Friday, May 31, 2019

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 31-05-2019

Soul Sustenance 31-05-2019

Crossing Negative Situations With Spiritual Power (Part 1)

A significant and important sphere of our life which constantly goes away in a direction that we do not want it to is the way we look after our mental well-being and how it influences our overall behavior and the way we perform our actions. E.g. if we are in a positive mood today, automatically all our actions will begin to get influenced by that and positive emotions that exist in our mind, start showing in our interactions. Also, if a negative and difficult situation comes into our life suddenly and our mind moves into a negative direction, then almost automatically our actions go into that direction.

How do we prevent this process from happening? What is the single best method to follow to prevent the mind from coming under the influence of difficult and demanding circumstances? Is there some method which we can use for our mind so that this complete process is stopped at the level of the mind in the first place? Say, you are not physically well today and you do not feel comfortable. So that is a type of negative situation. On another day, your boss at work has not been nice to you and you feel uncomfortable with the situation surrounding you. This is another type of negative situation. Such ups and downs are common in life and they will be there at every step, but do we let them dictate the way we behave or do we ensure that they do not interfere with our regular routine and our dealings with people? Of course, no one wants a burden on them but at the same time situations have to be dealt with positively also. But the main thing to take care of is, that while doing that, you do not lose your inner stability and your actions remain positive and full of peace, love and happiness.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Message for the day 31-05-2019

The one who works to remove the sorrow of others is the one who is loved by all.

Expression:When there is the one aim of helping to remove the sorrow of others, there will be nothing negative while dealing with others. There will also be no expectations from others. Working with the natural desire to bring benefit to as many as possible, enables one to continue to contribute to whatever extent possible.

Experience: When I am able to have this one desire of helping others be more happy, I am able to make a contribution for others' happiness and progress. I then find that others naturally appreciate my selfless contribution and their good wishes help me feel light and experience progress.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris | Facebook | Youtube | Twitter | Instagram | Website | Intl Website

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Thursday, May 30, 2019

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 30-05-2019

Soul Sustenance 30-05-2019

Heal Your Mind To Heal Your Body

You hit the gym and workout regularly. As a health-freak you routinely consume fruits and vegetables. You get a good 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night. Despite all the care, your body develops bouts of illnesses, aches and pains. Do you have a burning question on your mind - What more should I do to lead a healthy lifestyle? Our thoughts and feelings create a subtle energy body. While diet and exercise influence physical health, a clean energy body is needed to sustain a perfect physical body. Any emotional blockages like fear, pain, confusion, anger or jealousy creates energy blockages in the energy body. It then manifests as an illness in our physical body. Let us cleanse our thoughts to radiate happiness and love to every cell of the body. Release past hurt to strengthen every organ. Forgive people to heal aches and pains. Remain calm and stable to cleanse the body. We have the power to create a healthy mind, which then creates a healthy body and a happy life. Remind yourself - My every thought creates happiness and health. All my health parameters are perfect. My body is healthy.

Also, if there is something troubling your body, do you know that you can use the power of your thoughts to influence your health? Each thought has an effect on the cells of our body. When we are physically unwell, we cure the body with medicines, but do we heal blockages in the mind? Just by thinking or saying – My cholesterol is high… My fever isn’t coming down, what will happen next… How will I manage to walk with this back pain… we radiate an energy of sadness, worry or anxiety to our body. These vibrations slow down or block healing. Changing our thinking is as important as treating the body.

Message for the day 30-05-2019

Where there is contentment, problems finish.

Expression:Contentment enables one to have a positive outlook towards life. So the one who is content always works towards solutions, as he is never disturbed with situations, but is always relaxed. This automatically brings the ability to contribute to others and give them the support to bring progress within them. Such a person works for his own self-progress too.

Experience: When I am content with everything that is happening, I am able to be light in all situations. So even in the biggest difficulty, I am never caught up with the problem, but am always thinking of the solution. My mind is busy with finding the solution, so internally I remain unaffected with the problem.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris | Facebook | Youtube | Twitter | Instagram | Website | Intl Website

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Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 29-05-2019

Soul Sustenance 29-05-2019

5 Beautiful Aspects Of Success (Part 3)

4. Success at every step is also how humble and truthful we have been, while achieving various goals in different spheres of life. Humility is the biggest virtue of all. Anger and ego are humility’s biggest enemies and spoil the way people see us and feel about us in their hearts. No one likes arrogant people and people tend to remain away from such people instead of coming close and providing support to them. They not only loose blessings and respect but they also loose self-respect. Egoistic people are the most unhappy people inside and are always trying to dominate people with all that they achieve as their tools to do that. Tools like - I look good, I am intelligent, I am rich, I am smart, I have a beautiful personality, I am an achiever, My relationships are beautiful … Also, apart from humility, your honesty and truthfulness also make you successful. Some people reach big milestones in their life, but they have lied or indulged in dishonesty of some type or the other while reaching there, which is false success.

5. Lastly, success also means giving at every step. Being a giver of everything nice that you possess – physical or non-physical is a beautiful quality. Those who possess this quality are nice human beings who are successful in the right and complete way. So, always look at people with respect even if they do not possess what you possess. Also, instead of dominating people, influence and empower them. Even physical treasures of wealth and non-physical treasures of knowledge should be shared with people. Then you are a true giver and untouched by the negative influence of your attainments in life. Instead you take the attainments in your stride and never have a false ownership over them, which is true success.

Message for the day 29-05-2019

Introversion brings out the positivity within.

Expression:Every human being has an innate positive nature because of the inherent qualities of love, peace, happiness etc. that are within. Introversion, the practice of looking within, enables one to be in constant touch with oneself and one's true nature. It helps express these qualities in everything that is done. Because of having practiced for a long time with them, these qualities emerge very naturally at the time of need.

Experience: The practice of being introverted helps me in experiencing those qualities within me, which otherwise remain hidden during difficult situations. Thus it makes me have true self-respect and enables me to finish my ego. It also gives me the power to recognise and accept my mistakes, thus giving me the courage to work on them successfully.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris | Facebook | Youtube | Twitter | Instagram | Website | Intl Website

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Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 28-05-2019

Soul Sustenance 28-05-2019

5 Beautiful Aspects Of Success (Part 2)

2. Success also means increasing one’s overall quality of life. Very often we will buy an expensive car or expensive clothes for ourselves and also feel proud when we come in front of others with these accomplishments. Sometimes this pride even takes a negative shade of ego. Most people today are defining success with material assets and feel big homes and rich jewellery worn is success. But have we ever looked within and talked to ourselves that where are we heading? All this is not unimportant but it is high time we did not let these comforts define our lives. Buy the expensive mobile phone if you want, but not for people to see, because that is not success. Fulfill the dream of the best office space, but after achieving it, don’t say this is not enough, I want more. That’s where you go wrong and realize that success is incomplete without contentment, and that could have been there, even before the dream was achieved. What is the use if you work all your life for these dreams but never feel satisfied after achieving them? So, enjoy success in the journey, enjoy the nice people you meet, enjoy the beautiful things and different scenes of life, enjoy nature, enjoy God and enjoy just being yourself – always happy.

3. A very important component of success is living with people in beautiful relationships. Relationships are one of the most important aspects of life. This could be a relationship with people or God. Of course, a relationship with God is eternal and is with us in all our births and relationships with people change with every birth. But, relationships are important and carry immense meaning. So, success means at the end of your life, you say to yourself and feel from within that you have led a life making everyone happy and receiving happiness from everyone. Also, success is giving God immense importance at every moment of your life and thanking Him for everything you achieve.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Message for the day 28-05-2019

To recognise the uniqueness of my own personality is to be free from negative influence.

Expression:The one who is aware of one's own uniqueness is able to create a strong influence on others of his own personality. So, such a person is not negatively influenced by anyone's personality traits. Even when there is a person with a very strong personality, he is still able to be free from negative influence.

Experience: When I am able to recognise and use the specialities that are within me, I am able to remain powerful within. In all circumstances and with all people I experience this innate power. Because I am constantly in touch with my own specialities, I am able to be light and happy.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris | Facebook | Youtube | Twitter | Instagram | Website | Intl Website

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Monday, May 27, 2019

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 27-05-2019

Soul Sustenance 27-05-2019

5 Beautiful Aspects Of Success (Part 1)

We are all special human beings with a beautiful purpose of performing actions that benefit us and others in the best possible way. While working at the workplace, while going to the market, while studying, while interacting with family and friends or while looking after our physical body, we are always looking for success of every type. This is success at a physical level and also success at the level of the mind, which is complete success. Often, happiness and just being content is everything for many. Also, immense success of education, career and wealth can mean lots for some people and for some unless there is happiness while doing all this, it means nothing for them. Let’s explore 5 beautiful aspects of success while reading this message:

1. Success means fulfillment. We often look for the treasures of respect and good roles from the outside world. But, do we also look at the fulfillment of inner treasures of peace, joy and power from the inner world of our mind also? Sometimes, we have achieved a lot, but we are not satisfied as much as we should be. Also, you very commonly meet people who have reached the top of the career ladder, but they are either depressed or they are looking for another job or they feel frustrated because they have got the outer regard of people, but the heart-felt love and good wishes of people are missing in their life because of which they lack lightness and carefreeness. Some people have become ill physically and suffer from high blood pressure or diabetes or digestion problems, which are all after-effects of stress experienced, while reaching their destination of outer success. So, a balance between inner success and outer success, keeps you happy, healthy and lighter in the long run.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Message for the day 27-05-2019

To be ever ready means to guarantee success.

Expression:The ones who are ever ready are active and so when a task comes up, they quickly understand it and attain success. They do not waste time and energy thinking too much about it. They recognize the importance of the task and involve fully in it and attain success.

Experience: When I am ever ready I am able to be easy. Because I am easy, all tasks seem easy for me and effort put in for the success of the task also becomes easy. So I don’t have to do a lot of effort but give my best. Thus I experience success every moment in all situations.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris | Facebook | Youtube | Twitter | Instagram | Website | Intl Website

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Sunday, May 26, 2019

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 26-05-2019

Soul Sustenance 26-05-2019

An Attitude Of Abundance

There could have been a challenging scene this morning which maybe, caused your positive attitude to dip. Are you letting that depleted attitude seep into every subsequent scene, the entire day? Or did you pause to change your mood and reset your outlook? Often we are not satisfied with people, situations, objects, nature and the world itself. We complain about what we lack – health, happiness, comforts, time, wealth, relationships…the list can be long. The truth is that if we want a different result, we need to first modify our attitude from a scarcity mindset to an abundant mindset. A positive attitude brings the whole course of life under control. It improves health, happiness, relationships and success. Even if things are not in our favour, our attitude decides whether we perceive it to be an opportunity to learn and grow, or view it as a failure and retract. Reflect on your attitude every day and keep it positive by taking responsibility of your mindset. See how situations come into your control. Remind yourself - I carry an attitude of abundance. I have everything I need. My attitude attracts the right people and situations into life.

We have all been taught that attitude is everything. Just pause and check - how has your overall attitude been, lately? Do you feel optimistic, hopeful, fearless or dissatisfied? Has your attitude helped you see the world through a positive lens at all times or only when circumstances are right for you? Your attitude either opens or closes the doors of growth and learning, in every situation. Because every thought you create is followed by a feeling. Your feelings over a period of time develop your attitude - about people, situations, work and about the world. So, depending on your feelings about a person or a situation, you will develop an attitude towards them – which can be of acceptance, resistance, respect or indifference. Our thoughts create our attitude, so you have the power to change our attitude by chanting our thought patterns. Even whether we have enough or lack something in life is almost always about our attitude, not about how much we actually have. A good life needs only a right attitude.

Message for the day 26-05-2019

Greatness lies in humility.

Expression:The one who is humble is always willing to learn - from others and situations. So whatever happens a humble person never reacts to the situations, but acts positively whilst being in a stage of self-respect. So there is greatness visible in the one who is humble.

Experience: Humility brings an experience of being full and complete. So naturally I am available for service, and have always the thought of bringing benefit to as many as possible. Humility also gives an experience of being a master, because no situation or person binds me, but I am able to experience freedom.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris | Facebook | Youtube | Twitter | Instagram | Website | Intl Website

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Saturday, May 25, 2019

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 25-05-2019

Soul Sustenance 25-05-2019

Newness At Every Step (Part 3)

Life which is above the ordinary makes it full of joy. Also, a spiritual perspective of joyful living is talking to yourself at all times and seeing positives in life’s situations, no matter how negative they may be. Along with that, loving each one and spreading the energy of good wishes in every relationship of yours makes life beautiful and full of positivity. Do this, once everyday, remember all those whom you are close to and say – You are all special souls and I have a pure bond full of love with you all. It is my positive good wish that you all remain extremely happy and full of all qualities and also you overcome different life situations easily and experience success at every step. This is giving blessings to everyone. This is positivity in karma and not only positivity kept restricted at the consciousness level, which is theoretical. Remember, people are one of the most important aspects of our life. So, interactions with them, which are positive and full of love, make life enjoyable and full of newness.

Even God should be admired and loved in a new light each day. In this way, a relationship with Him remains full of love and enthusiasm and not just a repetitive remembrance routine which is forgotten, once completed. In fact, God is our Father and Mother and even our Friend, Teacher and Guru. Remembering God through these different relationships and also remembering God’s different virtues or qualities is a way of loving God differently. E.g. you call God your Friend but do you experience that relationship with Him? Or you call God an Almighty source, but do you feel that might or power in your day-to-day life? So, everything you do should be full of variety and creativity, which will make life’s journey smooth and something to look forward to everyday.

Message for the day 25-05-2019

To be a self-sovereign is to be in control.

Expression:The one who is a self-sovereign never finds difficulty in being in control. He doesn't have to go out of control and then bring himself back in control. The moment the order is given to the self, every thought, word and action is immediately in order.

Experience: To be a self-sovereign means to be aware of my own specialities and work with them. When I am a self-sovereign I experience myself to be free. This is because nothing binds me but I am able to win over my weaknesses too. Thus I find myself to be in total happiness in all situations.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris | Facebook | Youtube | Twitter | Instagram | Website | Intl Website

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Friday, May 24, 2019

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 24-05-2019

Soul Sustenance 24-05-2019

Newness At Every Step (Part 2)

A very important aspect of newness in our lives is a different perspective to life’s situations. A positive perspective makes life experiences more beautiful. A positive minded person with a positive perspective looks at life differently than a person with a somewhat negative mindset. Let’s say a person is facing a challenge at work and is not being able to come to a solution to overcome it. If he were to look at the current crisis in his life with a different perspective, he would arrive at a solution much faster and more easily than if he were to remain with the same perspective which he has been keeping for a long time. Solutions to problems can be arrived at magically at times with a different attitude and view point. But to make life full of new ideas and thoughts, one needs to fill the mind with fresh knowledge, not only from the world but also from spiritual sources which talk a lot about the self and also about God. Remember the more you know about yourself and about the Supreme Being, the wiser you will become and will look at life with a fresh perspective, which is the key to success.

Also, looking at people’s specialties, in fact different specialties in different situations, adds a positive flavor to life. The same people will look different and nicer when you do that. Don’t forget, everyone has different specialties that we generally know and are aware of. Say, you are not on good terms with a person and you receive negative energy from that person regularly. See that person’s different specialties for a few days and you will never get tired of the situations involving him or her. This is practical positive thinking and also new thinking.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Message for the day 24-05-2019

The one who has faith is always victorious.

Expression:The one who has faith, has total faith in the self and in the progress of the self. The one who has faith is always successful because he gives his best in everything he does. He is never deterred by obstacles but progresses constantly.

Experience: When I have complete faith, I am able to experience lightness even when I am faced with my weaknesses, because I have the faith that I am progressing. I am able to learn and improve from everything that happens.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris | Facebook | Youtube | Twitter | Instagram | Website | Intl Website

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Thursday, May 23, 2019

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 23-05-2019

Soul Sustenance 23-05-2019

Newness At Every Step (Part 1)

Living a life of positivity and creativity makes life a beautiful journey which one loves completely and enjoys to the fullest extent. Different thoughts, words and actions full of newness and enthusiasm are the driving energy of your life. Life should not be a routine with the same type of thoughts, words and actions everyday. On the other hand, life should be a journey full of happiness and variety with different types of events and not the same scenes and situations everyday. Also making a lot of interactions with different types of people everyday gives life a new touch of positivity and relaxation which would not be possible if we met the same people everyday. So, make it a point to meet new people everyday and give life a new meaning and purpose by doing different types of creative activities. Even in your job, look for different types of activities which give life a new purpose. Don’t become accustomed to a similar routine everyday which can make the job or even the house work a boring exercise. Be creative and bring newness at every step.

Also, whenever you start your day, create a few positive thoughts or affirmations in your mind. Let them be full of success and a lot of determination which will keep you full of positive energy in the entire day, so that actions can be performed without getting tired. This is what joyful living is. Also, after every couple of hours in the day, stop your work for 3 minutes and check the thoughts in your mind. If they are going in the wrong direction, give them a new direction by meditating and creating a lot of powerful and positive thoughts or at times if you feel it more comfortable, experience silence in meditation by connecting with God, the Ocean of Peace. One is an expansion of thoughts and the other is packing up. Both are spiritual methods of empowering the mind. Both have their own benefits and help in mind control. Try either one depending on the situation. Also, throughout the day, talk to God and make Him a part of your life as you would make a close relative or friend, in the same manner.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Message for the day 23-05-2019

To be free from the influence of the past is to have the ability to fly forward.

Expression:There are so many things of the past that keep coming up in the mind again and again. Insead of being like birds holding on to the branches of the past; the one who looks at the clear sky gets the inspiration to move forward. To look at the clear sky means to look at the present moment and make the best use of it.

Experience: The ability to free myself from the negative influences of the past, enables me to have a vision of equality. I will then not be judging others on what my past experiences with them are. I also find myself experiencing the benefit of each and every moment. So I experience constant progress.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris | Facebook | Youtube | Twitter | Instagram | Website | Intl Website

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Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 22-05-2019

Soul Sustenance 22-05-2019

Blessings For The World (Part 3)

Creating positive thoughts for others is something which we can do at any time of the day. We can do this when we are performing actions like driving, cooking, walking or even when we are at work, when time can be taken out in the middle and short breaks can be taken. Don’t think this is a waste of time but it is our responsibility towards the world. Don’t forget that sorrows do visit everyone from time to time. Today we may be seeing others in sorrow or pain. Tomorrow we could experience the same. So never think what have we got to do with a crisis in some corner of the world but remind yourself they are my brothers and sisters who need help. I cannot go physically to every corner of the world but I can give 10-15 minutes everyday to others by meditating for them and providing them relief from suffering.

So, a good gesture for anyone is to pick one issue in the world which is important and requires resolution. Then, for a few days, send your energy of blessings full of peace, love, joy and power to that region of the world or to that group of people by meditating for them. This can be done either as an individual or in a group of friends or people close to you in your office. In such a negative atmosphere, it is only our blessings which can help people. Blessings will heal people’s sorrowful hearts and can be extremely powerful especially, when many of us together create thoughts of a similar type. We need such group efforts which will work miracles in solving people’s problems and providing relief, help and support. At the Brahma Kumaris, every third Sunday of the month is especially kept for the world, when all the members of the Brahma Kumaris, all around the world, will meditate, from 6.30 pm to 7.30 pm only for the world. This is called World Meditation Hour.

Message for the day 22-05-2019

True love brings success in relationships.

Expression:The one who is loving, likes to be with the others. Such a person will never try to be away even from people who are not loving towards him, but will be able to change the one who is not so loving with his own love. So the one who is loving is always successful in relationships.

Experience: Since I am a loving person, I am able to maintain this love for every person I come into contact with. Whether the other person is able to be loving or not, I find that I never lose my love because of being aware of my true nature.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris | Facebook | Youtube | Twitter | Instagram | Website | Intl Website

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Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 21-05-2019

Soul Sustenance 21-05-2019

Blessings For The World (Part 2)

The world is in a need of peaceful, loveful and joyful blessings from each and every individual of the world. Blessings are positive mental vibrations or the energy of positive thought transmitted by the mind in favour of a particular cause. Such energy brings benefit to a person or group of persons located anywhere in the world.

Sit in silence and switch on the button of a positive consciousness for a few minutes everyday.
That means create positive thoughts like –
1. I am a peaceful being of light at the centre of the forehead, a peaceful soul …. I spread the rays of peace to the people of the world …. I experience the world globe in front of me and I radiate peace to the complete planet and all those who live on it ….
2. I am a soul responsible for world service …. I am a very powerful soul and give power to the people of the world …. I hold the responsibility of giving spiritual sustenance to its people in these times of sorrow ….
3. I am a soul full of love; I radiate loveful good wishes to the world and nature …. I am a soul full of joy; I have an inner desire that the world becomes free of pain and sorrow, which I am fulfilling with my good wishes ….
4. I am a source of spiritual power and I provide relief to the world from the difficulties they face through my thoughts full of strength and support ….
5. I am an angel of God who radiates the light of peace and love; I give an experience of peace and love to my brothers and sisters all over the world, my spiritual family ….
6. I am a world server …. I am connected with the Ocean of Happiness, the Supreme Being …. I absorb his happiness inside me and donate to the complete world ….

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Message for the day 21-05-2019

The one who checks himself constantly is the one who experiences progress.

Expression:The one who keeps checking himself is also able to bring about a change in himself. Such a person takes each situation as a chance to learn something new and bring about some change for the better. So there is constant improvement in his life.

Experience: When something goes wrong, if I learn to check myself and bring about a change immediately, I will be able to experience constant progress. No situation will make me have negative feelings or make me stop, but I will be able to enjoy everything that comes my way.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris | Facebook | Youtube | Twitter | Instagram | Website | Intl Website

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Monday, May 20, 2019

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 20-05-2019

Soul Sustenance 20-05-2019

Blessings For The World (Part 1)

A special relationship that we all hold with each other is of give and take of joy and love which keeps us full of energy and also enthusiastic throughout the day. It’s as if people who are with us in our lives are there to provide us with their blessings and keep us going and give us the power to cross difficulties and also be free from worries. But its people and their love that makes it easy for us to not get tired and also keep putting in all our efforts to destroy these different negative situations and enjoy life to the maximum. Blessings of love, they say, can move mountains, but we feel blessings can even change the entire planet. This is what we, with the help of all the people of the world, have to take a responsibility of doing – of changing the world’s atmosphere of sorrow by giving blessings to the world in the form of pure and positive thoughts of good wishes of change.

When we read the newspapers or listen to the news on television or even see in our everyday lives, there are thousands of scenes of violence, terrorism, rape, robbery, murder, earthquakes, floods, droughts, poor physical as well as mental health. There are also country specific issues like poor financial health, ecological imbalances and political instabilities in many parts of the world. There are also civil wars being fought and even fears of nuclear war exist in some pockets of the world. All this and much more keeps happening throughout the world. All these events are extremely shocking and are countless images of pain that grip the world’s emotions from time to time. They bring the attention of the world to how we are living in a world of pain where people in some pockets of the world are facing great difficulties. There are millions suffering in silence and need a lot of help and support from us, not only on a physical level but at the level of positive and invisible spiritual energy.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Message for the day 20-05-2019

To stamp every thought with the stamp of determination is to be victorious.

Expression:When there is determination in thoughts, there is naturally the ability to give the best in spite of all the obstacles. Situations will not deter such a person from achieving what he set out to. And so there is naturally constant victory for the one who is always determined.

Experience: When there is determination in my thoughts, I am never afraid, whatever happens. In fact obstacles only serve to strengthen determination. I never give up what I have started. It is determination that enables me to add power to my thoughts and make them practical.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris | Facebook | Youtube | Twitter | Instagram | Website | Intl Website

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Sunday, May 19, 2019

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 19-05-2019

Soul Sustenance 19-05-2019

Becoming Responsible For My Destiny (Part 2)

Factors like any particular person, a group of people, the government, nature, even God, etc. cannot be held responsible for what has happened t0 me in my life, up to this moment. It is my and my responsibility alone. Equally, what my future holds depends on me to a very large extent. Rather, whatever I choose to do at this moment is already creating my destiny for tomorrow. I shouldn't forget that the only real time I have for creating my future is the present, now.

Karma teaches me that at every step, I am the creator of my own little world, the creator of my future circumstances. I also am the creator of the environment immediately around me. On a bigger level I am a co-creator or partner, together with God, of a positive future of the world, of the world of tomorrow, of the world of peace, love and happiness. So my responsibility and my ability to influence the future is not restricted to my life alone.

That I can create the future of my choice - of love, peace and happiness, for myself and others, can appear as unreasonable optimism. It's just being realistic. What I create is what is going to happen. If I choose to transmit love and peace in my interactions with others today, I create relationships, in the present and for the future, based on those qualities.

Message for the day 19-05-2019

To be free from wants is to be free from waste.

Expression:The one who is free from wants is the one who is free from expectations. When there are no expectations, there is not too much thought about what is not there or what should be there. Since the mind is free from all these kind of waste thoughts, whatever is done is the best.

Experience: When I am free from wants or desires, I am able to always remain content. I can then appreciate and enjoy everything that comes my way, and do not expect anything both from situations and people. So the mind is free from waste thoughts and questions.

In Spiritual Service,
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Saturday, May 18, 2019

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 18-05-2019

Soul Sustenance 18-05-2019

Becoming Responsible For My Destiny (Part 1)

These are examples of some of the inner questions that emerge in our minds from time to time:
- Why is she rich and successful and I am not?
- Why did he behave in that way with me; I've always behaved well with him.
- Why does that one have easy success in life and the other, however hard he tries, fails at every step?
- Why is he nice natured but is born blind and the other ill natured but has no health problems at all?
- Why does she suffer so much?
- She is so sweet, but yet everyone disrespects her.
- Why did that child die at such a young age? She was so innocent.
- Why did I get married to such a person?
- Why am I here?
- How is that student in my class so intelligent?

There are lot more questions like these that trouble us. In the case of sorrows, it is seen more than the sorrow, it is the question - why this sorrow exists in my life that troubles us. Why? What? How? When? Even so, they all have only one answer: karma.

I don't need to go into minute details of each situation. If I see that nothing can happen without having had a justified cause in my past or in that of others, life becomes much easier to face, with responsibility and the power of courage.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Message for the day 18-05-2019

Speciality lies in experiencing one's fortune.

Expression:When there is the awareness of one's fortune, there is speciality seen in every word and action, because of wanting to make the best of everything. There is also the pure desire of sharing with others, which also makes one special.

Experience: When I have the recognition of my own fortune, and am aware of what I have, I find myself content. I have no expectations but continue to make the best use of what I already have, for my benefit and that of others. So I find myself being special and making my own fortune.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris | Facebook | Youtube | Twitter | Instagram | Website | Intl Website

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Friday, May 17, 2019

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 17-05-2019

Soul Sustenance 17-05-2019

The Time Is Now

Is there a perfect time that you wait for, to change anything about you, or to complete a pending task? Do you habitually postpone them saying I will start on ... New year … my birthday ... weekend … next week … next month? We usually postpone important matters - by not paying bills or tax until the last date, not valuing a relationship until it crumbles, not switching to a healthy diet until we fall ill, not giving up addictions until they severely affect us, not exercising or meditating until doctor insists… The longer we postpone, the longer we block goodness from coming into our life. If we don’t know where to start, let’s seek guidance immediately. If we don’t think we can do it, let’s eliminate excuses that we don’t have time, confidence or will power. Decision to begin now is one thought away. Let’s be determined and discipline our mind. Let’s remind ourselves - I am committed to my tasks, my happiness and my health. I don’t delay anything. I take action now.

The one habit that limits our potential is to postpone tasks over and over again. Let us reflect and check how many times we convinced ourselves - I don’t have to do it right now. I will see tomorrow. The next day we again pushed the thought away. Eventually tomorrow came after days or maybe it still hasn’t come. Take this moment to break that inner resistance and get around what you want to do. Inculcate in yourself a true discipline of less thinking and more doing. You will find your unhealthy postponement-patterns fading. When you start doing the things you knew you had to, your satisfaction and happiness will be immense. You develop a passion and remain inspired to begin and complete your ideas and desires. All your resistance gets forced out.

Message for the day 17-05-2019

Freedom means accepting the rules of freedom.

Expression:The one who wants freedom naturally accepts the rules that go untold. He is willing to take responsibility for all his decisions and choices. Such a person will never blame others but try to check his own mistakes.

Experience: When I take decisions with freedom and take responsibility for them, I am able to learn from anything that goes wrong. I'll feel light and free yet with a base from where I can work. Thus I find myself experiencing constant progress.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris | Facebook | Youtube | Twitter | Instagram | Website | Intl Website

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Thursday, May 16, 2019

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 16-05-2019

Soul Sustenance 16-05-2019

Achieving Healthy Work-Life Balance

Life being fluid, there’s a need for us to shuffle responsibilities and distribute attention between all the aspects of life that support us. But do you find yourself heavily tilted towards one area alone? Maybe drowning in work due to stiff targets, neglecting self and family? Or an issue at home leaving you restless and under-performing at work? Achieving work-life balance is a matter of prioritizing and sticking to it, no matter what. Focusing on the task on hand and strictly unplugging from everything else leaves us with so much more time and energy than we need. Let’s prioritize self first, family next and work thereafter. Allocating time to nourish the mind and exercising body helps us experience happy vibrations with family. We can then step into our workplace with enthusiasm. And when we are happy at work, going back home happy becomes easy. In short, let’s do what is needed and switch off. No office calls when with family, no distractions when eating, no compromise on sleep timings. This discipline brings a healthy balance in life. Remind yourself, I have the art of balancing personal life and family time, work and friendships.

The art of balancing different aspects of life needs a little practice and persistence. It also needs a fierce determination to never totally give up on one of them when the other seems a priority. We say - This quarter my projects have very demanding targets, so all my attention has to be on work. This means for 3 months – for 90 days – we carry an energy of hurry, anxiety and turbulence. We may not also focus enough on health, family time or social life. And then after 3 months, chances are that projects in the subsequent quarter are also equally challenging, if not more. So, this creates an imbalance, with time and energy heavily tilted towards career. It’s critical to prioritize, but let’s make sure every aspect of life gets equal attention.

Message for the day 16-05-2019

The beauty of things lie in the ability to appreciate them.

Expression:Nothing is positive or negative in itself, but the one who has the eye for positive things sees only positively even when there is negativity around. Such a person is like a swan, which separates and picks up only pearls from stones.

Experience: When I am looking only at the positive aspects, I am able to remain happy. If I am able to appreciate everything that comes my way, even if it is visibly negative, I find nothing to be a problem, but everything becomes enjoyable for me.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris | Facebook | Youtube | Twitter | Instagram | Website | Intl Website

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Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 15-05-2019

Soul Sustenance 15-05-2019

Mental Clarity Or Focus

To strengthen yourself you need to have mental clarity or focus. That is possible if there is not so much of excessive thought, so as to generate clouds of unhappiness, suffering, grief, indecision, doubts and negativity - thoughts that your mind produces, thoughts that are weak, useless or wasteful. All of these thoughts cloud your own clarity. Mental focus means to think less, think concretely, concentrate, think in an elevated way, and your thought will have an energy of clarity and inner strength that will help you to put it into practice with greater success. You should strengthen yourself to achieve a state of self-control. For this, you need to study yourself, know yourself and understand yourself. You need inner silence, for there not to be so much mental chatter (noise) from thinking, thinking, thinking and thinking.

On top of that, other people influence you and so you generate even more thoughts. There are so many influences and inner voices that speak to you. With all of that there cannot be clarity. There is the voice of your fears, of your ego, that of desires and greed, there are influences of the past, thoughts emerging from your values, influences of your neighbors, your children, your husband or wife, your mother or father, the influence of your office colleague's opinion, or your best friend, your doctor, your guru, etc. You can listen to many inner and outer voices and, if you are not strong, your mind weakens under so many influences, which has negative effects on your clarity of mind. Because of all of this you have to strengthen your mind, which means, think less; think slower, concentrated and clear thought; with sense and meaning; of quality, based on a healthy and positive motivation. These thoughts are then like arrows, which have positive strength and clarity.

Message for the day 15-05-2019

To know the fruit of efforts will surely come is to remain happy and healthy.

Expression:To know that the fruit of my effort will eventually come one day is to understand the importance of making effort. Once there is this understanding, it becomes easy to continue making effort, which is like nourishment that keeps one happy. So effort is never stopped till what has to be achieved is achieved.

Experience: Knowing that my effort will surely be fruitful makes me enjoy everything I do. It makes me remain happy, keeps me enthusiastic and free from tiredness, even when things are not going right for me. My mental happiness and well being thus keeps me healthy.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris | Facebook | Youtube | Twitter | Instagram | Website | Intl Website

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Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 14-05-2019

Soul Sustenance 14-05-2019

Let’s Co-operate, Not Compete

True co-operation means extending unconditional support to everyone in every situation, with a feeling of belongingness and an intention of empowerment. It strengthens our original qualities of humility, love, compassion and empathy, thereby helping us overcome negative sanskars of ego, jealousy, resentment and competition. Co-operation often does not need us to do anything, we just need to be our self - calm and stable. Our vibrations give co-operation and support to ease people around us and make those moments a beautiful experience for them. Our vibrations help them to emerge their divinity in response to situations.

Co-operation is an antidote to Competition. Many of us have lived with the belief that life is a competition. We created stress, anger, jealousy, hatred and at time had to compromise on our ethics to get ahead of people. Let us internalize and finalize today - we are not in competition with anyone. Each one receives a result of their past and present karmas. Each one is getting what is fair for them. We can enhance our achievements only in reference to our self not in reference to others. When we co-operate or help someone we experience enormous satisfaction and contentment, increasing soul power. We also earn blessings from the person who received our co-operation. If we reject people because our sanskars or opinions differ, our energy of love, sharing and caring gets blocked. Whenever we co-operate let us check our intention behind the act - whether we expect to get something in return. If so, the energy of cooperation gets adulterated with the energy of greed. Also, we need to check for ego or a feeling of being superior to the person who receives our co-operation. Ego dilutes the energy. By accepting and adjusting with different sanskars, by sharing and caring, we are radiating pure vibrations into the world. Our vibrations are influencing the collective consciousness of the world. When we change, the world changes.

Message for the day 14-05-2019

To give regard to others' ideas is to be a learner.

Expression:The one who is open to the ideas of others is the one who is able to learn from everything. He is humble and has respect for all. He has the authority over what he does, he is the master and is yet open to learning.

Experience: Even when my best plan and ideas are rejected or criticised, I am able to remain cool and light because of my regard for others and their ideas. Because of this I am able to constantly learn and experience progress.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris | Facebook | Youtube | Twitter | Instagram | Website | Intl Website

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Monday, May 13, 2019

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 13-05-2019

Soul Sustenance 13-05-2019

Embracing Changes Or Resisting Them?

We are all living in uncertain times where the only thing certain is change. Most situations affect our routine functioning and demand us to adapt ourselves to that change. How willing are you to embrace big or small changes and adapt? Whenever there is a change around us, there needs to be a change within us – an inner preparation. The change has to start in our mind. If we resist the internal shift, we resist the external change too. It leaves us stressed and unhappy. Instead of sticking to internal comfort zones created due to past experiences or belief systems, let’s cultivate a habit of being able to change our habits. Flexibility increases our ability to adjust and adapt to different people and environments. Using our powers to accept, adjust, accommodate, tolerate, or mould are one decision away. Remind yourself - I adapt to people and situations and flow with life. I know when to adjust and when to confront, and I use both powers the right way.

All of us have marveled at life at some point or the other – for the unexpected turns it takes, the surprises it brings and the lessons it gives. This is because change is a law of nature - everything and everyone we come across is subject to change either for good, or for not-so-good. Looking at your own self, how do you perceive changes? When you need to change something that you are not comfortable about–from subtler aspects like your thoughts, emotions and attitude – to visible aspects like habits, lifestyle, job, house, city, or social circle - how open are you to changes? Do you willingly stretch out of your comfort zone, or do you resist? The more we let go of rigidity and go with the flow, the happier we will be. Healthy changes sow seeds of personal growth and yield life-long positive results. So, break mental barriers that change is painful or scary. Confidently embrace the unknown and handle it. Tell yourself that you have the power to change what you can and accept what you cannot.

Message for the day 13-05-2019

To be seated on the seat of self-respect is to be truly great.

Expression:The one who is constantly in the stage of self-respect is constantly stable. And because of this stability he always has the right authority. This brings about right decisions too and he moves forward with ease facing all situations.

Experience: When I am aware of my own specialities and work with them I inspire others too to recognise my positive qualities. I also never have ego but am able to remain humble. This humility enables me to win the respect of others too.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris | Facebook | Youtube | Twitter | Instagram | Website | Intl Website

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Sunday, May 12, 2019

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 12-05-2019

Soul Sustenance 12-05-2019

Limiting Ourselves In Comfort Zones

We are basically unlimited beings. But we limit ourselves in many comfort zones. We have a lot of conditionings which, in reality, are mental.

Some mosquitoes were put in a box and they kept jumping a lot. The box was covered from the top and each time they jumped they hit the top of the box, and when they jumped too close to the right or the left they hit the sides of the box. Slowly, to avoid harming themselves, they learned to jump just under the cover and without reaching the sides of the box. One day all the four sides of the box were opened. The mosquitoes were free, but they kept on jumping as far as the limit they had learned. The physical limits were no longer there. But they had become conditioned mentally. The same thing happens to us. We have to open the sides of the box and take off the top, or we can continue to live inside the box created by our own mind.

Given below are some conditionings under which we work, because of which we do not experience complete freedom.

- Beliefs, acquired since our childhood, which limit us.
- The negative images of low self esteem that we have created of ourselves.
- The damaging thoughts of doubt, which does not let the highway of trust to build up inside ourselves and does not allow the creative energy of positivity to flow from inside us to the outside.
- The fear of failure or not being to able to succeed completely. A lot of times the fear exists due to past experiences of failure or not having succeeded as much as you would have liked.

We need to become aware of what our pattern of thoughts is, which brings us under the negative influence of mental conditionings. When that happens, we will be able to become free of these conditionings. While we do not become aware, we will continue to remain under its influence.

Message for the day 12-05-2019

Success is achieved through accurate efforts.

Expression:The one who puts in accurate efforts for the success of every task, naturally tries to do the best. Because of his own contribution, others too help him and contribute whatever they can to achieve what he sets out to do. So there is success in everything.

Experience: When I do the right thing, I will be able to experience constant self-progress. I will then never have the slightest feeling of failing, but will always experience success as a right, even if the result is not what I have expected. I experience positive feelings because of having put in the right effort.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris | Facebook | Youtube | Twitter | Instagram | Website | Intl Website

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Saturday, May 11, 2019

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 11-05-2019

Soul Sustenance 11-05-2019

Self Conversations And Their Significance

A very important subtle activity that we all indulge in for a lot of time in the day is having conversations with the self, sometimes consciously and a large number of times without even being conscious of it. We need to be extremely careful about what the quality of our conversations are because self conversations very strongly influence our perception i.e. the way we see ourselves, others, situations as well as our personalities and also mould them. If channeled properly, they can be constructive i.e. ones that empower the self; if not, they can be destructive i.e. ones that bring the self down or weaken it in some way or the other. They possess immense potential, both positive and negative, if we want we can use them to liberate us or they can even limit us. We can judge, criticize and threaten ourselves or praise and encourage the self in a positive way. It's important to create thoughts of acceptance, respect and approval for ourselves, even if situations don't go the way we desire or expect. Such positive conversations help rise above the dependence on what how people see us and what they think and talk about us, making the self extremely powerful.

Positive self conversations are not fantasies or disconnecting from reality and a few minutes given to the activity do a lot of benefit and no harm at all. They can be done by detaching oneself from actions when we have an emerged conversation and our complete focus is on the conversation and we do nothing else at that time or whilst being involved in actions. Some actions like going on a drive, cooking, having a meal or simply taking a walk or going on a jog allow self-conversations to take place alongside. At these times we give less mental energy or attention to the conversations i.e. we can have a merged conversation so that the respective action is not affected adversely in any way. We can choose how much mental energy to give to the activity, depending on the karma alongside.

Message for the day 11-05-2019

Lightness comes when words are accurate.

Expression:Accurate words means there is nothing extra spoken. Whatever has to be said is said to the point. Such words being short are sweet to hear too and are those that never hurt others. They bring about the result needed accurately.

Experience: When my words are to the point, there is a lot of lightness experienced within me and my physical energy is saved too. Others too experience benefit through my words and so I naturally get blessings from them, which helps me move forward with lightness.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris | Facebook | Youtube | Twitter | Instagram | Website | Intl Website

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Friday, May 10, 2019

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 10-05-2019

Soul Sustenance 10-05-2019

The Role Play Of Thoughts In Relationships (Part 3)

Parent-child relationships are the foundation of our complete life. The earliest habits that children acquire in their lives are from their parents. Very often parents try and impose positive habits on their children. A very common trend that we see nowadays where parents will scold their child for common negative actions like getting angry, for lying to them, for watching inappropriate stuff on different mediums of technology like television and the internet or for getting involved in relationships with the opposite gender at a young age or even smoking and drinking. Very commonly parents are not satisfied with the change brought about by children by following the rules that they have set for them, causing parent-child relationships to get strained. Why is it that inspite of children knowing that parents are concerned for them, do not listen to their instructions and continue with the negative habits? A more powerful medium than words, which reaches children on a physical level, is the personality radiation of the parents which works on children. It reaches them faster than and much before the words do. Parents dictate the change but don’t be the change. What that means is similar habits of lust, anger, greed, attachment, ego etc. exist inside them which keep travelling to the children on a subtle energy level. These negative energies influence their minds negatively much sooner than positive words in the form of instructions, leaving the words as good as ineffective.

Also considering another common relationship that children have, the one with their school teachers. Many investigations confirm that teachers' expectations, whether negative or positive, form one of the most influential factors in the academic performance of their students. If teachers expect good results from their students and have complete faith and confidence that they will succeed, their performance will be much closer to their real capacity than if they are expecting poor results. Very often in schools, the teachers’ words regarding the performance of the children are not a direct reflection of their thoughts. Their words are full of faith and hope in the students’ success but thoughts are lacking in optimism with regards to the same. Negative thoughts of fear of probable failure of the children, in the minds of teachers, inspite of positive words of encouragement, negatively influence impressionable minds of children. This leads to their poor show in school exams.

Message for the day 10-05-2019

To have attention to accumulate is to experience constant progress.

Expression:The one who has the attention to accumulate each and every moment makes sure that he uses well his treasures like thoughts, time etc. Then, there would never be anything waste or even ordinary. Instead each treasure would be used for the benefit of all.

Experience: Having attention to accumulate makes me realise the importance of whatever I have. This makes me pay attention on even little things and I find myself benefitting from each moment and with each thing that happens. Thus I experience constant progress.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris | Facebook | Youtube | Twitter | Instagram | Website | Intl Website

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