to recognize my own fortune, I am able to have the joy of being a giver constantly. Whatever the circumstances, I am able to give knowing that I am fortunate. But never is there dependency created on me, because my help is to make them aware of their fortune too and make them independent.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 192 | Airtel Digital TV # 686 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 171 | online www.pmtv.in

Friday, June 19, 2015

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 19-06-2015

Soul Sustenance 19-06-2015

The Three Mirrors For Inner Beauty (Part 2)

In yesterday's message, we had discussed the first mirror, the mirror of spiritual knowledge. Elaborating further, this mirror will also show you the Supreme Soul and it will remind you about His virtues and actions which will help you check where you stand in comparison to Him in terms of virtues and actions and will influence you to follow him by imbibing those virtues and performing actions in the similar way. Lastly this mirror will remind you of your relationship with the Supreme and forging a deep and personal connection with Him in different ways which will benefit you and others.

The knowledge read every morning will help you see and realize what mistakes you have committed in the last 24 hours while performing actions and also in maintaining a connection with the Supreme and also see what you have done positively in the same regard during the same time, which will encourage you further to do the same in the future. The mirror of knowledge will also help you remain careful for the day ahead and perform actions and experience a relationship with the Supreme based on what you have read. It is a common experience of a lot of people that the spiritual knowledge read in the morning is always what the need of the moment for them is. The spiritual knowledge read is very commonly an exact reflection of the activities and mental state of your last 24 hours and/or something which you require for the coming day for the self, for your relationships, for facing different types of obstacles in your personal and professional life. This is the Law of Spiritual Attraction that works in each one's life, but to different extents. Our consciousness and inner requirements attract towards us the spiritual knowledge of a similar nature.

(To be continued tomorrow ….)

Message for the day 19-06-2015

To be careless means to misuse specialities.

Expression: To be careless means that there is no awareness of one's specialitites and so there is the inability to use them for the benefit of the self and for the good of others. On the other hand there is also a tendency to become overconfident because of these specialities and not to work on self -transformation. The one who is careless is not able to recognize the need for self change and so is not able to bring about transformation.

Experience: When I am able to be free from carelessness, I am able to understand the importance of the specialities that I have , and am able to use a particular speciality that I have , and am able to put them into use. So I find that the more I am able to use a particular speciality that I have, the more I am able to bring out and use the latent specialities that are within me. So I am able to experience quick transformation and constant progress.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 192 | Airtel Digital TV # 686 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 171 | online www.pmtv.in

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 18-06-2015

Soul Sustenance 18-06-2015

The Three Mirrors For Inner Beauty (Part 1)

Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all? are famous words. To check our external beauty or tidiness, we look into the mirror on the wall each day. But on a mental, emotional and spiritual level, what is the mirror that helps you to see if there is anything wrong with your inner face or self or to realize what is happening to you and what you have to do to maintain your inner fairness or beauty?

There are three types of mirrors, which one can use to see or check the internal self:

The first mirror is the mirror of spiritual knowledge – Spiritual knowledge is the knowledge related to spiritual self-development i.e. of the soul and also of the Supreme Soul. Each day, in the morning, you can look into this mirror for 5 minutes at least. Looking into this mirror means listening to or reading a piece of spiritual knowledge for at least 5 minutes that connects you to your inner essence, increases your emotional and spiritual intelligence as well as reminds you of your true purpose.

You will see yourself very clearly in this mirror as this mirror will show you:
- the knowledge of the original and ideal virtues of the soul like peace, love, bliss, purity, power, joy etc.;
- how these virtues can be imbibed in the self
to benefit the self and others;
- the knowledge of the different types of weaknesses that can arise in the soul like anger, greed, ego, hatred, fear, attachment, jealousy, sorrow, etc., the roots of all which lie in mis-identification with the physical self and forgetting the spiritual self and how these weaknesses can harm the self and others;
- the knowledge of overcoming these weaknesses.

All of these things which you see in the mirror will help you to check where you stand in comparison to the right code of conduct for thoughts, feelings, attitudes, emotions, words and actions, where you are going wrong and how you can make the required corrections in the same. On looking into this mirror you will be reminded of the Law of Karma (the Law of Action and Reaction), which will motivate you to make these corrections.

(To be continued tomorrow ….)

Message for the day 18-06-2015

The habit of thinking positive finishes negative.

Expression: Just as it has become a habit of thinking negative, a positive habit when created will naturally bring about a change. A little practice and attention to form a habit of thinking positive will reveal its result of creating an influence of positivity. The situations will not change on their own, but the habit that has been formed will bring about a change in the response and will change the situation too.

Experience: Usually it becomes very difficult or sometimes impossible for me to think positive in difficult situations. At that time, although I want to, the response that emerges from within is based on the habit that is formed previously. So when I make the habit of constantly and consciously thinking positive, I then become free from the struggle of having to change my mind to positive in difficult situations.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 192 | Airtel Digital TV # 686 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 171 | online www.pmtv.in

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 17-06-2015

Soul Sustenance 17-06-2015

8 Steps On The Road To Success (Part 3)

The road to success is filled with major changes which we as travelers on it need to be able to adapt to and face, without the changes affecting us negatively. There are people who are very weak at adapting to change because of lack of spiritual strength and the tendency to look at and perceive the changes negatively. It is said at the Brahma Kumaris that the one who moulds becomes real gold or valuable or in other words spiritually pure or powerful. So, the ability to mould or the ability to change as per the different milestones one sees on the road to success is a spiritual power which we need to fill ourselves with. Also, as with traffic signals, also required is the ability to stop on the road to success on passing certain signposts which convey to us that crossing them at that moment of time at the speed at which we are, will cause an accident in the form of an ill physical body or a broken relationship or a stressful mind or a harmed professional or personal role which is being used to reach the destination of success in any sphere of life, and bring the journey to the destination of success to a standstill.

Another spiritual ability is the ability to inculcate new creative and constructive sanskaras as per the demands of what side-scenes (which may sometimes be surprising for many) are seen on the road to success. The type of sanskaras which may be required to be inculcated at that moment of time could be simple like remaining egoless, keeping love maintained with someone with whom things get rough, avoiding the negatives of someone and also not spreading them, not getting frustrated or tired and remaining patient, not creating thoughts of failure, accepting each one’s role with ease, emerging the power to discriminate between wrong and right or remaining economical in using resources like money, time and energy etc. Also, just like any other journey, sometimes it is also important not to get stuck in these side scenes but to ignore or let go of them and carry on with determination on the road to success with our complete focus on the destination of success which our whole journey is dedicated to.

Message for the day 17-06-2015

The sweetness of the mind brings sweetness in words and interactions.

Expression: There is an understanding of the need for being sweet in words and interactions. But this sweetness can be expressed only when there is sweetness in the mind. Sweetness of the mind means there is not even a trace of negativity. Such a mind is further open to all that is nice and beautiful and expresses its own freshness and beauty in interactions.

Experience: When I am able to keep my mind sweet, i.e., free from any kind of bitterness or ill-feelings, I am able to experience the beauty of life. There is no feeling of sorrow or negativity but the mind is nurtured to further positivity with everything that comes its way. I am then able to experience constant growth and progress.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 192 | Airtel Digital TV # 686 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 171 | online www.pmtv.in

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 16-06-2015

Soul Sustenance 16-06-2015

8 Steps On The Road To Success (Part 2)

Just for a minute stop what you are thinking and ask yourself is a goal or an achievement so significant that you do not mind losing some of the beautiful relationships of love of your life, an emotion that is most cherished when in its pure and selfless form. Also, what use is an achieved mission if in the process I suffer sleep disorders or my digestive system is weakened or I suffer from high blood pressure or diabetes or even mental illnesses like depression or sometimes even an end result of attempting suicide when the same purpose of life can be achieved without losing mental peace, even if that means the achievement of the purpose takes place at a date later than the one intended?

So, the first step on the road to success is revising your purpose to one that can be achieved at a slower speed than the speed we might see others working at. Of course, it’s needless to say that the wrong energy with which we are working that is giving us hurry and worry sickness is nothing but competition. Competition is not at all an un-required energy in mainstream society but when competition is accompanied by or mixed with comparisons, it becomes negative or self-harming. So compete, competition is healthy but do not compare, comparisons are unhealthy. Also, ensure that while moving towards the destination of success it is important to set smaller goals to be achieved instead of targeting directly at the bigger cause. This is important because this keeps us extremely light in our journey and keeps us on the road to success and does not let us become tired when the going gets difficult at times. This is a way of unburdening oneself while travelling on the road to success which can be long at times. Another important feature of a relaxed journey to success is satisfying people who are a part of the journey and not developing cold relations with them. Very often, people are so obsessed with work or professional targets that a 14 hour day at the workplace is a common practice with busy professionals with no time for their family members causing distancing and differences between them and also very often children and life partners being affected negatively by this and remaining dissatisfied.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Message for the day 16-06-2015

To be free from weakness means to have the power to mould.

Expression: When there is a weakness, it becomes difficult to mould according to the needs of the situation. Weakness creates hardness and rigidity not allowing the situations to create internal beauty. So the one who is constantly working with one's own weakness finds it difficult to stop the negativity from being expressed immediately. The weakness is revealed inspite of making effort not to and there is unpleasantness created.

Experience: To have the ability to mould means to become real gold. I become as flexible and beautiful as pure gold, which is ready to take beautiful shapes when it comes under the influence of the heat of the situation. So I have no hard feelings for having to adjust, but I am able to enjoy the beauty I create and the joy I spread.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 192 | Airtel Digital TV # 686 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 171 | online www.pmtv.in

Monday, June 15, 2015

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 15-06-2015

Soul Sustenance 15-06-2015

8 Steps On The Road To Success (Part 1)

We all live a life which is filled with ambition based actions which we perform from the morning to the night i.e. every karma either in the personal, professional, social or financial sphere is filled with the energy of an intention or a pure desire that I have to achieve what I aspire or aim for. But things go wrong when the ambition starts becoming an obsession and it starts affecting our relationships, health and mind sometimes individually and sometimes all together. With some people, the desire to succeed is so immense and so obsessive that it tends to influence their thoughts to such an extent that they lose interest in performing any karma which takes them away from this aim.

They say success for some comes at a price – a broken soul, a stressful mind, an unhealthy body and harmed relationships. For some, life is like a continuous challenge to be overcome. Challenges are good; they bring out the inner powers and help in tapping the hidden potential inside you but a life which eats, sleeps and breathes challenges and goals is the wrong road to success. A main cause of professional burn out at a young age, which is even causing a lot of people to become severely depressive and unenthusiastic, unenergetic and disinterested after a certain period of time in their careers and in other pursuits of life especially in their family lives, is an obsession to achieve and dream big. Many people are taking to meditation and relaxation techniques because they lost the balance at sometime in their lives and left the right road to success with the destination of success remaining away from them instead of coming towards them.

In the next two days’ messages, we shall explain 8 different steps one needs to take on an emotional level so that success is achieved but without any of the side effects in the form of love lost in relationships and physical and mental illnesses, in short the steps on the road to success.

Message for the day 15-06-2015

Feelings change intentions, thus changing actions too.

Expression: When there are negative feelings like jealousy or hatred towards another person, those feelings naturally create misunderstanding. Even if the other person has a good feeling while doing something, a negative intention is attributed and this naturally changes one's own behaviour or response making it negative too.

Experience: When there is the slightest bit of negative feeling within me for someone, it naturally creates further negativity from others too. I find everything I come across to be negative, like the one who wears coloured glasses sees everything to be of that particular colour.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 192 | Airtel Digital TV # 686 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 171 | online www.pmtv.in

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 14-06-2015

Soul Sustenance 14-06-2015

Transforming (Changing) My Thought Patterns

Why is it that we can't change the pattern of our thoughts so easily? Imagine a bird being so comfortable in its nest that, though perhaps sometimes it stands on the branch of the tree to inflate its chest and adjust its feathers, it never wants to fly and does not even realize it could fly. It never knows the blissful freedom of flight, never feels the wind through its wings. It thinks the other birds that are flying around are unwise or foolish. In much the same way, we never really leave our nests of old thought patterns. Our habitual thoughts become our comfort zone and each repetitive thought pattern is like a twig in the nest, which makes the nest stronger and our stay in the nest seemingly comfortable and permanent. We never experience our true spiritual freedom or flight or feel the breeze of our inner beautiful nature. Even the thought, I am a soul has to be realized eventually, so that we can actually experience its deepest truth.

In the world of spirituality, thoughts are like the map, but they are not the territory nor the reality of the experience. Thinking I am a peaceful soul or I am a loveful soul or I am a powerful soul is not being soul-conscious, it is only theory or knowledge, but it is definitely an essential start. Maps are important and necessary, until we know the way home to experience. Reaching this final destination of experience makes it easier for us and empowers us to transform or change our old thought patterns.

Message for the day 14-06-2015

An elevated consciousness brings speciality to the task being done.

Expression: As is the consciousness, so is the feeling behind the task, and therefore its quality. Just to perform action and finish the tasks at hand does not bring speciality and accuracy as much as it should. When the consciousness is special, that means before a task is performed there is a thought given both to the task and to the self, there is speciality revealed in the task.

Experience: When I am able to start each task with a special consciousness, like "I am victorious", or "I am powerful" or "this task is for the benefit of all", I am able to experience the speciality of doing the task. I am also able to increase my state of self-respect, whatever the task or however simple it maybe.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 192 | Airtel Digital TV # 686 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 171 | online www.pmtv.in

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 13-06-2015

Soul Sustenance 13-06-2015

The Energy Of Give And Take In Relationships

Love, more than any other virtue, is an extremely positive energy; it is an invisible prime mover and foundation of each one of our lives, a source of motivation and inspiration. People lacking love in their lives are normally lesser motivated and happier than those who have positive and healthy relationships full of love and an immense amount of love in their lives. But when the same energy of love, possessing immense positive potential, is negatively focused and is not used correctly, it leads to many dependencies which are negative in nature. How?

When you love someone, that could be your parents, your spouse, your children, your siblings, your friends, any relationship for that matter; there is a invisible and positive emotional and mental attraction between you and that person which keeps you connected to him/her, but the moment the love turns into attachment and becomes a dependency, that person starts dominating and controlling your inner world of thoughts, feelings and emotions and your mental and emotional freedom is lost. It is as if your inner world succumbs to the influence of the other person and you are no longer yourself. Everything that goes on inside you and that comes out of you has an impression of the other. This kind of love is not empowering, energizing and healing, because in this kind of love, over a period of time, desires, wants and expectations from the other start emerging. All these emotions place you in a mental mode of taking instead of giving. Also in such a kind of love, where love is mixed with a desire to possess, over a period of time you start wanting to control the other. From this control, you start exercising a power to influence the other. At first you are under their influence. As more attachment builds up, this is followed shortly by your desire to bring them under your submission and influence them. That way, you feel that you have them and that they belong to you. This is love that wants to take and not give. In this kind of relationship of love, there is suffering and sorrow. Even if joy exists, it is extremely short lived. Unconditional love or love that only wants to give and not take or expect, strengthens and is healing, it never hurts or inflicts pain on the other.

Message for the day 13-06-2015

To be free from worry means to have the power to change negative into positive.

Thought to ponder: The ones who are free from worry change that which is bad into something good, because the state of mind is calm. The one with a calm state of mind is able to think creatively and see very clearly even beyond the situation. So there is the ability to transform the seemingly negative situation into something very positive. So there is clear decision-making and quick action. There is also no time wasted.

Point to practice: When I am free from worry, I constantly remain satisfied for having seen the positive and finding the solutions immediately instead of looking at the problem and worrying over it. This internal silence gives the feeling of power, which naturally enables transformation in a second and only the goodness is absorbed.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 192 | Airtel Digital TV # 686 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 171 | online www.pmtv.in

Friday, June 12, 2015

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 12-06-2015

Soul Sustenance 12-06-2015

Moving From Action Consciousness To Spiritual Consciousness

As the name suggests, to be a rajayogi means to be a practitioner of meditation, who with the practice of meditation is able become a ruler of the self. But on the other hand, rajayoga is not restricted to learning to discipline the physical sense organs only but more importantly, of redirecting the energy of my thoughts, feelings, emotions, intellect and sanskaras in a positive and constructive way. When these energies become positive, my karmas start becoming elevated. And how do I make these energies positive? By performing actions while having a mental connection with the Supreme Being or by having a meditative consciousness while walking, interacting, cooking, driving or working - in fact, while doing anything. After all, meditation is specifically related to the use of the mind and intellect and does not require the use of the physical sense organs and so can be done alongside each karma in the day – only the form of meditation changes depending on the karma being performed. Just as we can remember other things and people while being involved in various activities throughout the day, we can keep our minds on our true spiritual self, the Supreme Being, churn different aspects of spiritual knowledge, remain focused on a single aspect of spiritual knowledge, etc. while performing karmas – these are all some of the different forms of meditation – there are more that can be practiced. Thus, rajayoga can also be called karmayoga. Karmayoga meaning the one who maintains the balance of meditation and karmas while being involved or busy in karmas.

Message for the day 12-06-2015

True help is to help people discover their own specialities.

Thought to ponder: When others' negativities or weaknesses are perceived, it is essential to look at their positivity or specialities too. This will naturally bring love and positivity in the relationship and there will be an encouragement of that positivity. So even if that person has no recognition or has not been using his speciality, an encouragement of it by others will naturally enable him to begin to use it.

Point to practice: Making others aware of their specialities and subtly encouraging them to use these specialities is a great help that I can do for others. When I am able to give this unique help and cooperation, I not only find benefit for others, but I am also able to get the good wishes of others. Even others naturally become positive with my positive attitude.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 192 | Airtel Digital TV # 686 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 171 | online www.pmtv.in

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 11-06-2015

Soul Sustenance 11-06-2015

Experiencing And Maintaining A State Of Contentment

To reach, experience and maintain a state of contentment or fulfillment you have to first realize what true freedom is and then learn how to use it so that it strengthens you and also helps you to achieve the full potential of your individual self. Freedom is the key to contentment. You also need to check what brings you close to the state of fulfillment and what takes you away from it. Fears of different kinds are one of the main obstacles in experiencing contentment. Any weakness, inability to apply any virtue or spiritual power required in any situation, lack of focus, inner instability, etc. will cause a leakage of the energy of positivity that is required to feel content. Free yourself of any personality trait that hinders your progress and does not allow your inner being to manifest itself and express itself with all its potential. To live in contentment, you should be in charge of your inner mental and emotional world. If not, you will only be able to experience temporary periods of fulfillment.

To achieve fulfillment you not only have to have inner control, but you also need to check whether there is any door open to allow any weakness to enter the room of your personality. Because if you strengthen yourself on the one hand and on the other you are weakened, you will never reach the desired state of inner power. E.g. you keep a bucket of water under a tap of water. If it has even a single crack, however much water you pour into the bucket, it will never get filled completely. In the same way, this can happen to you. Because of this, you need to check, which cracks are present in your personality through which there are leaks of energy, because of which your efforts to become content do not give you the results you hope for.

Message for the day 11-06-2015

The one who has self-respect is the one who is free from aggression.

Thought to ponder: When the situation seems out of control, there is naturally a feeling of helplessness. This helplessness further creates tension, which gets expressed in the form of aggression. Such a kind of aggression cannot be suppressed or controlled. To be in the state of one's own self-respect is to be confident and the one who is confident will be assertive but can never be aggressive.

Point to practice: I am able to keep my mind cool, when I am in my state of self-respect. So I never react to situations negatively but I am able to understand the situation and respond in the right way. I take decisions in a calm and composed state of mind, so I find myself relaxed and easy even in the most difficult situations.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 192 | Airtel Digital TV # 686 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 171 | online www.pmtv.in

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 10-06-2015

Soul Sustenance 10-06-2015

Success In Your Stride (Part 3)

When told for the first time, we all think that isn’t it a little natural to be a little snobbish when coming into contact with people who are connected to us in our roles of success and also sometimes some of us, in the wave of success, think it’s fashionable to order around people, either our family associates or people who come in contact with us at the workplace or in the spiritual service of humanity or for that matter any sphere of action. But do remember, the moment we try and control people, we will stop influencing them and our ability to bring about changes in them is left ineffective. And a successful person without the ability to influence people’s opinions and bring the same in the favour of a common cause is like a ship without a rudder, which is used to steer a ship or change its direction i.e. he cannot steer or change people as per the demands of the role of success and make it even more successful. Also, many people leave their inherent goodness after having achieved something. Often, we see many people, after having become successful, snapping at others or talking rudely, taking for granted the others’ good behavior and also seeing them as inferior. Success seems to bring for them, on the surface, the negative personality characteristics which were not a part of their natures before becoming successful. So, for them, success is temporary because a sweet natured individual, after having tasted success, can truly be called successful.

Also, success for some, takes them away from the Supreme, while for some a relationship with the Supreme is strengthened because he has blessed them directly or indirectly with the gift of success – that belief is strong. There are many examples of successful people who became better people after becoming successful. How do we remain egoless after success? Love for God is the deepest and purest love in which surrendering the ego becomes very easy. It is said commonly at the Brahma Kumaris – the return of the love and success that God showers on us is to turn or transform ourselves. So keeping praising the Sweet Lord in success and remain seated on the throne of pure pride or self-esteem and he will adorn your life with the jewels of more and more success, admiration, praise, respect, love and good wishes from each one.

Message for the day 10-06-2015

The one who has the power to face is free from tensions.

Thought to ponder: To be good with those who are good is quite natural, but to be good with those who are bad is known as having the power to face. This naturally comes when there is the power to transform even that which in negative into something positive. When there is the power to face, there is no retaliation, no conflict. There is love given to all around.

Point to practice: When I am able to transform and look at each and everything in a positive way, I will not have any difficulty with any situation. I will naturally be able to face all situations in a light and easy way. When I am able to be free from tension in this way, I am also able to give my best and thus become an inspiration for those around me.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 192 | Airtel Digital TV # 686 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 171 | online www.pmtv.in

Tuesday, June 09, 2015

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 09-06-2015

Soul Sustenance 09-06-2015

Success In Your Stride (Part 2)

Success stories across the world are measured for their worth not just by what was achieved in a particular life sphere but also by how the people excelling in their field took success in their stride or how much did they dedicate the success to the Higher Power with the wisest intellect and the one responsible for bringing them the success directly or indirectly. We commonly say Thank God in our thought prayers to him. This has been done since hundreds of years, but do we ever be an embodiment of that i.e. do we really, in our interactions with others and in our sacred space of our mind be completely sweet and humble in living our success. Our success should be filled with the fragrance of God’s love and a dignified and humble feeling of servantship dedicated to the Supreme. Only then, will we be called completely successful.

There was once a beautiful daughter of a farmer in a far off land, who won the hand in marriage of the richest prince of that particular time. She started ruling the kingdom with the newly crowned king with much pride and confidence. There was no one in the kingdom who did not look up to her. She controlled the treasure of the kingdom, which included not only gold and silver but also many far off lands. From a simple village girl, she had the whole kingdom at her feet with people around her giving her the respect and adulation (praise), reserved for the highest of the highest. All was good, until slowly over a period of time, she starting becoming arrogant and her relationship with the successful king and the people of the kingdom starting suffering. She forgot that this sudden change in her fortune was a gift of her noble actions that she had performed in her past births and also to maintain the rich fortune that she had earned, she had to continue her noble actions i.e. she had to remain egoless and sweet because that is the first sign of nobility. Also, she forgot that a humble leader, before ruling people had to rule their hearts, which is the sign of a true leader. When that happened, people of the kingdom starting distancing themselves away from the queen and she starting being seen in a poor light and she lost all that she had earned. So success can come crashing down in a few moments or days if not carried well and maintained by remaining noble and humble.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Message for the day 09-06-2015

To be free from waste words is to ensure easy success.

Thought to ponder: The one who wastes time and energy in gossip or slander has no time for success. All attention is focussed on picking out the mistakes and the negativity of others and so there is no attention on learning new things or picking out the positive. So there is negativity visible in one's own attitude, words and actions.

Point to practice: When I am able to free myself from waste and negative words, I am able to use the resource of my words in a positive and useful way. My words will be for the benefit of all. I would also notice that my words would be filled with the power of positivity and faith, faith in the self and faith in others.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 192 | Airtel Digital TV # 686 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 171 | online www.pmtv.in

Monday, June 08, 2015

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 08-06-2015

Soul Sustenance 08-06-2015

Success In Your Stride (Part 1)

Reaching milestones or arriving at significant turning points in life bring with them loads of praise and respect from different segments of people whom we are connected with. Life does not remain the same as a fresh flavor of a pride based on what we have achieved is added to life. If spiritually defined, a pride based on soul-consciousness can be defined as becoming an embodiment of the qualities, powers and skills of the soul, which are non-physical capabilities and are given a physical face by karmas, which involve words, actions and relationships. This pride is called self-esteem in spirituality. On the other hand, a pride based on the physical body consciousness, which is called ego in spirituality, can be defined as attaching yourself to the role and forgetting the non-physical aspect completely, forgetting that the qualities and the talents which are responsible for success are not mine per se (exactly), but are a gift of my past actions, which were inspired by the remembrance of the Supreme.

We might argue that the skills are mine and are the only cause behind the success story of my life, but we do forget that all benevolent (kind) actions performed by us over many previous births, which are the reason why we are gifted with specialties today (as a fruit of those actions), were directly or indirectly related to the remembrance of God and performing pure actions or punya karmas in the name of God, both of which were an absolutely common part of our lives just about 100-150 years ago. Do you know that all of us, even the most advanced personalities amongst us presently, remembered God everyday for quite some time till a few hundred years ago in different physical costumes, not only in the form of prayers but also thanking him many times each day for everything he gave us. It’s only after the advancement of science and technology that we starting remaining away from the Supreme and instead of taking success in our stride as a God-given gift, we starting taking it as only my destiny, with no role of God to play in the same. That’s when self-esteem starting changing to ego.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Message for the day 08-06-2015

Bringing newness in dealing with life's situations brings happiness.

Thought to ponder: When there is the desire to find new ways of responding to life's challenges, unhappiness ends which in turn helps to fulfill one's highest potential. All it needs is the determination to adopt a fresh awareness. Thus burdensome thoughts that drain out positive energy are set aside. The quality of life itself becomes better.

Point to practice: I experience a lot of happiness when there is newness brought in responding to situations. The potential and the energy of the mind is channelised in a positive way so there is an experience of fulfillment and satisfaction. The mind is not caught up with negative or waste but is busy trying for the best solutions in all situations.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 192 | Airtel Digital TV # 686 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 171 | online www.pmtv.in

Sunday, June 07, 2015

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 07-06-2015

Soul Sustenance 07-06-2015

Overcoming Mood Swings

At each moment of the day, we have the capability to feel something. Our feelings vary throughout the course of the day. Sometimes they are joyful and sometimes they are painful. What we forget to do is to choose our feelings consciously. Instead, many of us have become lazy and allowed our feelings to be dictated and shaped by people and circumstances. In other words, we have become influenced. Our swinging, changing moods are the result of the inner karma of becoming attached to things, people, ideas and circumstances. If we are attached to a person and suddenly he/she leaves us we will feel gloomy and our mood of sadness will drain our energy just when we need to remain optimistic and enthusiastic about the future. Any form of loss will bring about a mood of sadness. If this sadness lasts for a long period of time, it will gradually turn into depression.

When we think we are consider the world around us to be our source of happiness and joy, our moods will fluctuate, even with the changing weather. But when we are spiritually empowered or strong our happiness and joy come from inside. We are stable in the face of praise or insult, loss or gain. We are no longer moody and stability becomes our basic nature. We are in control of our life, our feelings. And while we cannot control the waves of the ocean of life around us, we can control and choose how we will respond to outer events and people. When we do that, we will be able to choose what we feel, regardless of what may happen in our life. Life stops being a rollercoaster and becomes more of a cruise, less a storm and more a gentle breeze.

Message for the day 07-06-2015

To be healthy internally is to make the best use of all treasures.

Thought to ponder: A healthy intellect acts like a mother, always showing the right path. When internally one is strong, there is the natural ability to treat the mind with love and guide it towards the right direction. Such a healthy state of mind naturally enables the recognition and the proper utilisation of everything available.

Point to practice: Once I have learnt the art of guiding my mind in the right direction with love, I then never experience the difficulty of having to bring back the mind to the right thinking. Because the mind is totally under control in a very easy and natural way and I don't have to control it or force it to think or not to think in a particular way.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 192 | Airtel Digital TV # 686 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 171 | online www.pmtv.in

Saturday, June 06, 2015

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 06-06-2015

Soul Sustenance 06-06-2015

Listening To The Voice Of The Intellect

The subtle or non-physical sense organ of the non-physical soul which we use to judge something as right or wrong, good or bad and then make a choice or decision is the intellect. When we are body-conscious, we are attached to many things such as people, our role, objects, money, even our own ideas and beliefs, etc. Due to these attachments, we are constantly creating emotions of fear and anger in the energy of our consciousness. It is these two emotions which then overpower or influence our intellect and stop us from judging clearly and correctly between right and wrong. This constant inner emotional noise of worry and irritation (the seeds of fear and anger) do not allow us to hear the deepest part of our intellect, which is our intuition.

When we are soul-conscious, we are free from attachment and therefore fear and anger. Our consciousness is calm, focused and keenly aware of the quiet, but extremely wise voice of our intuition (inner wisdom). Decision-making is easier and choices are made out of wisdom rather than fear. Meditation is the method which helps us rise above our mental attachments and allow us to connect with the wisdom in our heart, our intuition, our inner voice, which suggests what the right response or action in any situation, is. A practical example of this is when, after being persuaded by your family members you decide not to smoke any more. You let go of the attachment to my belief that there is nothing wrong with smoking, which then allows you to listen to the heart of the other (their feelings) and your own heart or intellect, which suggests to you the right action for your well-being in the long run.

Message for the day 06-06-2015

To be generous hearted is to bestow others with your specialities and virtues.

Thought to ponder: When you are generous you will become cooperative and enable others to become virtuous through your virtues and fill others with your specialities. The more you use your specialities in this way, the more you will find them increasing.

Point to practice: Think of something that is very special in you. Today take the thought of using this speciality of yours for someone's benefit. Not only will others benefit with this, you will find yourself improving too.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

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