Sunday, December 31, 2017

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 31-12-2017

Soul Sustenance 31-12-2017

Comparisons – The Cause of Sibling Rivalry And Low Self Esteem

Children born in the same family, have similar present environment, same parents, but both are carrying a bundle of sanskars of many past births and their own karmic accounts. One could be introvert, the other extrovert; one could be brilliant at studies, the other creative; one could be sincere, the other lazy… it is because of the sanskars which the two souls are carrying before they came into the same family. Comparison between them is therefore not justified. When we appreciate one more than the other, even if the intention is motivation, it creates deep wounds. The child grows up feeling that the parents love the other child more. How much ever you try to explain that you love them equal, the wound is very deep. If one child was appreciated more, means the parents love that child more. This becomes the cause of sibling rivalry. The child considers his sibling to be the cause of his parents not loving him. This child grows up with an inferiority complex, and the other grows up with a superiority complex, and always tends to dominate the other one. Comparison and criticism become the main reasons because of which the child does not develop a strong self respect.

Never compare your child to the sibling or friends. Appreciate the qualities of each individually and help them to create new sanskars. The appreciation, motivation and creation of the new sanskar has to be done in individual capacity without references to anyone else. This helps in making the child emotionally strong and develops a high self esteem. Let us take a decision, from today to never compare anyone. Each one’s past is different and so even if everything in the present is identical, there is no comparison.

Message for the day 31-12-2017

The power of transformation brings all attainments.

Expression:When there is the ability to transform negative into positive, and waste into useful in a second there is the ability to be useful for the self and others. There would not be just complaints against the situation, but the best would be made out of all situations and move on to the aim set out.

Experience: When I am able to use the power of transformation to finish negative and waste, I am able to experience being free from obstacles. So I am able to experience contentment under all circumstances for having made the best use of everything available.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

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Saturday, December 30, 2017

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 30-12-2017

Soul Sustenance 30-12-2017

Why Are We Losing Self Control?

Let us explore why and how do we lose self control. We know about pollutants in the air, but there is another crucial component which we cannot see but we absorb. That is the element of human consciousness which is formed by our intentions, thoughts, emotions that we radiate and create the Collective Consciousness of our city, country and the world.
Analyzing the influence of Air Pollution, we can categorize people into 3 sets:
Set 1: A significant number of people responsible for polluting the air.
Set 2: Includes everyone, because everyone breathes the polluted air.
Set 3: A few people who are physically weak and they fall ill due to the polluted air.
Let’s take the same analogy to Emotional Pollution
Set 1: A significant number of people who have ego, lust, anger, greed in their minds. What is on the mind radiates into the atmosphere. So ego, lust and anger are in the air.
Set 2: Includes everyone, because everyone gets influenced by the vibrations around them.
Set 3: A few people who are emotionally weak at a particular time because of a crisis in life or mental or physical illness. Emotional weakness makes them vulnerable and they get affected by the environment vibrations more than the others, around them.

What happens to people in Set 3 is important to understand. If a person affected by air pollution is asked to climb a flight of stairs, they get breathless; they are not their normal self. Similarly when someone in an emotionally depleted state, affected by the environmental vibrations has to face a slightly difficult situation, they lose control over themselves. They react in a manner which is not normal of them. Road rage, physical assault, or any other form of unplanned acts of crime happens when momentarily people lose control over their normal way of being. Moments after the act they realize, regret, go into pain and guilt. But it is those few moments which can affect many destinies. While we read about people in Set 3 and we condemn what they have done, it’s time to introspect am I a part of what has happened? Am I part of Set 1 which creates anger, violence, lust in the mind which affects some people to such an extent that they bring it out into action? If we want to create peace, respect and harmony in the world, let us remember it begins in our mind. If we want everyone to be healthy, we will need to curb the pollution we are creating. We the people in Set 1 will need to change so that there is no one in Set 3. I am a part of the Collective Consciousness. Let me Be the Change, Radiate the Change and become a part of the World Change.

Message for the day 30-12-2017

To be free from guilt means to ensure quick and easy progress.

Expression:Blaming oneself for all that happens and taking the mind to extreme levels of guilt takes one to a sense of unworthiness. uch a person loses the strength and is unable to look for solutions in difficult situations. Hence there is nothing new that can be thought of, and the situation doesn’t get any better.

Experience: When I continue to blame myself, I believe that I deserve neither happiness nor love and that the sorrow that I am experiencing is a deserved punishment. So I lose all enthusiasm to improve the situation and have no awareness of the treasures that I have. So I experience no progress in my life.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

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Friday, December 29, 2017

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 29-12-2017

Soul Sustenance 29-12-2017

5 Beautiful Aspects Of Success (Part 3)

4. Success at every step is also how humble and truthful we have been, while achieving various goals in different spheres of life. Humility is the biggest virtue of all. Anger and ego are humility’s biggest enemies and spoil the way people see us and feel about us in their hearts. No one likes arrogant people and people tend to remain away from such people instead of coming close and providing support to them. They not only loose blessings and respect but they also loose self-respect. Egoistic people are the most unhappy people inside and are always trying to dominate people with all that they achieve as their tools to do that. Tools like - I look good, I am intelligent, I am rich, I am smart, I have a beautiful personality, I am an achiever, My relationships are beautiful … Also, apart from humility, your honesty and truthfulness also make you successful. Some people reach big milestones in their life, but they have lied or indulged in dishonesty of some type or the other while reaching there, which is false success.

5. Lastly, success also means giving at every step. Being a giver of everything nice that you possess – physical or non-physical is a beautiful quality. Those who possess this quality are nice human beings who are successful in the right and complete way. So, always look at people with respect even if they do not possess what you possess. Also, instead of dominating people, influence and empower them. Even physical treasures of wealth and non-physical treasures of knowledge should be shared with people. Then you are a true giver and untouched by the negative influence of your attainments in life. Instead you take the attainments in your stride and never have a false ownership over them, which is true success.

Message for the day 29-12-2017

The ones who see specialities become special.

Expression:To see specialities and ignore negativity is to take a step ahead by imbibing those specialities. This creates a habit of seeing, taking in and expressing only positive qualities. So whatever the person may be, whatever his qualities may be, there is only a connection of positivity with him.

Experience: When I am able to relate to everyone in this way with only specialities, I become special. I also find others responding positively to me and using only their speicialities while in contact with me. There are also a lot of good wishes that I receive from others because of my positive attitude.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

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Thursday, December 28, 2017

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 28-12-2017

Soul Sustenance 28-12-2017

5 Beautiful Aspects Of Success (Part 2)

2. Success also means increasing one’s overall quality of life. Very often we will buy an expensive car or expensive clothes for ourselves and also feel proud when we come in front of others with these accomplishments. Sometimes this pride even takes a negative shade of ego. Most people today are defining success with material assets and feel big homes and rich jewellery worn is success. But have we ever looked within and talked to ourselves that where are we heading? All this is not unimportant but it is high time we did not let these comforts define our lives. Buy the expensive mobile phone if you want, but not for people to see, because that is not success. Fulfill the dream of the best office space, but after achieving it, don’t say this is not enough, I want more. That’s where you go wrong and realize that success is incomplete without contentment, and that could have been there, even before the dream was achieved. What is the use if you work all your life for these dreams but never feel satisfied after achieving them? So, enjoy success in the journey, enjoy the nice people you meet, enjoy the beautiful things and different scenes of life, enjoy nature, enjoy God and enjoy just being yourself – always happy.

3. A very important component of success is living with people in beautiful relationships. Relationships are one of the most important aspects of life. This could be a relationship with people or God. Of course, a relationship with God is eternal and is with us in all our births and relationships with people change with every birth. But, relationships are important and carry immense meaning. So, success means at the end of your life, you say to yourself and feel from within that you have led a life making everyone happy and receiving happiness from everyone. Also, success is giving God immense importance at every moment of your life and thanking Him for everything you achieve.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Message for the day 28-12-2017

To be victorious means to pass obstacles with ease.

Expression:The ones who aim to become victorious never think of not being faced with obstacles. Instead they look at each obstacle as a chance to use and express their own inner powers. So there is constant progress visible in them.

Experience: When I am prepared for the inevitable challenges that life brings, I will not experience fear, tension or anxiety but will always be confident and fearless. Apart from actually being victorious in the situation, I also experience winning over my weaknesses and discovering new powers within me.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

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Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 27-12-2017

Soul Sustenance 27-12-2017

5 Beautiful Aspects Of Success (Part 1)

We are all special human beings with a beautiful purpose of performing actions that benefit us and others in the best possible way. While working at the workplace, while going to the market, while studying, while interacting with family and friends or while looking after our physical body, we are always looking for success of every type. This is success at a physical level and also success at the level of the mind, which is complete success. Often, happiness and just being content is everything for many. Also, immense success of education, career and wealth can mean lots for some people and for some unless there is happiness while doing all this, it means nothing for them. Let’s explore 5 beautiful aspects of success while reading this message:

1. Success means fulfillment. We often look for the treasures of respect and good roles from the outside world. But, do we also look at the fulfillment of inner treasures of peace, joy and power from the inner world of our mind also? Sometimes, we have achieved a lot, but we are not satisfied as much as we should be. Also, you very commonly meet people who have reached the top of the career ladder, but they are either depressed or they are looking for another job or they feel frustrated because they have got the outer regard of people, but the heart-felt love and good wishes of people are missing in their life because of which they lack lightness and carefreeness. Some people have become ill physically and suffer from high blood pressure or diabetes or digestion problems, which are all after-effects of stress experienced, while reaching their destination of outer success. So, a balance between inner success and outer success, keeps you happy, healthy and lighter in the long run.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Message for the day 27-12-2017

Concentration develops when the intellect is clean and clear.

Expression:For the one whose intellect continues to wander, concentration becomes difficult or impossible. On the other hand, for the one who is focused on one thing there are no other distractions at that time and there is easy concentration.

Experience: When I am able to remain focused, I am not troubled by distractions which lessen my concentration. Instead I am able to increase my discrimination power and am able to decide and judge well. This happens because my intellect becomes clean and gets cleared of waste.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

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TATA(Sky # 1065 | Airtel Digital TV # 678 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 640 | ABS Free #69 | Online

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 26-12-2017

Soul Sustenance 26-12-2017

Resolve Issues To Have Perfect Relationships

A perfect relationship is not that you never get angry, upset or irritated with each other. It’s how fast you resolve and bounce back to normal.

Often after an argument or if we have been cheated, we feel hurt or let down, we choose to remain hurt or angry for hours, months, even years. We feel our hurt is justified, it was their mistake, they need to make things right or sometimes we even feel things can never be the same again. Irrespective of what had happened it takes only 1 thought to get back to normal. The mind will ask questions, give it the answers.

(1) Why should I be doing it, it was their fault? Because my relationship is more important than my ego. (2) Why so soon, let them at least realise their mistake? Because every passing moment is causing me and them pain and weakening our relationship. (3) Will I be considered weak if I give in? Forgiving, forgetting and moving on is strength, let me give myself and them that strength. (4) If I become normal, will they do the same? They may take their time, but if I get to normal, the process has begun and very soon they will get back to normal. (5) Will I be taken for granted? If people can take my love and care for granted, it’s my fortune. I have given them a reason to believe that I always love them.

There can be many questions, but we have the answer to every question if we have decided that our relationship is our priority, their happiness and our own happiness matters to us more than what was right or wrong.

Message for the day 26-12-2017

To have tolerance means to be stable.

Expression:When one is faced with defamation or insult, tolerance gives the power to be stable and cool. And so there is the ability to smile even when there is negativity that comes. Tolerance means to see beyond the insults because of being stable in the stage of self-respect.

Experience: When faced with criticism, if I am able to be stable in my stage of self-respect, I am able to learn from every negative remark that comes my way. I will never become defensive, but will be able to see clearly what new learning I could take.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 1065 | Airtel Digital TV # 678 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 640 | ABS Free #69 | Online

Monday, December 25, 2017

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 25-12-2017

Soul Sustenance 25-12-2017

Creating A World Of Forgiveness (Part 4)

A world of forgiveness cannot be created without the power of truth. While peace and love transform our emotions, we cannot forgive someone or not get angry at someone who has wronged us without rock solid self-esteem, which is the energy of truth in action. There are some who tolerate and forgive, but they give in to the pressure associated with it by indulging in occasional outbursts. Doing the same with pleasure and not with pressure requires regular inputs of true spiritual wisdom from the Supreme and their inculcation. Over a period of time, such an individual becomes filled with the power of truth and is able to withstand the pressures of coming into contact with a difficult personality. He is able to not only remain introverted while connecting with such a person but also radiate good wishes to the other person and smile softly in the process of doing the same.

There are some common sayings based on truth - the one who is truthful dances in joy, the boat of truth will rock (shake) but will not sink, the one who is truthful will emerge victorious. Such a person, who is an ocean of truth, is the one who can experience forgiveness easily and help in creating a world of forgiveness.

Message for the day 25-12-2017

The one who is able to discriminate well is able to bring about real benefit.

Expression:Everyone naturally works for the benefit of the self and others. But the one who discriminates well is able to understand the other person's need and give accordingly. So whatever is done naturally brings benefit for others and also for the self.

Experience: When I am able to bring benefit for the right person at the right time with the right thing, I am able to win the trust of the other person. I expect nothing in return, but have the satisfaction of helping at the right time.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 1065 | Airtel Digital TV # 678 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 640 | ABS Free #69 | Online

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 24-12-2017

Soul Sustenance 24-12-2017

Creating A World Of Forgiveness (Part 3)

There is a saying in India that in a home where the fire of anger exists, pots of water also dry up. Anger is a name given to a large collection of desires that exist inside the human consciousness which prevent us from forgiving. Filling the emotions inside our mind with love and pacifying the emotions of subtle desires is the second step in creating an environment of forgiveness wherever we are. Imagine a world without the numerous desires that exist in our lives - I need, I want, I own, I expect, I am right, I envy – these are subtle fires that burn up the energy of pure soul-to-soul love, that exists inside us instinctively, because we are children of God, the Supreme Soul, who is an Ocean of love.

So waking up in the morning and starting the day with a warm Good Morning to this Ocean of love and having a heart-to-heart conversation and a deep loveful communion with Him and filling myself with the deepest pure love existing in this complete Universe, is paving the way for my heart to be cleansed of the various ego-based emotions. And also for it to become moulded as a forgiving one, because the more I fill my heart with God’s love, the more I am enriched with soul-to-soul love and the more sweet and humble I become. And such a transformed me, then is able to win the hearts of each one and create an atmosphere of love and forgiveness around me.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Message for the day 24-12-2017

The one who is aware of one's fortune enables others to experience their fortune too.

Expression:To be aware of one's own fortune means to appreciate and use all that one has. Also when there is the awareness of one's own fortune, there is a natural tendency to help people become aware of what they have and how they can benefit from it. So the one who is fortunate becomes a giver.

Experience: When I am able to recognize my own fortune, I am able to have the joy of being a giver constantly. Whatever the circumstances, I am able to give knowing that I am fortunate. But never is there dependency created on me, because my help is to make them aware of their fortune too and make them independent.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 1065 | Airtel Digital TV # 678 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 640 | ABS Free #69 | Online

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 23-12-2017

Soul Sustenance 23-12-2017

Creating A World Of Forgiveness (Part 2)

We are all very much aware that forgiveness is a healing balm for anger. But to forgive, the first and foremost power that is required is the ability to apply a full-stop on my rough emotions when provoked. The control of my emotions, one minute every hour, is like building a dam across the river of emotions which becomes rough, while coming into interactions with a variety set of personalities and while becoming busy in actions, both of which cause an expansion of thoughts. The situation becomes worse when the interaction or action, during the past hour, has been a negative one, filled with conflict. So, every hour, a short one minute meditation, to fill the mind with the power of peace, is the first preparation of the mind to forgive easily. We suggest to you a few thoughts that you can create – I am a peaceful soul, a beautiful golden-white star situated at the centre of the forehead. I spread the rays of peace to my surroundings. I am the child of the Ocean of peace, the Supreme Soul. All the people in my office or in my family or in the world at large are also children of the Ocean of peace, their nature is originally peaceful. We all together, collectively, have to create an atmosphere of peace at our workplace or home or in the complete world, so that we can all create a world of forgiveness.

Collecting 15 minutes of peace every day (one minute every hour), in this way, is extremely valuable. These 15 minutes are the bricks of the dam that you have to build for yourself inside your mind and keep the rough emotions in check. Try this for one month with an earnest heart and determination to transform the self. This peace-brick building exercise will not only control your emotions but will also slow down the speed of the flow of the river of emotions by healing the origin or source of the river of emotions, which is your sanskara of anger and transforming it into a sanskara of forgiveness, because thoughts of peace not only fill our emotions with peace in the short term but also make our sanskaras peaceful in the long term.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Message for the day 23-12-2017

To be careless means to misuse specialities.

Expression:To be careless means that there is no awareness of one's specialitites and so there is the inability to use them for the benefit of the self and for the good of others. On the other hand there is also a tendency to become overconfident because of these specialities and not to work on self -transformation. The one who is careless is not able to recognize the need for self change and so is not able to bring about transformation.

Experience: When I am able to be free from carelessness, I am able to understand the importance of the specialities that I have , and am able to use a particular speciality that I have , and am able to put them into use. So I find that the more I am able to use a particular speciality that I have, the more I am able to bring out and use the latent specialities that are within me. So I am able to experience quick transformation and constant progress.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

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TATA(Sky # 1065 | Airtel Digital TV # 678 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 640 | ABS Free #69 | Online

Friday, December 22, 2017

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 22-12-2017

Soul Sustenance 22-12-2017

Creating A World Of Forgiveness (Part 1)

God wants us to create a world of forgiveness, a world where each one is uncritical and does not keep a negative eye on others’ mistakes and weaknesses, a world where there is complete peace and harmony between everyone, inspite of their different natures or sanskaras.

Based on spiritual knowledge and understanding, we are sharing with you few different virtues that are different colours of forgiveness and matching actions associated with them, which you could experience.

Generosity - Be Forgetful Of Others' Mistakes
Openness - Accommodate Others
Thankfulness - Give Blessings And Take Blessings
Warmth - Be Uncritical
Tolerance - Keep An Easy Eye On Others’ Weaknesses
Acceptance - Absorb Others' Virtues
Giving - Fill Others With Virtues

In order to experience these virtues, which means bringing these different colours of forgiveness into practice, we need the powers of peace, love and truth. These three powers together make up the healing balm of forgiveness, which heal our anger-filled emotions which in turn heal our peaceless words and actions.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Message for the day 22-12-2017

The habit of thinking positive finishes negative.

Expression:Just as it has become a habit of thinking negative, a positive habit when created will naturally bring about a change. A little practice and attention to form a habit of thinking positive will reveal its result of creating an influence of positivity. The situations will not change on their own, but the habit that has been formed will bring about a change in the response and will change the situation too.

Experience: Usually it becomes very difficult or sometimes impossible for me to think positive in difficult situations. At that time, although I want to, the response that emerges from within is based on the habit that is formed previously. So when I make the habit of constantly and consciously thinking positive, I then become free from the struggle of having to change my mind to positive in difficult situations.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 1065 | Airtel Digital TV # 678 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 640 | ABS Free #69 | Online

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 21-12-2017

Soul Sustenance 21-12-2017

Self Conversations And Their Significance

A very important subtle activity that we all indulge in for a lot of time in the day is having conversations with the self, sometimes consciously and a large number of times without even being conscious of it. We need to be extremely careful about what the quality of our conversations are because self conversations very strongly influence our perception i.e. the way we see ourselves, others, situations as well as our personalities and also mould them. If channeled properly, they can be constructive i.e. ones that empower the self; if not, they can be destructive i.e. ones that bring the self down or weaken it in some way or the other. They possess immense potential, both positive and negative, if we want we can use them to liberate us or they can even limit us. We can judge, criticize and threaten ourselves or praise and encourage the self in a positive way. It's important to create thoughts of acceptance, respect and approval for ourselves, even if situations don't go the way we desire or expect. Such positive conversations help rise above the dependence on what how people see us and what they think and talk about us, making the self extremely powerful.

Positive self conversations are not fantasies or disconnecting from reality and a few minutes given to the activity do a lot of benefit and no harm at all. They can be done by detaching oneself from actions when we have an emerged conversation and our complete focus is on the conversation and we do nothing else at that time or whilst being involved in actions. Some actions like going on a drive, cooking, having a meal or simply taking a walk or going on a jog allow self-conversations to take place alongside. At these times we give less mental energy or attention to the conversations i.e. we can have a merged conversation so that the respective action is not affected adversely in any way. We can choose how much mental energy to give to the activity, depending on the karma alongside.

Message for the day 21-12-2017

To be free from weakness means to have the power to mould.

Expression:When there is a weakness, it becomes difficult to mould according to the needs of the situation. Weakness creates hardness and rigidity not allowing the situations to create internal beauty. So the one who is constantly working with one’s own weakness finds it difficult to stop the negativity from being expressed immediately. The weakness is revealed inspite of making effort not to and there is unpleasantness created.

Experience: To have the ability to mould means to become real gold. I become as flexible and beautiful as pure gold, which is ready to take beautiful shapes when it comes under the influence of the heat of the situation. So I have no hard feelings for having to adjust, but I am able to enjoy the beauty I create and the joy I spread.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 1065 | Airtel Digital TV # 678 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 640 | ABS Free #69 | Online

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 20-12-2017

Soul Sustenance 20-12-2017

Nurturing My Relationship With Myself

One of the most significant areas of importance in any human’s life is that of relationships. Someone with very good, close, harmonious and loveful relationships with loved ones, friends, colleagues, etc. is normally considered very fortunate or lucky. But of all relationships, the first and most basic one is the one I have with myself. So, how good, close or deep is my relationship with myself? How well do I know myself? Am I my own friend? If I think over the last week or fortnight, how many of my reactions were unexpected or uncontrolled or basically not the right ones? How many reactions left me confused, sad, unenthusiastic, peaceless, depressed, negative in any other way or in short uncomfortable? If there have been several such situations, it is an indication that there are still things deep within me that I do not know.

Normally a friend is someone whose company I enjoy, for whom there is love and from whom there is some benefit. As in any worldly relationship, without knowing a particular person to the core I can never have a deep relationship with that person. As the phrase spiritual knowledge implies, it is the knowledge of the spirit or the self. Only by knowing myself completely and having a good relationship with the self, can I channelize my inner potential that I have within myself - just as water from a river, when properly channelized, provides water for various purposes. In any worldly relationship, if enough time and attention is not given to it and it is not nourished, it gets affected negatively. In the same way, though it's obvious that I have to spend a large chunk of each day involved in situations arising from my duties, routine activities, responsibilities and worldly relationships; my relationship with myself should also be given enough time and attention, so that it does not suffer. If I am not careful about that, my worldly life may use up my energy completely and discharge my inner battery. I need to find times in the day when I give time to my relationship with the self and recharge myself. The peace and happiness I long for internally will be obtained by having a good, positive relationship with the self.

Message for the day 20-12-2017

Feelings change intentions, thus changing actions too.

Expression:When there are negative feelings like jealousy or hatred towards another person, those feelings naturally create misunderstanding. Even if the other person has a good feeling while doing something, a negative intention is attributed and this naturally changes one’s own behaviour or response making it negative too.

Experience: When there is the slightest bit of negative feeling within me for someone, it naturally creates further negativity from others too. I find everything I come across to be negative, like the one who wears coloured glasses sees everything to be of that particular colour.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 1065 | Airtel Digital TV # 678 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 640 | ABS Free #69 | Online

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 19-12-2017

Soul Sustenance 19-12-2017

Limiting Ourselves In Comfort Zones

We are basically unlimited beings. But we limit ourselves in many comfort zones. We have a lot of conditionings which, in reality, are mental.

Some mosquitoes were put in a box and they kept jumping a lot. The box was covered from the top and each time they jumped they hit the top of the box, and when they jumped too close to the right or the left they hit the sides of the box. Slowly, to avoid harming themselves, they learned to jump just under the cover and without reaching the sides of the box. One day all the four sides of the box were opened. The mosquitoes were free, but they kept on jumping as far as the limit they had learned. The physical limits were no longer there. But they had become conditioned mentally. The same thing happens to us. We have to open the sides of the box and take off the top, or we can continue to live inside the box created by our own mind.

Given below are some conditionings under which we work, because of which we do not experience complete freedom.

- Beliefs, acquired since our childhood, which limit us.
- The negative images of low self esteem that we have created of ourselves.
- The damaging thoughts of doubt, which does not let the highway of trust to build up inside ourselves and does not allow the creative energy of positivity to flow from inside us to the outside.
- The fear of failure or not being to able to succeed completely. A lot of times the fear exists due to past experiences of failure or not having succeeded as much as you would have liked.

We need to become aware of what our pattern of thoughts is, which brings us under the negative influence of mental conditionings. When that happens, we will be able to become free of these conditionings. While we do not become aware, we will continue to remain under its influence.

Message for the day 19-12-2017

An elevated consciousness brings speciality to the task being done.

Expression:As is the consciousness, so is the feeling behind the task, and therefore its quality. Just to perform action and finish the tasks at hand does not bring speciality and accuracy as much as it should. When the consciousness is special, that means before a task is performed there is a thought given both to the task and to the self, there is speciality revealed in the task.

Experience: When I am able to start each task with a special consciousness, like “I am victorious”, or “I am powerful” or “this task is for the benefit of all”, I am able to experience the speciality of doing the task. I am also able to increase my state of self-respect, whatever the task or however simple it maybe.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

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Monday, December 18, 2017

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 18-12-2017

Soul Sustenance 18-12-2017

Attaining Success Using The Tool Of Visualization

A study shows that the majority of sportsmen and women, who win at prominent international events, are trained to use the tool of visualization to achieve success. Many months before the actual event, they visualize i.e. they create pictures of success inside their minds that they have already achieved their goal. The same principle of visualization is also used to cure patients from major illnesses including cancer. Patients are taught to visualize their diseased organs free from illnesses or visualize the organs receiving healing energy in some form or the other.
Visualization helps people to have 100% belief in themselves that they will achieve the desired goal. The efforts made with this powerful energy of belief have a greater probability of success than when you make the efforts without believing in what you are doing and without visualizing yourself as achieving your objectives.

If you think about your failures from the past, you stop believing in yourself, lose your enthusiasm and get frustrated. Visualizing images of a positive future helps you work from the present towards the future, without allowing the past failures to have any negative influence on you. You visualize yourself as a person, who has already overcome his fears and negative habits, and the fears are removed and the negative habits are transformed. You see yourself already transformed e.g. you say - I am a soul full of all powers and not - I am going to or am trying to fill myself with all powers. The power of that vision and the positive affirmations, combined together, is such that it helps you to bring about a major change in yourself, not just a small change, because you make it easy for your sub-conscious mind that is sleeping to wake up and realize its potential. You stop always expecting the worst and hope for, visualize and believe in the best.

Message for the day 18-12-2017

To be free from worry means to have the power to change negative into positive.

Expression:The ones who are free from worry change that which is bad into something good, because the state of mind is calm. The one with a calm state of mind is able to think creatively and see very clearly even beyond the situation. So there is the ability to transform the seemingly negative situation into something very positive. So there is clear decision-making and quick action. There is also no time wasted.

Experience: When I am free from worry, I constantly remain satisfied for having seen the positive and finding the solutions immediately instead of looking at the problem and worrying over it. This internal silence gives the feeling of power, which naturally enables transformation in a second and only the goodness is absorbed.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

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Sunday, December 17, 2017

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 17-12-2017

Soul Sustenance 17-12-2017

Tolerate With Acceptance And Understanding

Power to tolerate is our ability to remain internally unaffected when situations and people are not our way. The power involves extending openness and acceptance, and internally resolving any conflict with right understanding. It is about rising beyond our ordinary ways of reacting when scenes of life are not favorable. Tolerance comes with the knowledge that each soul is different from us. Their thoughts, feelings, perceptions are different from us. Their sanskars and karmic accounts were created on the journey of different births in different environments facing different situations. So we cannot question other’s behavior or sanskars. This understanding helps us accept people as they are. We reach a point where we easily tolerate different sanskars. We reach a stage where there is no feeling of having to tolerate.

Power to Tolerate means we live and work with people with the understanding that different sanskars is the natural way to be. We do not waste our energy or get agitated thinking – why are they this way, how can they be like this. We do not try to control them or force them to change. We inspire and empower them and they chose to change what they find uncomfortable about themselves. Let us make a list of simple habits of people which we have not been able to tolerate so far. It is only a programming of our mind as we always told our self we cannot tolerate something or someone. Today let us create a thought – I accept this sanskar of theirs and from now their sanskar will not create any disturbance in my mind.

Message for the day 17-12-2017

True help is to help people discover their own specialities.

Expression:When others' negativities or weaknesses are perceived, it is essential to look at their positivity or specialities too. This will naturally bring love and positivity in the relationship and there will be an encouragement of that positivity. So even if that person has no recognition or has not been using his speciality, an encouragement of it by others will naturally enable him to begin to use it.

Experience: Making others aware of their specialities and subtly encouraging them to use these specialities is a great help that I can do for others. When I am able to give this unique help and cooperation, I not only find benefit for others, but I am also able to get the good wishes of others. Even others naturally become positive with my positive attitude.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

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Saturday, December 16, 2017

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 16-12-2017

Soul Sustenance 16-12-2017

The Creations Of The Mind

Scientists have learned a lot about our physical functioning, but most admit that what actually keeps a human being alive is a mystery not completely solved. Rising above being just a product of chemical and electrical activity in the brain, as believed by many of us, spirituality orients me and trains me to come close to my real self, my spiritual self. Before I was a stranger to my own self, unaware of what is going inside my consciousness and distant from my own self. The first step in coming close to myself is that I learn to use the energy of my mind in the most effective way possible. For this, I decide to find a place where, each day, I can sit for a few minutes without interruptions, in order to focus on the self and explore the inner world of the creations of the mind - my thoughts, feelings, attitudes and emotions.

There has been a lot of conflicting views in the world about what the mind is and how it works. In the teachings of meditation by the Brahma Kumaris, the mind, which gives rise to my thoughts, feelings, attitudes and emotions, is seen as a faculty of the soul, not the body. It is rather like the difference between a television set and the movies seen on that set. The movies originate in the minds of the directors, not in the television set itself. The television set is just a medium for displaying the movies. So it is with all these four creations (thoughts, feelings, attitudes and emotions). These originate in the non-physical consciousness and not in the physical brain. The brain is just a processor of them and the body is a medium via which all four are displayed or brought onto expressions, physical gestures, words and actions. When I realize this, and really understand this difference, it very empowering. I am then able to use the power of discrimination to make choices between thoughts, feelings, attitudes and emotions that are useful and empowering for myself and others, and those that bring me down.

Message for the day 16-12-2017

The one who has self-respect is the one who is free from aggression.

Expression:When the situation seems out of control, there is naturally a feeling of helplessness. This helplessness further creates tension, which gets expressed in the form of aggression. Such a kind of aggression cannot be suppressed or controlled. To be in the state of one’s own self-respect is to be confident and the one who is confident will be assertive but can never be aggressive.

Experience: I am able to keep my mind cool, when I am in my state of self-respect. So I never react to situations negatively but I am able to understand the situation and respond in the right way. I take decisions in a calm and composed state of mind, so I find myself relaxed and easy even in the most difficult situations.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

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Friday, December 15, 2017

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 15-12-2017

Soul Sustenance 15-12-2017

The Beauty Of Giving (Part 3)

A personality of giving comes natural to some people and for some it is the most difficult thing to do. There are people who live only for others. Every single moment they give to others what they require. It’s not about only donating wealth and clothes or food for that matter. But here we talk about giving love and happiness to each and everyone you meet. It can become the most beautiful intention of your life. Love in the form of sweet words and warm gestures that make people happy. Even if you have a problem in your life which you are facing since a few days, keep giving during that time. It will ease your problems. You can actually spend many years of your life serving each one with these two qualities – love and happiness.

Also, other qualities which people would like from you are peace and power. Today, the world is lacking these two qualities immensely. Peace in every individual’s life can be given to them by remaining silent yourself. Silence does not mean talking less only but also remaining free of any unnecessary thoughts which are not important at a particular point of time i.e. they are irrelevant. Such a person with fewer number of thoughts will automatically transmit the energy of peace to others. Also, people today are lacking emotional strength and they weaken under life’s pressures very easily. Are you ready to be the one who can stand as a pillar of strength for others by being powerful yourself? So take up this responsibility and deepen your spiritual personality i.e. make yourself full of spiritual treasures. Become a giver.

Message for the day 15-12-2017

The one who has the power to face is free from tensions.

Expression:To be good with those who are good is quite natural, but to be good with those who are bad is known as having the power to face. This naturally comes when there is the power to transform even that which in negative into something positive. When there is the power to face, there is no retaliation, no conflict. There is love given to all around.

Experience: When I am able to transform and look at each and everything in a positive way, I will not have any difficulty with any situation. I will naturally be able to face all situations in a light and easy way. When I am able to be free from tension in this way, I am also able to give my best and thus become an inspiration for those around me.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

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Thursday, December 14, 2017

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 14-12-2017

Soul Sustenance 14-12-2017

The Beauty Of Giving (Part 2)

A different set of personalities or natures of all the people you meet will always be there and the adjustment of natures with them is what will always be required. Suppose there is an acquaintance of yours who is a little egoistic and at times she can be difficult to please. You give a lot of love and regard to her but she never seems to return it. Such a person can be difficult to interact with and she also may be conditional. She may make the relationship with you dependent on the type of behavior you may show to her. Suppose one day you praise her, she will be very good to you. On another day, you point out her mistake and she will show a different behavior. In the same way suppose you have a close associate who loves people giving him admiration and a lot of remarks about his personality and wealth. One day, someone does not do that and instead praises someone else in front of him, he would feel insulted. This is the way some people will be. They are not givers but they always want something from the other on an emotional level or even on the level of words and actions.

Also, the method of becoming a giver and not someone who is always asking for love and respect from others is to start filling oneself with those treasures first. One can do this by connecting with a Higher Source or God, who is full of those treasures Himself and that too permanently. God never, even for a second, asks for treasures from any human being? He has only one intention - to fill others with everything good he possesses. He possesses every virtue that will ever be seen in any human being – He is an Ocean of all those virtues. We need to train ourselves to make our personality like God’s by having a deep relationship with Him though a medium of remembrance.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Message for the day 14-12-2017

To be free from waste words is to ensure easy success.

Expression:The one who wastes time and energy in gossip or slander has no time for success. All attention is focussed on picking out the mistakes and the negativity of others and so there is no attention on learning new things or picking out the positive. So there is negativity visible in one’s own attitude, words and actions.

Experience: When I am able to free myself from waste and negative words, I am able to use the resource of my words in a positive and useful way. My words will be for the benefit of all. I would also notice that my words would be filled with the power of positivity and faith, faith in the self and faith in others.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

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Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 13-12-2017

Soul Sustenance 13-12-2017

The Beauty Of Giving (Part 1)

Have you ever wondered why is it so difficult to forgive someone who has wronged you in any way? There are people who do not seem to bother about the hurt and pain that they may seem to receive from people around them. After all pain is our response to people and pain is not given by others to us. Then there are people who can carry the memories of a negative incident for a complete lifetime so much that it can affect their physical health and moods to a very large extent. Is it not easy to forgive and forget? Or is it for some the most difficult thing to do? Why the difference?

There was once a shopkeeper in a little village of Southern India who used to sell coconuts to people. Once while selling his product to a rich trader, he was asked by the trader – Can you lend me a few coconuts for a day? I will return them to you in the evening. The shopkeeper replied – I can sell the coconuts to you at a lower rate if you wish but I cannot lend them to you. The trader needed the coconuts just for a function as decoration. In the same manner, at times we are like this shopkeeper. We indulge in trade in our relationships. We want something in return for everything we give. We want love in return of love. We want happiness when we give happiness to someone. When this does not happen we are hurt and cannot forget what happened. Also, another energy that we often transmit to others is one of begging. We beg for peace, love and joy all the time. What that means is we are always asking for positivity from others, which will not always come. Suppose you are a part of a group of friends with different personalities and a lot of positive and negative characteristics which everyone possesses. Do you always get what you expect from each one? No. So how does one handle this?

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Message for the day 13-12-2017

Bringing newness in dealing with life’s situations brings happiness.

Expression:When there is the desire to find new ways of responding to life’s challenges, unhappiness ends which in turn helps to fulfill one’s highest potential. All it needs is the determination to adopt a fresh awareness. Thus burdensome thoughts that drain out positive energy are set aside. The quality of life itself becomes better.

Experience: I experience a lot of happiness when there is newness brought in responding to situations. The potential and the energy of the mind is channelised in a positive way so there is an experience of fulfillment and satisfaction. The mind is not caught up with negative or waste but is busy trying for the best solutions in all situations.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

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Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 12-12-2017

Soul Sustenance 12-12-2017

Mental Clarity Or Focus

To strengthen yourself you need to have mental clarity or focus. That is possible if there is not so much of excessive thought, so as to generate clouds of unhappiness, suffering, grief, indecision, doubts and negativity - thoughts that your mind produces, thoughts that are weak, useless or wasteful. All of these thoughts cloud your own clarity. Mental focus means to think less, think concretely, concentrate, think in an elevated way, and your thought will have an energy of clarity and inner strength that will help you to put it into practice with greater success. You should strengthen yourself to achieve a state of self-control. For this, you need to study yourself, know yourself and understand yourself. You need inner silence, for there not to be so much mental chatter (noise) from thinking, thinking, thinking and thinking.

On top of that, other people influence you and so you generate even more thoughts. There are so many influences and inner voices that speak to you. With all of that there cannot be clarity. There is the voice of your fears, of your ego, that of desires and greed, there are influences of the past, thoughts emerging from your values, influences of your neighbors, your children, your husband or wife, your mother or father, the influence of your office colleague's opinion, or your best friend, your doctor, your guru, etc. You can listen to many inner and outer voices and, if you are not strong, your mind weakens under so many influences, which has negative effects on your clarity of mind. Because of all of this you have to strengthen your mind, which means, think less; think slower, concentrated and clear thought; with sense and meaning; of quality, based on a healthy and positive motivation. These thoughts are then like arrows, which have positive strength and clarity.

Message for the day 12-12-2017

To be healthy internally is to make the best use of all treasures.

Expression:A healthy intellect acts like a mother, always showing the right path. When internally one is strong, there is the natural ability to treat the mind with love and guide it towards the right direction. Such a healthy state of mind naturally enables the recognition and the proper utilisation of everything available.

Experience: Once I have learnt the art of guiding my mind in the right direction with love, I then never experience the difficulty of having to bring back the mind to the right thinking. Because the mind is totally under control in a very easy and natural way and I don’t have to control it or force it to think or not to think in a particular way.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

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Monday, December 11, 2017

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 11-12-2017

Soul Sustenance 11-12-2017

Discriminating Right From Wrong Wisely

In today’s times it is seen as good and normal to value goods and own things, this is regarded as security. But time shows that security comes only from honest intentions and respectful actions. Desire and fear can take us into adopting beliefs which may never lead us to real happiness.

The ability to discern is about the ability to discriminate the right from the wrong and the truth from false. We can use this ability to discern our sanskars, belief systems and behaviour. When we are able to discern our self, then we are able to use the ability to discern people and situations. Most of us discern based on information we acquire, people’s opinions or belief systems in society. Another common method is to apply logic in order to discern. But we experience that logic does not always prove to be right.

When we withdraw and experience inner silence, we can connect to the sub-conscious or intuitive mind to discern. The ability to discern is about trusting our highest self, even in the face of opposing opinions, or outdated but active beliefs about ways of thinking and being. We need to ask our self – Am I thinking right … what will be the consequence of my karma …is it increasing soul power? We often become judgmental or critical about people’s behavior. Ability to discern makes us analyse their intentions and sanskars which triggered that behavior. This helps us to empathise and respond with our inner peace and not react to their negativity. This ability helps us to remain calm and choose the right response even if no one else is being that way.

Message for the day 11-12-2017

To remain happy is to truly live life.

Expression:Life has meaning when there is the happiness of living. Everything that happens brings something new. The more the mind is tuned to see and appreciate this truth, there is the happiness that lasts - whatever the situations may be. The one who is constantly happy is able to creatively use all the resources in the right way and also makes others happy.

Experience: When I am able to maintain my internal state of happiness under all circumstances, I am able to enjoy the beauty of life. I am only able to see the positive in each and everything and also only the specialities and goodness in everyone. I am never let down by situations, people or their reactions, but enjoy everything.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

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TATA(Sky # 1065 | Airtel Digital TV # 678 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 640 | ABS Free #69 | Online

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 10-12-2017

Soul Sustenance 10-12-2017

The Method Of Realizing Your Purpose (Part 2)

A question that can help you to find the purpose for your self is: when you feel absolutely on top of the world, very much content and full of enthusiasm, what is there in you? Who are you at that moment? What is the energy inside you at that time? What do you give to your surroundings and to others? This stage is something that you want to reach all the time and keep with you. Ask yourself that question. Visualize that moment, which at some time in life you must have experienced. If not, visualize what you would like to experience.

Second question to find your purpose related to the world: What is it that you want to radiate to others? What is it that you want to give? That is, what do you want to devote yourself to? This isn't limited to your job or a hobby or a sport for e.g., but rather applies to what you offer and radiate in the whole day, in relationships, with people through your thoughts, words and actions - in the family, at work, in the market, friends, acquaintances and even strangers.

To carry out this inner inquiry (in both the cases above) you need to go to its deepest part. What is your purpose? Not your purpose for this weekend you want to go for the club meeting or not, or that in the holidays you want to visit a hill station; all these are short term purposes. Your life purpose refers to what it is that you really want to reach. If you clarify it, it will help you to make decisions with clarity and determination in your life.

Message for the day 10-12-2017

To forgive is to give correction.

Expression:When there is forgiveness, the harm of the mistake is forgotten. The mistake itself is remembered only to the extent that the correction is to be given. So there are no negative feelings expressed even while giving correction. And the words that are used are few but prove to be very effective.

Experience: When I learn the art of forgiving I am able to be free from the burden of negative and waste thinking. So there is never any difficulty in giving correction when necessary. The mind is free from the attitudes of the past and it creates harmony in relationships even if the opinions or personalities don’t match.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 1065 | Airtel Digital TV # 678 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 640 | ABS Free #69 | Online

Saturday, December 09, 2017

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 09-12-2017

Soul Sustenance 09-12-2017

The Method Of Realizing Your Purpose (Part 1)

Throughout our daily routine right from the time we wake up till we go to sleep at night, we all always have something to think about, to say and/or something to do. We are occupied and are busy. The question is whether everything that we do forms part of our life purpose or whether we are simply occupying time spaces and using our mental, verbal and physical energy in activities, tasks and conversations that do not lead us to anything substantial or whole. We simply pass time doing and talking, but without a sense of purpose. Although the things we do and/or speak about are necessary to be done, if they do not make up part of our life purpose, they will tire us. We will feel an inner emptiness and dissatisfaction, as if we are missing something.

The most authentic purpose is that of fulfilling our ideal, our dream in life. What happens is that, sometimes, we haven't worked out what our true purpose or life dream is. We have to ask ourselves what our true purpose is. There are two purposes – one is a purpose related to the self and the other related to what we want to offer to the world. During the day we are exchanging energy - each one of us is different and can give something to the world during this exchange; each of us can play our musical note in order to contribute to the orchestra of the Universe.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Message for the day 09-12-2017

Good wishes and pure feelings bring easy success while working at a task.

Expression:If there are good feelings for both the task and the one who is carrying out the task, then the result attained by those feelings is automatically special. The feeling of giving love and cooperation, no matter what anyone is like gives good wishes and pure feelings. There is a deep impact of such good feelings which transforms others too.

Experience: When I am able to maintain my own good feelings for others, I am able to enjoy the fruit of my own pure thoughts. I am not disturbed by temporary clashes that I have because of the different nature of the person I am working with, but enjoy working together. So there is also good feelings from the other person too and so there is easy success experienced.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

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TATA(Sky # 1065 | Airtel Digital TV # 678 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 640 | ABS Free #69 | Online

Friday, December 08, 2017

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 08-12-2017

Soul Sustenance 08-12-2017

United We Stand, Divided We Fall (Part 3)

4. The world today needs correct guidance to make their actions beautiful, peaceful and loveful. Sometimes, we see people around us, performing negative actions and we realize that if they had a guiding light in their lives, someone who could be like a parent and explain to them what is right and what is wrong, they would not talk, act and even think in this way. Such a guiding light would be someone who has the divine wisdom of the law of karma and also one who understood what are positive actions and what are negative actions, which is none other than God. God is the only one to whom each and every individual in the world would listen to. Unity in the world will happen very easily if people imbibed God’s wisdom in their minds and hearts. Wisdom will bring a spiritual maturity. Actually negative actions and not loving each other, is a sign of immaturity at the level of the consciousness.

5. The most important foundation of unity is co-operation. Co-operation amongst people is today lacking because the energy of competing and comparing has increased in families as well as workplaces and also friend circles. When people try to overtake others in every sphere of life, then distance between hearts increases. Also, feelings of jealousy, hatred and ego are being filled in every relationship because of this. These feelings need to be replaced with feelings of love and good wishes for each other and also happiness in seeing each other progress in life. Co-operation also means being with each other not only in their moments of joy but also in their moments of sorrow and giving each other the hand of your support. When individuals as well as groups of individuals, become friends at every step and build bridges of co-operation, the river of unity will flow in the world.

Message for the day 08-12-2017

Mercy means to give support to the ones who are helpless.

Expression:A negative situation or a person who is in need and is helpless usually stimulates feelings of unhappiness or sorrow. At such a time it becomes very difficult to maintain a positive state of mind. But real mercy is that which gives support through the positive state of one's mind. The more there is the feeling of happiness, others too can be brought to that state of happiness and joy.

Experience: When I am able to remain happy even in negative situations, I am able to maintain my internal state of calm. And this is the best frame of mind where I am able to see things objectively and in a detached way and I am able to make the right decisions. So I find myself becoming a source of support.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

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TATA(Sky # 1065 | Airtel Digital TV # 678 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 640 | ABS Free #69 | Online

Thursday, December 07, 2017

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 07-12-2017

Soul Sustenance 07-12-2017

United We Stand, Divided We Fall (Part 2)

2. Unity between people is based on a common thread of spiritual brotherhood inspite of differences of nationalities, castes, languages and also sanskaras and opinions. It’s not possible to unite unless we feel we are brothers in spirit. At some places in the world, racism exists and people dislike each other because of that. In such cases, if people remembered the spiritual identity of the other and saw each other as a spiritual being first and a human figure later, there would be immense love between humans. Spiritual wisdom says that We are all one. Sometimes we say that, but we do not feel it. When we see each other as God’s children and we also remember that once upon a time, before coming down on the earth, we lived together as souls, in our spiritual home; then love for each other will flow naturally and unity will be seen in all corners of the world. The spiritual home is the soul world, which exists beyond the five physical elements.

3. Love and unity between humans is also based on positive sanskaras. When two people with negative sanskaras some together for a particular purpose in any sphere of life, then it is very common that there will be a clash or negative differences of opinions. Such people don’t vibe well with each other and the effects of these reach families involved or professionals involved or any other people connected. Such people exist all over the world. So, a lack of inner niceness means negative relationships. The world is a web of billions of relationships. At the moment, this web is very negative and getting weaker with each day with more and more complications on the rise. If human beings become more beautiful, this web will become more positive and stronger.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Message for the day 07-12-2017

To end waste means to be free from defeat.

Expression:The one with faith in the intellect always remains at a distance from waste, whether it is waste thoughts, wste words or waste actions. To move away from waste means to be victorious. The one who is free from waste is busy with the positive and useful. Such a person is constantly searching for solutions and trying to make the best out of the situation.

Experience: It is because of waste that I sometimes experience defeat and sometimes victory. If I am able to finish waste, I am able to finish defeat. Because whatever the situation may be, however challenging it may be, if I am able to finish waste I am able to recognise the benefit that is merged within it and so I am able to experience being constantly victorious.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

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TATA(Sky # 1065 | Airtel Digital TV # 678 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 640 | ABS Free #69 | Online

Wednesday, December 06, 2017

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 06-12-2017

Soul Sustenance 06-12-2017

United We Stand, Divided We Fall (Part 1)

All of us in this world are individuals with different personalities and viewpoints but yet there are certain points of truth on which we all agree. One of them is that the world should be full of peace and love. Another point of truth is that God is one and the Supreme. Also, if there is someone who can unite us as one family in this world, it is only the power of God which can do that. Lastly, the world once upon a time was a united family which got broken into pieces and was divided by religion, caste, language and nationality differences. The world today is divided in a big way. In some cases people of one country dislike people of another country and in some cases even people of different castes but of the same nationality quarrel over many issues. United We Stand, Divided We Fall – famous quote of unity. But how do we get united? Let’s explore:

1. First of all, remember my family of parents, siblings and all other relationships is a temporary connection. My permanent connection, my closest and every birth relationship is with God. In every birth, I get new loved ones but God does not change. So my family changes many times, my physical mothers and fathers change many times, but my eternal mother and father – the spiritual parent – God is always the same. This is the case with every human being in the world. Also, God is the only know who knows me and my every birth, the best. So, for me to become a source of love for others, I need to take the first step of giving God an important place in my life. Remember 7 billion sources of love, when created, will make the world united as one.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Message for the day 06-12-2017

Determination fills a thought with power.

Expression:Any thought which is added with determination automatically brings confidence. This confidence naturally fills the thought with power. When there is the thought, 'I can do it', there is surely the power to do it. Then there are no distractions, nor is there any comparision with others. All resources are put to the maximum use and the task is accomplished.

Experience: When I am able to fill my positive thoughts with the power of determination, I am able to bring all my special thoughts and plans into action immediately. I am able to feel the satisfaction of bringing equality into my thoughts, words and actions. There is no feeling of helplessness, but there is only confidence and courage in doing what I am supposed to do.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

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Tuesday, December 05, 2017

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 05-12-2017

Soul Sustenance 05-12-2017

Letting Go With Lightness

Letting go is our ability to release everything that is not right or healthy for the soul. It means not carrying the baggage of the past into the present and future. It is about dropping the burden of our ignorance, pain from past experiences, attachments, expectations, ill-habits, limiting or wrong belief systems, negative sanskars and people’s opinions. By letting go of our old ways, we welcome new ways of thinking, behaving, being and becoming. Meditation and connecting with God strengthens the ability to let go. Being aware that I am a soul and not a body or role, makes it easy to live with people and possess things but not get attached to them or fear losing them. We play the role of a trustee, so no one and nothing belongs to us. We understand that people come into our life to live together in harmony and things in possession are to be used with gratitude and care.

We need to let go of our wrong thoughts, beliefs and sanskars. When we recognize the damage they cause, we can finish them. We also let go of expectations with the understanding that people and situations can never be our way owing to difference in our sanskars and karmic accounts. If we do not let go of the pain of our past experiences with people, our present experiences with them will get colored by the unpleasant past. So we interact with them each time, perceiving them through the filter of their earlier behavior. Holding onto unpleasant emotions of past situations deepens emotional wounds. Letting go is like dropping a baggage of negative energies that had become stronger and heavier each day, weighing us down. By letting go of it we travel light carrying only what is useful.

Message for the day 05-12-2017

True victory lies in inspiring courage in others too.

Expression:The one who is victorious enables others to be victorious too. Such a person will never make the other person seem any less. He will never allow the other person to feel defeated because the one who is victorious is a bestower. He has the ability to give courage to others and fill with hope to achieve something better.

Experience: When I have the feeling of being victorious, I would naturally want others too to experience the same. I would look for ways to give courage and support to the ones who are losing. This will never let me lose hope in myself or in others and will also win the trust and good wishes of others. So there is a constant experience of being victorious.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

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Monday, December 04, 2017

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 04-12-2017

Soul Sustenance 04-12-2017

The Role Play Of Thoughts In Relationships (Part 3)

Parent-child relationships are the foundation of our complete life. The earliest habits that children acquire in their lives are from their parents. Very often parents try and impose positive habits on their children. A very common trend that we see nowadays where parents will scold their child for common negative actions like getting angry, for lying to them, for watching inappropriate stuff on different mediums of technology like television and the internet or for getting involved in relationships with the opposite gender at a young age or even smoking and drinking. Very commonly parents are not satisfied with the change brought about by children by following the rules that they have set for them, causing parent-child relationships to get strained. Why is it that inspite of children knowing that parents are concerned for them, do not listen to their instructions and continue with the negative habits? A more powerful medium than words, which reaches children on a physical level, is the personality radiation of the parents which works on children. It reaches them faster than and much before the words do. Parents dictate the change but don’t be the change. What that means is similar habits of lust, anger, greed, attachment, ego etc. exist inside them which keep travelling to the children on a subtle energy level. These negative energies influence their minds negatively much sooner than positive words in the form of instructions, leaving the words as good as ineffective.

Also considering another common relationship that children have, the one with their school teachers. Many investigations confirm that teachers' expectations, whether negative or positive, form one of the most influential factors in the academic performance of their students. If teachers expect good results from their students and have complete faith and confidence that they will succeed, their performance will be much closer to their real capacity than if they are expecting poor results. Very often in schools, the teachers’ words regarding the performance of the children are not a direct reflection of their thoughts. Their words are full of faith and hope in the students’ success but thoughts are lacking in optimism with regards to the same. Negative thoughts of fear of probable failure of the children, in the minds of teachers, inspite of positive words of encouragement, negatively influence impressionable minds of children. This leads to their poor show in school exams.

Message for the day 04-12-2017

To bring newness into actions means to contribute for the betterment of the self and others.

Expression:There is a constant desire to do something better that makes a contribution to oneself and to others too. So the one who thinks of newness can bring about such a contribution. There will not be something different that can be done. But the same thing can be done in such a way that there is benefit visible.

Experience: When I am able to bring newness in the way I do things, I am able to experience constant progress. There will also be the satisfaction of bringing about newness and creativity even in ordinary actions. Along with this will also be the satisfaction of making a contribution in every action of mine.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

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