Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Being Determined To Be Who You Are

Being Determined To Be Who You Are

On some days we wake up feeling so fresh and enthusiastic, we decide to remain in the same state of mind the entire day…stable, relaxed and happy. We will visualize ourselves succeeding and be very sure not to get disturbed. But just moments later there comes a scene - something happens and our anger or ego takes over completely. It feels as if the scene was constructed with the sole intention of breaking our inner promise to ourselves of stability and happiness. Similarly, sometimes we become very determined to watch our diet that day. But the same day we find the most inviting menu or a favorite dish being cooked, so we end up overeating.

Such situations come to challenge our will power once in a while. But the very first time we succumb to it, we tend to give in permanently. Instead of saying – I will remain stable during the rest of the day, we start over-thinking, criticizing ourselves for that failure and that depletes our soul power further. So we become more vulnerable in subsequent interactions with colleagues, friends and family even in trivial matters. Thus the whole day goes in a state of turbulence. Few of us believe that small bouts of anger help to create an adrenaline rush to perform better, or that anger gets work done. But there is enough scientific evidence of how anger harms. Apart from hurting relationships, anger outbursts lead to illnesses like blood pressure, blockages in arteries, insomnia (inability to sleep well), body aches, digestive disorders. Few others believe that ego gives a sense of power and helps to be successful. Truth is that ego is a huge weakness. It demands respect instead of commanding, so eventually people move away from us and we do not experience success. Certain emotions test us the most when we least expect. Anger and ego top this list, apart from the temptation to go towards wrong habits. This means our virtue of will power also gets tested often. But it is up to us to be determined and emerge and use our inner resources of peace, power and happiness. A little attention helps us see everyone as beautiful souls. Our pure energy motivates other people to emerge and use their virtues. This means not only will our day be beautiful, but our energy influences people around us to be beautiful too.


Message for the day

To be a giver is to be flexible.

The one who does not expect from others, but is able to give others from whatever resources he has, is the one who is flexible. Being flexible means to be able to recognize the other person's value system and moulding one self according to it without losing touch with one's own value system. 

Experience: When I am a giver, I do not expect others to change according to my value system, but am very easily able to find a way to adapt to the other person's value system. I never expect from others to understand me, but am able to understand others. So there is never any feeling of negativity for anyone.

Monday, January 30, 2023

Harmonizing Relationships … Taking Up Responsibility

Harmonizing Relationships … Taking Up Responsibility 

In a conflicted relationship, the problem is neither with that person, nor between us. Conflict is in our mind, in how we think about the other person - blaming, resisting or rejecting them. We believe both of us created the conflict, so both are required to resolve it. Truth is, even if one of us thinks nicely for another, the conflict starts dissolving. When you have differences with someone, do you get hurt or angry, and expect them to do what it takes to restore harmony? Do you step up voluntarily to get it back to its original, cordial terms? Or, do you believe that since two of you initiated the conflict, both of you need to heal the relationship? A relationship starts crumbling, when one person starts thinking negative for another. Words and behaviors may be perfect, but negative thought vibrations hit at the foundation of the bond, create undercurrents and quickly escalate it into a conflict. It needs only one person to heal a conflicted relationship. Let us be the one. It doesn't matter whether one or both of us contributed to the issue. It doesn't also matter how negative the energy exchange had been. When one of us start thinking positive and pure for the other person, our vibrations radiate and change their thought process too. And once they are healed, the conflict dissolves and harmony is created. Take responsibility to heal any conflicted relationship you have. Let go of the past, forgive them and think pure and beautiful thoughts for those people. Change your thinking for them to change the energy of the relationship. 

Your relationships are a source of happiness and harmony if you get along well with everyone. If there is any differences or disagreements, withdraw from conflicts. Even if you cannot understand the other person's perspective, know that what they say or do is the truth for them at that moment. Prioritize harmony over ego of being right or being superior and genuinely try to resolve the conflict. Do not wait for the other person to heal you, they are pain, they may be sending you negative energy, but you be stable and counter their negativity with your caring and loving vibrations of much greater magnitude. Keep the energy of love flowing from your side, create thoughts of harmony, visualize your relationship being perfect. Radiate pure vibrations so that they raise their emotional frequency and make it more positive and pure just like yours.


Message for the day

To have an open mind is to be prepared for mistakes too.

The one with an open mind is the one who is able to see things for what they are and accept them. He is able to take the lesson from each situation that happens and move forward with confidence. He never lets any situation or even his own mistake discourage him, but he is able to move forward with renewed confidence. 

Experience: I am able to learn from my mistakes and be ready for the next learning too when I am able to keep my mind open. Each mistake that happens is also a beautiful teaching when I am willing to learn. With each new situation I find myself growing very beautifully within.

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Success And Its Right Essence (Part 3)

Success And Its Right Essence 

(Part 3)

Whenever you begin any task, stand back from the task and observe the thoughts in your mind. If the thoughts are of worry, a lack of determination or a feeling of difficulty or you possess a negative attitude - that means you are not internally happy. This type of mindset is a negative start to the task and prevents success from being achieved. A positive and powerful thought and a happy thought is the fuel for everlasting success to be achieved. Determination attracts success and a lack of hope and positivity is sowing the seeds of failure. Also, there are many people who are looking to succeed fast and in a short span of time but they experience failure at the level of the heart. They are not only themselves discontented but no one will be content with them. So, always look for success but before you reach those important milestones, which will always exist in your life, also look for happiness and contentment at every step. Otherwise, all those loved ones and the beautiful relationships you share with them and also the beautiful roles that you take pure pride in will leave you. This is because many times, in trying to achieve too much and too fast, we are taking the wrong road to success. It is sometimes said – Success comes at a price. This holds for true for many young achievers. They have done a lot and done good, but they did not follow the real meaning of success and take the right path to success, as we have defined in this message. 

Always remember, we are human beings not human doings. Always keep the being before the doing and success will be at your doorstep all through your life. Even if you achieve a little less on a physical level, you will achieve a lot more in terms of love and respect received from everyone around you. Also, the true wealth of happiness will be with you all through your life and you will live life much stronger and more peacefully.


Message for the day

To use one value with commitment is to guarantee the use of all values.

Values are related to each other as if they were members of a great family. For the one who is committed to one value is the one who is able to emerge the other connected values. Such a person is able to add quality to everything he does and speaks. 

Experience: When I am able to recognise my own special value and use it with commitment in my daily life, I am able to experience success in all I do. This is because I have the satisfaction of giving my best and of having added quality to everything I do.