Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 31-03-2020

Soul Sustenance 31-03-2020

God And I – The Task We Share (Part 1)

Crossing barriers like a difficult exam or a challenge at work with a positive state of mind is something we have all got used to doing in our busy lifestyles. But what we need to remember is that that these passing scenes of life keep coming and going. It’s as if challenges in life keep coming in our lives and we have to cross them with determination and will-power. But along with the ability to be able to cross different situations, it is our duty to look outside our personal lives and see the world around us and see how people our suffering. Also, we need to look as to what we can do for them on each day and get them out of their sorrows. The world is in need of people who are ready to take time out of their busy schedules and live their lives in changing others into happier and more content human beings. When asked whether you would like to live a life of service, we normally say that’s for those who do not have a regular time table of personal and professional work. But at the same time, it is our duty that every day we spend a few minutes in the service of others and in making people happier and free from the pressures of facing difficult situations of the mind, body, work and relationships.

In this message series, we shall explain the importance of service which we can include in our regular life and become humble leaders in the field of service. This type of leadership in spirituality means taking a humble pledge each morning that I will touch the lives of others in different ways and make a difference to them. This does not mean that I do not take care of people who are close to me either at home or at the workplace and I don’t live a busy lifestyle. But those few minutes of service of people, whom I come across everyday at different times, will fill my life with their blessings, full of love and happiness. This, in turn, will make my personal as well as professional life full of success.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Message for the day 31-03-2020

Love spreads positivity.

Expression: The one who is loving is not limited by circumstances and his love is not restricted only to certain people. On the other hand, it is revealed in each and every act thus colouring everything and every relationship with the beauty of that love. To be loving is to be constantly a giver. It also means to forgive others easily and help them to move forward.

Experience: When I am loving constantly, I am able to experience the joy of life. I am able to exchange the gifts of pure feelings and find my life enriched with them. I am able to enjoy the beauty of relationships without having to feel the bondage due to expectations. Each moment of my life is filled with beauty and joy.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris | Facebook | Youtube | Twitter | Instagram | Website | Intl Website

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Monday, March 30, 2020

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 30-03-2020

Soul Sustenance 30-03-2020

Disciplining People – Separate The Person From The Act

Almost every day we see people behaving in certain ways that go against our beliefs. We are quick to judge them based on one or two of their behaviors. Their actions may be wrong, but we decide that they are wrong or bad. When you look at the behaviors, performances or failures of someone you live or work with, do your emotions get filled with anger, criticism or confusion? Do you immediately attack them mentally or verbally, hurling negative energy at them? When someone fails, makes a mistake or under-performs, instead of focusing on their mistake, we mostly hit out at the person with an intense negative energy. We treat them as if they are bad, and not wrong. The truth is their act was wrong, they are a wonderful person. Everyone knows what is right, but sometimes they don't have the strength to do what is right. Our role is to empower them rather than criticize and deplete them further. Disciplining with the energy of respect, right thoughts and right vibrations will give them the power to change. They will transform completely, owing to your positive, powerful influence. Accept people, appreciate their virtues and convey respectfully that they just need to create that one change.

To have beautiful relationships of trust and respect, we need to understand that everyone is doing their best, working hard, and giving their 100%. Sometimes they are not right in their behavior or in their work and they make mistakes. Discipline them with an energy of respect and transformation and see their behaviour or action as just one incident, an unfortunate incident. It is not a reflection of who they are. It is not a measure of their potential or personality. Look beyond that one instance, action or situation. Separate the act from the person. Do not create hurt or anger. Talk about the mistake, don’t criticize the person, give feedback for their action or behavior and forgive them for the mistake. Your feedback will radiate with positive vibrations of pure intentions for them, so they will feel comfortable in receiving the feedback. Guide them to correct, grow and transform. When you stop judging, criticizing and labelling people as wrong, your energy of compassion builds strong relationships.

Message for the day 30-03-2020

To give regard to all is to win the love of all.

Expression: To give regard to someone who is older and more experienced is one thing, but it is also important to have regard to someone who is younger. When there is such regard, interaction with them would surely be positive. The words spoken would be encouraging and giving them support and never putting them down even when they make mistakes.

Experience: When I am able to give regard to everyone, I am able to win the love of all. I am not dependent on others’ love for giving them regard, but am able to appreciate them as they are. I am able to see their specialities and encourage them to use these specialities. This naturally wins the love of others, along with bringing improvement in their own life.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris | Facebook | Youtube | Twitter | Instagram | Website | Intl Website

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Sunday, March 29, 2020

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 29-03-2020

Soul Sustenance 29-03-2020

Raise The Vibration Of Your Words

Most of us are habituated to using negative and low-energy words in our daily conversations. Every word carries a particular energy and vibration. It is what we radiate into the universe. And we attract back a similar energy manifesting as our destiny. We need to check and raise our vocabulary, and not be casual about them. Our words create our world. Do you consider the impact of the words you habitually use, or take them for granted, believing they are after all words? Have you experienced that certain words can instantly make you feel happy, sad or angry? There is more to words than conveying our views. Every word we think, speak or write vibrates at a certain frequency. Using negative words about ourselves, other people, places, things or the world itself will bring down our and their vibrations. Let us refine our vocabulary to use only pure, positive, empowering words. use only high vibration words. The high-energy not only makes us feel good but raises our vibrations. We attract more positivity. Our words create our world. Let our words be elevated to suit our personality.

Everyday, carefully choose only pure, powerful, positive words in your daily communication. Constantly improve your vocabulary, rising your vocabulary is rising your vibrations. Whether it is your inner conversation or a conversation with someone about your health, relationships, career, finances, whatever you talk about, use the highest vocabulary that you are aware. Use only powerful words like - I am easy, Changing habits is simple for me, Everything is perfect, I am on time, I am successful, Of course I will do it, I will complete it, I always do it well, My body is perfectly healthy, My meal is healthy and tasty. I speak of the reality I want, not the current reality. My words influence my world, they energize me and my situation. My every word is a blessing for myself, for other people, for situations, and for the environment. Positive words have a healing effect on our mind, and even our body responds positively.

Message for the day 29-03-2020

The one who is patient experiences constant success.

Expression: I always expect things to happen fast. Even with a little effort on my part I expect high results. Because of my impatience I just can’t wait, I jump to conclusions and react without understanding the problem. Thus I find it difficult to experience success in whatever I do.

Experience: I need to understand that the fruit of the seeds I sow will come at their own time. This gives me the patience to wait without expecting results too fast. Also patience allows me to be calm even in the most negative situations. Thus I will be able to experience success whatever the immediate result of my actions might be.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris | Facebook | Youtube | Twitter | Instagram | Website | Intl Website

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Saturday, March 28, 2020

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 28-03-2020

Soul Sustenance 28-03-2020

A Vision Of Goodness For Everyone (Part 3)

Everyday, when you begin performing actions, watch everyone with goodness in your eyes and heart. Tell yourself and visualize how God is looking at each one in the world. Always bring in front of your eyes, God’s love and good wishes for that particular person, who is in front of you, that particular person who is sometimes not very well-behaved and possesses a negative nature. You find it difficult to interact comfortably and peacefully with him or her. Now keeping this positive wisdom in your mind, create a positive attitude for the person. Now based on that attitude, keep a positive vision for the other person. The more your vision remains positive, the more your words and actions will become beautiful and positive towards the other person. And the more the words and actions are pure and nice, the more the person will change as you want, into a nice person. This is the secret for changing a person from not so nice into nice. Our consciousness influences our attitude; our attitude influences our vision; our vision influences our words and actions. All of them together radiate the positive energy of goodness to the other person. This positive energy transforms the other person’s nature positively. This process is called world transformation through self transformation or the other’s transformation through my transformation.

So, we live in a world, where sometimes we will see the negative in people, whether at home or in our workplace or in that marketplace. Also, sometimes we will perceive people to be bad, although they are not. But take care that you don’t ever leave your goodness. God sees so much negativity in the entire world but He never leaves His vision of goodness for everyone. He uses the knowledge of human beings that He possesses, the knowledge that everyone was pure and positive when they came into this world and lost their goodness over many lives; to keep His vision positive and also keeps good wishes of change for everyone. So be good, see good and make others good with that vision of goodness. Don’t leave your goodness in the ocean of imperfections that surrounds you in the entire world.

Message for the day 28-03-2020

To live in the present is to be free from the influence of the past.

Expression: Many times the past keeps coming back again and again in the mind, influencing the present too. The present is lost in thinking about the past. So there can be nothing done to enjoy the present. All words and actions then are totally coloured by the past. Instead the one who is able to free himself from the influence of the past is able to move positively towards the future.

Experience: To be free from the influence of the past it is important to have a powerful consciousness of the present. To be able to be free from the influence of the past is to forget the past. Because there is the understanding that it is gone. Also there is no worry about the future. When I am able to learn to live in the present I am able to discover how full it is of peaceful moments.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris | Facebook | Youtube | Twitter | Instagram | Website | Intl Website

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Friday, March 27, 2020

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 27-03-2020

Soul Sustenance 27-03-2020

A Vision Of Goodness For Everyone (Part 2)

God loves the world more than we do. He loves each person on this world more than we can ever do. This is because he is the Ocean of Love and Mercy. When we see imperfections in the world, sometimes we feel sorrow, sometimes hatred and sometimes even anger. Although God knows the negativity in the minds of his billions of children in the world, He also knows the hidden goodness and niceness in people, which we cannot see. This goodness is not only what everyone possesses now but also what they have possessed in their previous lives or births. So, God does not get angry and does not hate anyone and nor does He experience any pain, when He sees anger, ego, jealousy, revenge and hatred in the world.

So, let us think about our perception of the world and let us look upto God and take a positive inspiration from His perception. Let us tell ourselves that we will be good and see the good in the world and its people, which is our eternal family. We will not worry that the world is deteriorating in goodness and we no longer have the support from the world to remain good at all times. There are some people in this world who leave goodness because they feel they cannot survive if they are good and they will be left behind in every sphere of life. And then there are some who remain good, no matter what happens around them. Such people are loved and respected immensely not only by the world, but also by God. Sometimes this love can take time to come from the world, but remember if you enjoy God’s love and you find a place in his book of good people, people will love you sooner or later. So be good and do good always, be a goodness filled personality, well liked and loved by the world and respected by God.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Message for the day 27-03-2020

To bring in light is to finish darkness.

Expression: Usually when there is any negativity seen, there is a lot of attention paid to it. All the positivity remains hidden and only the negativity is highlighted. So the one who is caught up with a negative attitude colours all his words and actions too with this negativity and will naturally create a world of negativity for himself.

Experience: When I am able to see the positivity even in both positive situations and negative situations, I am able to influence others with my positivity. Others’ negativity will not influence me in a negative way, but I will be able to remain powerful in all situations. I will experience inner growth constantly.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris | Facebook | Youtube | Twitter | Instagram | Website | Intl Website

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TATA(Sky # 1065 | Airtel Digital TV # 678 | DishTv# 1087 | JioTV# 794 | Online www.pmtv.in

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 26-03-2020

Soul Sustenance 26-03-2020

A Vision Of Goodness For Everyone (Part 1)

We all live our lives from morning to night, performing actions and speaking words with others along with creating thoughts. The more all our thoughts, words and actions are full of the colour of different qualities, the more our life is an inspiration to all those whom we interact with and share many experiences of goodness with. Once a young boy was visiting a market and as he met a shopkeeper to buy a few items for his home, he found some money fallen on the floor, which did not belong to him. As he picked up the money and inquired with the shopkeeper about it, he was incorrectly told that it is the shopkeeper’s money, which he needed to return. As he returned the money, the real owner of the money turned up in the shop to collect it back. The innocent boy was surprised and questioned the shopkeeper about it, but he got only false answers back. He realized, as his parents had told him that the world is not a place completely full of virtues, but people can be false and pretend to be good at times.

Just like the little boy, sometimes we find ourselves surrounded by lots of false people possessing imperfect characteristics and sometimes some of us also get disheartened that does goodness exist in this world or not? Even God sees the world from above and sees the growing imperfections in this world. As a parent of the whole of humanity, He has this pure and sweet wish to change the world and not worry about the negative imperfection that exists. Also, God possesses the knowledge, love and power to transform the bitterness, the untruthfulness, the ego and the jealousy and hatred that exists in the world into goodness, sweetness, good wishes and love. Let’s discover His point of view in this message.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Message for the day 26-03-2020

To appreciate variety is to harmonise.

Expression: When there is recognition that each human being is unique with his own unique set of capabilities, there is the ability to respect him for what he is. Then all attempts are made to harmonise with him instead of trying to make him just like oneself. So energy is channelised in the right direction and one becomes an inspiration for others too.

Experience: To appreciate variety means to see the beauty and specialities of each and every individual. It means to appreciate the natural positive qualities in everyone and learn to blend my own qualities with theirs. This gives me the satisfaction of the beauty of relationships, because there are no expectations and no disappointments.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris | Facebook | Youtube | Twitter | Instagram | Website | Intl Website

Watch Awakening TV Live on | http://awakeningtv.in | Youtube | Facebook

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TATA(Sky # 1065 | Airtel Digital TV # 678 | DishTv# 1087 | JioTV# 794 | Online www.pmtv.in

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 25-03-2020

Soul Sustenance 25-03-2020

Start Listening More … Be Less Judgmental

We may all be great speakers, but are we good listeners? A perfect conversation is not just about our ability to speak well and make someone understand our words. It is more important to listen to others. By listening well, we will recognize people’s intentions, resolve issues and build strong relationships. Do you often find yourself speaking more and listening less to others? Do you mentally start building your response even as the other person is speaking? At times do you even interrupt someone if you have a different opinion? We have two ears and one mouth, we should listen more than we speak is a common quote. But with our increasing age, position, role, and responsibility we are losing the art of listening. We may hear their words, but our mind internally starts judging their words and starts preparing a response. Since our mind is talking, we're not listening, we're already radiating vibrations of rejection. Listening means we silence our mind, understand they have a different opinion, we detach from our perspective, respect their opinion and accept their words. There is no distraction outside or in our mind. We introspect on their views and then express ours. Listen to people with an open mind, keeping aside your views, even if they seem to be wrong.

To have beautiful relationships with the people you live with and work with, master the art of good communication. When someone is speaking, pay attention, put aside distractions like phone, TV or computer and make eye-contact. Do not focus on their appearance, accent or language and listen to every word. Feel their vibrations, understand them as they are, do not interrupt them, wait for your turn. Also, listen calmly and patiently, ensure that people feel comfortable talking to you. Your listening skills help you understand what they say, what they intend, what they want, wait for an appropriate time even if you have questions and ask politely. This will keep your communication harmonious, transparent and peaceful and make every interaction a pleasurable experience for you and for other people.

Message for the day 25-03-2020

True change brings benefit to all.

Expression: When there is someone who is behaving in a way that is not right, the usual reaction is to have negative feelings for that person. All words and actions based on this negative attitude will naturally create negativity. Instead it is good to see what could be done to benefit the other person. Raising complaints only takes away inner peace.

Experience: When I bring about a change that benefits even the person who is making the mistake, I am able to remain in peace with all types of people. I am not worried about why a person is behaving in a particular way, but I am able to see what is to be done in order to remove that particular negativity. The hatred is not for the person but for the negativity itself.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris | Facebook | Youtube | Twitter | Instagram | Website | Intl Website

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Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 24-03-2020

Soul Sustenance 24-03-2020

Don’t Absorb Pain From Others … Radiate Happiness

We were always taught never to give pain or sadness to anyone. It was wrong karma. So we are careful in our actions and interactions with people. But an equally important skill to master, is to not take pain or sadness from others. Absorbing people’s pain is as equally damaging as giving it. You live a righteous life. You have never intentionally given pain to people. But, have you taken pain from people without even knowing it? Which means, do you go into pain seeing someone sad? Or do you feel uncomfortable when someone behaves in ways that you don’t approve of? It’s important not to inflict pain on anyone, but equally important is that we should not consume anyone’s pain. People around us are in emotional pain. They are insecure, jealous, angry or scared. Since they haven't healed their pain, they radiate these energies to us with their behaviors. They are unwell and not intentionally harming us. If we create hurt seeing them hurt, we consume pain. If we question and resist their behaviors, we again consume pain. Our responsibility is to detach emotionally, remain stable and understand them. Let us radiate acceptance and support them. Be a strong caregiver to people who are in pain, instead of catching their emotional infection.

Remind yourself everyday that you are a happy being. Remain calm and at ease in every scene everyday. Do not have expectations from anyone and do not seek happiness but be a radiator of happiness and bliss. Let your every word and behaviour be a blessing for people. Each individual is playing their role based on their nature. Some people are in pain because of a past emotional wound, someone is unwell, someone has issues in relationship, problems at work. They are all in pain, their behaviors reflect their pain. Witness their actions as a detached observer. Do not absorb their pain and hurt yourself and do not question it. Do not give them pain or take their pain. Understand their thought process, their perspective, their pain. Understand them, accept them, remain stable and remain happy in every scene. As your vibrations of happiness continue to flow to them, your energy heals them. By not getting sucked into people’s emotions, your stability becomes their healing.

Message for the day 24-03-2020

The one who has the aim to be perfect is the one who learns from obstacles.

Expression: The higher the aim, the more the obstacles that comes one’s way. Just as a perfect idol is one that has been chiseled a great deal, each obstacle comes to remove some or the other defect from within. The one, who understands this little secret, is able to use each obstacle as a beautiful learning for growth, and a chance to express the best qualities from within.

Experience: When I am committed to bringing out my own inner perfection, I am never deterred by the temporary situations that come my way. I move on with confidence, taking time to look within and recognize the hidden potential within me. I am able to get closer and closer to the perfection that I always seek.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris | Facebook | Youtube | Twitter | Instagram | Website | Intl Website

Watch Awakening TV Live on | http://awakeningtv.in | Youtube | Facebook

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 1065 | Airtel Digital TV # 678 | DishTv# 1087 | JioTV# 794 | Online www.pmtv.in

Monday, March 23, 2020

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 23-03-2020

Soul Sustenance 23-03-2020

Situation Proofing Yourself (Part 3)

Situation-proofing can be defined as: Keeping your consciousness free from the questions marks and the exclamation marks mentioned in yesterday’s message, over a long period of time. This is a powerful consciousness with little room for the negative or waste thought patterns. Such a positive consciousness carrying person then has a positive attitude. A positive attitude then influences our perception of problems and makes it positive. This finally leads to positive or correct words and actions which are required to solve the problem in front of us.

Thus, in short, our thoughts are the foundation of our perception. Negative perceptions stand on the foundation of thoughts of negativity which are filled with questions and exclamations created sometimes over a complete life time. Positive perceptions stand on the foundation of thoughts of positivity over a long period of time. It’s not just about that particular moment of time or creating positive thoughts at the time, when you have a difficult situation in your life. It’s a complete life period or a practice of many years or atleast a few months. The mind does not become powerful overnight. Its many different situations, achieving victory many times in keeping the mind positive in all those situations. This transforms and keeps the perception positive in circumstances that one is going to be faced with in the future. Thoughts of positivity are like clean water poured in the bucket of the mind which is used to creating thoughts of negativity, which are like unclean water in the bucket. A large volume of clean water or thoughts of positivity is required to be poured into the bucket so that the unclean water is completely replaced by the clear water of positive thoughts. So, pour positive and beautiful thoughts into your mind everyday for a few minutes through spiritual knowledge. And slowly over a period of time the question marks and exclamation marks in situations which confuse you and reduce your positive perception, will be removed. As a result you will become situation-proofed.

Message for the day 23-03-2020

The best way to get respect is to give respect to the self.

Expression: There is always an expectation of getting respect from those around. The one who is totally dependent on others for their own sense of well-being tends to react to situations, even if they are very insignificant ones. On the other hand, the one who is able to give respect to the self gives respect to others too and so gets respect himself.

Experience: When I am able to see my own specialities I am able to have respect for myself. Then I am not dependent on external sources for my inner state of mind. I remain free from all external influences, and am able to become a source of influence for those around me. I constantly enrich my own internal state with each thing that happens.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris | Facebook | Youtube | Twitter | Instagram | Website | Intl Website

Watch Awakening TV Live on | http://awakeningtv.in | Youtube | Facebook

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 1065 | Airtel Digital TV # 678 | DishTv# 1087 | JioTV# 794 | Online www.pmtv.in

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 22-03-2020

Soul Sustenance 22-03-2020

Situation Proofing Yourself (Part 2)

A life without situations is like trying to live a life in an imaginary world, cut off from reality. There are two categories of people. One will make the situation smaller by having positive perceptions or ways of looking at the situation. The other will make the situation bigger than what it is by having negative perceptions. The negative perceptions are the first reasons for making an easy situation seemingly difficult or a difficult situation into a very difficult one. The negative perceptions stand on four pillars, the four questions - How? Why? When? What? Just remember the last time you were faced with a difficult situation, it was always one of these four questions or more than one on which your perceptions stood. If it’s all four, then the negative perceptions become the strongest and stand the tallest. And of course the other two exclamations (being surprised negatively) – the If! and the But! These raise the negative perceptions even higher and before you know the situation looks bigger than it is. On the other hand, if we are positive, we will rise above these questions and not create these two exclamations. This is situation-proofing. A situation is there but I have situation-proofed myself. Situation-proofing means I go beyond the influence of the situation by keeping these questions and exclamations away and not having any negative perceptions.

As we all know, the energy of our consciousness (or smriti in Hindi) flows into our attitudes (or vriti in Hindi) and shapes them. The energy of our attitudes flows into our perceptions or the way we look at real-life situations (drishti or drishtikon in Hindi) and shapes them. Finally the energy of our perceptions flows into our words and actions (or kriti in Hindi) and shapes them. This is the process that takes place in our mind and this is the process that is required to be completely understood before understanding how situation-proofing works. We shall explain that in tomorrow’s message.

Message for the day 22-03-2020

To receive blessings is to become worthy of them.

Expression: Sometimes there is a desire to receive blessings from God or someone who is considered more powerful. But the one who has truly a thought of winning the love, regard and blessings of the other person is able to put in effort to be worthy of it. So he is constantly trying to be better and better in what he does. Thus he becomes worthy of everyone’s blessings.

Experience: When I am constantly making myself more and more worthy, I naturally win the love, trust and blessings from all those I come into contact with. I am committed to whatever I do and know that the blessings of God are with me because I am making effort. I have no fear or insecurity, but go on doing what I have to do with confidence.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris | Facebook | Youtube | Twitter | Instagram | Website | Intl Website

Watch Awakening TV Live on | http://awakeningtv.in | Youtube | Facebook

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 1065 | Airtel Digital TV # 678 | DishTv# 1087 | JioTV# 794 | Online www.pmtv.in

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 21-03-2020

Soul Sustenance 21-03-2020

Situation Proofing Yourself (Part 1)

We are always learning a lesson at every step of our lives. The real life situations are our hidden lessons which come to teach us something or the other in a short period of time and bring in front of us questions in the form of – How will I ever live a life without a loved one, lost due to death or due to differences in opinions or Why did this particular event ever have to happen to me like an illness or a sudden financial loss at the workplace or When will I achieve the desired success in a difficult scene full of events that challenge my mental security or What did I do in my past births the results of which I am seeing in the form of a loved one not looking at me with the love and respect that I deserve?

We all know what is water-proofing. A rain coat worn in the rain does that. Based on that, is a term situation-proofing. The situations are there. They will always be present from time to time. But you have to mould the way you live your life and make significant positive changes in the way you perceive difficult situations and become situation-proof. Situation-proof means you become free from the influence of the situations and free of worry. Life for all of us does involve different types of challenging situations. The situations will be sometimes in the form of a temporary rise of my own negative nature characteristic like anger or jealousy or ego; sometimes in the form of lack of respect by a work colleague. Also, there will sometimes be a challenging or difficult work task in any action; sometimes there will be difficult relationships with people and a clash of personalities of two people. And also at times, there will be a temporary setback in the physical body, etc.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Message for the day 21-03-2020

To be free is to be free even from the bondage of things.

Expression: The one who is dependent on the presence of a particular thing to succeed in a task is also under the bondage of that thing. Such a person will not be able to put in effort to his full capability since he is always thinking of what is lacking. On the other hand the one who tries to find a way to do the task at hand even when there is nothing available is the one who finds new resources. He is then able to use these resources too for accomplishing the task.

Experience: When I am thinking more about what is to be done rather than thinking about what is lacking, I am able to be content with what I have. I am able to appreciate every small thing that is present in my life that I could use for my own benefit and that of others. I am able to work for what I want to achieve without being caught up only with the desires.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris | Facebook | Youtube | Twitter | Instagram | Website | Intl Website

Watch Awakening TV Live on | http://awakeningtv.in | Youtube | Facebook

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 1065 | Airtel Digital TV # 678 | DishTv# 1087 | JioTV# 794 | Online www.pmtv.in

Friday, March 20, 2020

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 20-03-2020

Soul Sustenance 20-03-2020

The Thought-Destiny Cycle

The process by which we create our own destiny is quite easy to see in theory; however it requires some checking to see how it matches the reality of our practical lives. Here is the process in brief:

- As our intentions, so will be our thoughts.
- As our thoughts, so will be our feelings.
- As our feelings, so will be our attitudes.
- As our attitudes, so will be our actions.
- As our actions, so will be our habits.
- As our habits, so will be our personality.

As our personality in all our relationships on our journey through life, so will be our destiny. So watch your thoughts! Be aware of your intentions!

Our intentions are based on our beliefs about who we are, where we are and why we are here. If we believe we are the physical form, our belief will we be that we need to survive as long as possible. This leads to the intention to get what we think we need before others, which leads to competition, which leads to feelings of fear. Our destiny gets shaped accordingly. When you know you are the non-physical and immortal (which is neither created nor can be destroyed) energy, a soul, then survival is no longer an issue and your intention is one to include, connect and co-operate with and enlighten others. The service of others at a spiritual level becomes the highest intention in action. It is fully free from fear and can be seen as an act of love. This is why competition and authentic spirituality can never be found together.

Message for the day 20-03-2020

The one way of finishing waste thinking is to find a solution.

Expression: When there is something negative that happens the mind tends to create a lot of waste and negative thoughts. At such a time there is no clear understanding of what is to be done and so there is difficulty in being positive at such a time. But once the problem is identified and the right solution found, i.e., the right explanation is given, there is no more waste thoughts, words or actions.

Experience: When I am able to find the right solution at each step, whenever even negative situations happen, I am able to remain happy and content. I am not worried about the problem at hand but I know instead that this problem has come to increase my own inner strength and capability. Thus I am able to maintain my inner positivity under all circumstances.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris | Facebook | Youtube | Twitter | Instagram | Website | Intl Website

Watch Awakening TV Live on | http://awakeningtv.in | Youtube | Facebook

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Thursday, March 19, 2020

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 19-03-2020

Soul Sustenance 19-03-2020

Protect Yourself From Gossip On Social Media

Just like we practice not to speak about people’s behaviour or life issues with a negative energy, being judgmental, critical or stating their weakness, let us now practice the same for people whom we read and listen about on social media. Let us protect ourselves from all forms of gossip about others, insulting others and judgment. You decide not to participate in gossip in any form: untruths, half-truths, private truths, rumors and judgments. But your social media news feed is full of stories about people close to you, people you barely know and about absolute strangers. How do you withdraw and yet maintain strong social bonds? People increasingly spread rumors or vent criticism through social media. But we have a responsibility to not participate or spread them. It’s their opinion, we are not a part of their story, their issue or their solution. So, there is no need to be a part of that gossip as well. Whether someone’s image is being damaged, someone is filing for divorce or someone was fired from a job, it’s their private matter and not an invitation for anyone else to discuss. Let’s have the courage to politely but firmly withdraw or express our disinterest. We can even change the direction of the conversation. And if we ever need to talk about people, let’s make a compliment. Otherwise our aura gets stained and so will our integrity. Remind yourself everyday - I am a pure being. I use social media responsibly, and refrain from gossip. I choose and consume information wisely.

Sit back and see yourself using social media with the right energies. Remind yourself that you are a knowledgeful being. Understand what is right for you. Read, watch and listen to information with care. Absorb only that which is healthy for your emotional health. Be stable as you read and watch information about others. Pause and ask yourself is it the truth or is it someone’s perception? Is there something I can do for it? If yes, share your perspective, a positive perspective, give a constructive feedback. Ensure that your intention is for betterment, empowerment and to create change with respect. Contribute to positive transformation with your pure thoughts and words. If there is nothing you can do, then remain silent. Your silent mind will protect you and protect others and it also preserves the spiritual energy of the environment.

Message for the day 19-03-2020

To make the effort to take and give good wishes is to constantly experience contentment.

Expression: Whatever the kinds of personality of the person, if there is this one aim of taking and giving good wishes, there is positivity in every interaction. Attention is paid to make every word and action full of positivity. Words spoken only give happiness to others and give some kind of support to the other person to be better than what he is.

Experience: When I understand the importance of having good wishes for all, I am able to receive good wishes from others too. I am able to be free from the influence of the negativity of the situations and people. So I constantly experience inner happiness and contentment, even if I don't get something outwardly.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris | Facebook | Youtube | Twitter | Instagram | Website | Intl Website

Watch Awakening TV Live on | http://awakeningtv.in | Youtube | Facebook

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 1065 | Airtel Digital TV # 678 | DishTv# 1087 | JioTV# 794 | Online www.pmtv.in

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 18-03-2020

Soul Sustenance 18-03-2020

Think And Talk Only About Solutions

Sometimes we face times when situations are challenging or people are difficult to manage. If we focus on the problem, we get upset, we worry, we fear, we blame and we complain. All these deplete our energy, and in a depleted state, our problem appears even bigger. We need to save our energy and focus it on creating solutions. Do you often keep talking about your problems more than solutions, and dwell on negative feelings? During a crisis do you get stuck ruminating, thinking and discussing - Who was responsible, why did it happen, how could things go so wrong with me? Or do you remind yourself and others involved, to simply focus on what is to be done now? However bad our situation is, its solution is the only thing that really matters. Loading the mind with overwhelming questions drains our energy apart from wasting time. We need to silence the mind, not allow it to go on with thoughts of blame, feeling like a victim, criticizing or rejecting the situation. These thoughts deplete us, deplete others and deplete the energy of the situation. This approach magnifies the problem. Details of the problem can be thought of later, immediate need is to shift to solutions. Let’s accept the problem. It has already happened so we need to focus on the present moment. Let’s divert our every thought to seek a solution, create a solution and implement it. Remember your responsibility and empower everyone to together focus on solving the problem.

From today, when you are in the middle of a difficult situation or with a difficult person, tell yourself your life is perfect and every scene is beautiful. Direct your energy towards solutions whenever there is an issue, big or small. Accept the situation, the person. Do not waste your energy in questioning scenes or behaviors. Know that it is people’s sanskars, know that it is your past karma, you had written this scene in your destiny. Focus on yourself, your actions, your behavior. Focus on your objectives, on the next scene and use your energy to be in the present. Your power is in the present. So remain calm. Focus on the solution, think of the solution, talk of the solution and create a solution. Finally implement the solution and cross the situation. This is being solution-oriented and the key to positivity, happiness and stability.

Message for the day 18-03-2020

To have the ability to listen is to learn.

Expression: When there is the ability to listen there is the ability to understand others and what they are saying. So the one who listens is able to learn from every situation and each and every person whom he comes across. So what he does and what he speaks is much more effective.

Experience: When I understand that I am a student for my entire life, I am able to be open to learning. So I am able to listen whole-heartedly. Then, instead of only putting across what I have to say, I am able to pay attention to what others are saying too. I am thus able to enrich myself with new treasures constantly.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris | Facebook | Youtube | Twitter | Instagram | Website | Intl Website

Watch Awakening TV Live on | http://awakeningtv.in | Youtube | Facebook

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TATA(Sky # 1065 | Airtel Digital TV # 678 | DishTv# 1087 | JioTV# 794 | Online www.pmtv.in

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 17-03-2020

Soul Sustenance 17-03-2020

Don’t Chase Happiness, Create It

Many of us complicate happiness, so it seems like a fleeting emotion. To earn money, food, car, possessions or position, we need to do something. But we apply the same equation that something is to be done to earn happiness. So we either wait for it, search for it, chase it, look to buy it, demand it, postpone it, or tie it to an accomplishment. So as a society we have become wealthy and successful today but not happy. Truth is that happiness can be created right where we are. It is with us and within us. There is nothing to do, we just need to be happy, moment after moment.

Can we be happy always? It is our choice. Happiness does not mean we deny negativity or pain. At the same time let us remember that situations or people in our lives are not here to steal our happiness. They are playing their role. They do challenge us at times but at all other times it is we who hold the self back from being happy. Happiness is not just about a mood or feeling, it equips us with the power to cross any challenge that comes in our way. It causes our mind, intellect and body to function out of calmness, wisdom and optimism. So problems do not inflict suffering. Instead we will learn and grow from the experiences.

Happy people make people happy. But often we become so focused on our goals that we forget to enjoy the process of getting there. Even if we do not perform a wrong karma, our happiness starts reducing because we lose touch with our core qualities like contentment or lightness. This affects our performance, health and relationships. Let us put happiness on top of our priority list, which means we promise to take responsibility for it. When we are happy, everyone around us gets a share in it - we give a gift which makes the world beautiful.

Message for the day 17-03-2020

To perceive the need to change is to bring about change for the better.

Expression: When something goes wrong, there is generally a feeling of being right. There is always a desire expressed to change the situation or the person. So there is no introspection, but only blame. Such words discourage others too as they are constantly made aware of their negativity.

Experience: When I am able to understand the importance of bringing about change for the better in every situation that I am faced with, I am able to recognize the message that the situation gives me. I am able to use the situation to better myself and gradually progress towards the vision of perfection that I have for myself.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris | Facebook | Youtube | Twitter | Instagram | Website | Intl Website

Watch Awakening TV Live on | http://awakeningtv.in | Youtube | Facebook

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TATA(Sky # 1065 | Airtel Digital TV # 678 | DishTv# 1087 | JioTV# 794 | Online www.pmtv.in

Monday, March 16, 2020

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 16-03-2020

Soul Sustenance 16-03-2020

Bringing The Consciousness Back In Shape

If we try and find the root causes of all forms of stress, we would find that both lazy and wrong thinking lie behind various stressful emotions. No one right from our childhood to when we are grown-ups puts this into our heads that we are each responsible for our own thoughts and feelings. Instead we are taught that others are responsible for what we think and feel. No one teaches us how to think. We are taught what to think in terms of knowledge of the world, but not how to shape our own thoughts and feelings.

In spirituality the self gets the required training to create positive and powerful thoughts, thoughts:

1. which are connected to true spiritual knowledge of the self,
2. which are beneficial to your own spiritual well-being,
3. that inject positive energy in the form of happiness, love and enthusiasm to those around you,
4. which are absolutely necessary in the context in which you find yourself,
5. which use all your subtle energies in an economical way,
6. which ensure that the result of any response you may create does not result in stress.

When no one teaches us that any mental or emotional discomfort comes from within our own consciousness, we also do not ever realize that any negative state of being is unnatural and a sign that our consciousness is out of shape. The above thought training helps us to return our consciousness to its true, natural and original shape.

Message for the day 16-03-2020

To be a master means to win over habits.

Expression: Normally habits rule over the person and there is the inability to be a master over them. But to be a master is not to get influenced negatively by the habits but to be a stronger influence. The one who is a master never reacts to situations, but is able to respond to situations positively. Such a person is free from negativity in words and actions.

Experience: When there is inner silence I am able to overcome the negative influence of my habits. Inner silence comes with an experience of positivity. With practice I experience detachment from the situations and am able to feel the inner powers which frees me from the negativity of the situation too. So there is victory over the habit.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris | Facebook | Youtube | Twitter | Instagram | Website | Intl Website

Watch Awakening TV Live on | http://awakeningtv.in | Youtube | Facebook

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 1065 | Airtel Digital TV # 678 | DishTv# 1087 | JioTV# 794 | Online www.pmtv.in

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 15-03-2020

Soul Sustenance 15-03-2020

The Beautiful Personality Of God (Part 3)

Just like us, God is a spiritual energy with a beautiful personality of His own. His personality is so magnetic that people consider a moment of His experience as something very beautiful and a gift of many good karmas of many births. This shows how precious God is and how no human soul can be compared to Him in terms of qualities. So, God is a spiritual energy who has earned this type of respect from humans. They say He is God and He is expected to be the nicest. But, then even we are souls or spiritual energies like Him, but not as complete with qualities and not such a magnetic a personality as Him. Why such a difference between Him and us? This is because He does not lose His qualities because of coming under the influence of body consciousness. On the other hand, humans become egoistic or angry or lustful in the world drama which God, who is a very pure spiritual energy, does not experience at all. This is the reason why God is respected so much. It’s His nature of purity which makes Him so loveable all over the world and someone whom every human being loves to respect.

Whenever the word God is mentioned anywhere in the world by anyone, people look upwards. This signifies that He is the purest and the Highest of Highest. They also call Him the Father of Fathers, which means He is the Supreme parent of humanity. He is Supreme not only in His role of God but Supreme in His qualities. God is the most powerful soul in the world. His spiritual power changes the whole world into a place where peace, love and joy exist, which is called heaven. This is called world transformation.

Message for the day 15-03-2020

Where there is faith, there is greatness.

Expression: To have faith means to recognize the positivity in the self, in others and in situations. It also means a deep connection with God. The one who has faith is able to bring out the greatness in everything and everyone. So such a person reveals his greatness wherever he is.

Experience: When I have unbroken faith, I have the understanding that everything that happens is for some good cause. So, I am satisfied with everything that happens in my life. So I am creative in my responses to the environment, which in turn, makes me truly great.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris | Facebook | Youtube | Twitter | Instagram | Website | Intl Website

Watch Awakening TV Live on | http://awakeningtv.in | Youtube | Facebook

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TATA(Sky # 1065 | Airtel Digital TV # 678 | DishTv# 1087 | JioTV# 794 | Online www.pmtv.in

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 14-03-2020

Soul Sustenance 14-03-2020

The Beautiful Personality Of God (Part 2)

Being a loveful parent, God maintains feelings of world benefit inside Himself and always thinks about how the world can become a beautiful land of pure love. In such a land, as the saying goes, even the goat and the lion drink water together at one stream. This is a saying but what it means is that God’s role is to establish a world where humans and even animals live together in peace and love. Also, He fills everyone with so much love that they become like Him by loving Him and that shows in their relationships. Remember to love God, means experiencing love filled relationships with everyone. There are many people in the world who became sweeter individuals after they experienced God’s love in their lives. So, love for the Supreme Father changes itself into love for others in our life easily.

God never punishes anyone for his wrong actions but instead He showers mercy on each one and is always hopeful and positive that all His children will change for the good. This is because we all were originally pure and loveful and the present weaknesses are just temporary. This is the sweet personality of God and this is why He is worshipped and loved the most. Never think that He is God, so it is natural to love Him. No one is loved unless He is good. God has over so many years done a lot for the billions of humans and has radiated His personality to everyone. God also comes on Earth incognito when the world and its people require to be changed. He purifies human souls to make them become better individuals. His nature is experienced by humans and that is why God is remembered a lot for all that He has done.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Message for the day 14-03-2020

Humility wins hearts.

Expression: The one who is humble is able to put the other person forward. Such a person recognizes, appreciates and uses the specialities of others for the success of any task. So, along with giving the best, he is also able to bring out the best in the other person too. So, he is able to do the best in any task.

Experience: When I am humble, I experience harmony in relationships. I am able to learn from the different experiences and make myself better and better each day. So, I experience success in all I do. I am also able to win the hearts of others and get good wishes from them.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris | Facebook | Youtube | Twitter | Instagram | Website | Intl Website

Watch Awakening TV Live on | http://awakeningtv.in | Youtube | Facebook

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 1065 | Airtel Digital TV # 678 | DishTv# 1087 | JioTV# 794 | Online www.pmtv.in

Friday, March 13, 2020

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 13-03-2020

Soul Sustenance 13-03-2020

The Beautiful Personality Of God (Part 1)

Have you ever wondered why God is respected so much and seen as a guiding light by all religions? Ever seen someone who says God is imperfect? Only some who have experienced some sorrow in their lives sometimes wrongly blame God for what has happened in their lives. That too only temporarily. Later everyone realizes that God can never be blamed for anything that happens in their life, because everything we face, is a result of our own actions. On the other hand, God only thinks good for everyone and never harms anyone. This is the reason why God is trusted by everyone as the most beautiful spiritual parent who is full of good wishes for His billions of children and will never bring them down in any way. They say that God has a thousand eyes with which He takes care of the whole world and keeps a vision of love for each one irrespective of whatever keeps happening in the world. God is the Ocean of Purity. There is no one purer than Him in the entire Universe. This is God’s constant stage which never changes. God never experiences sorrow even for a second ever. He is also ever peaceful, with no trace of a negative thought or a feeling in His consciousness inspite of all the negative events happening all across the world and violence also increasing. So God, inspite of being a parent to so many children with such different personalities, always maintains His pure consciousness. In fact, He serves the world while being in that stage. This is the beauty of God and this is the reason why He is the most loved one in the entire world.

So, taking inspiration from this parent, we need to change ourselves and become a child who is similar to his spiritual Father or the Father of the soul or God. That is in the true sense loving God.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Message for the day 13-03-2020

To have the right attitude is to add meaning to circumstances.

Expression: Circumstances are like objects. They are not alive but they come to life depending on the kind of attitude that one has. If the attitude is positive, there is the ability to make situations positive too. But if the attitude is negative, even the most ordinary situations seem to be negative. So every action done with such an attitude creates a negative impact on one’s own life and that of others too.

Experience: When faced with a situation, if I am able to look at it in a positive way, I am able to make the best of the situation. I accept the situation as it is and I am able to be happy and light. This positive state of mind creates a great impact and it spreads around touching the lives of others too.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris | Facebook | Youtube | Twitter | Instagram | Website | Intl Website

Watch Awakening TV Live on | http://awakeningtv.in | Youtube | Facebook

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 1065 | Airtel Digital TV # 678 | DishTv# 1087 | JioTV# 794 | Online www.pmtv.in

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 12-03-2020

Soul Sustenance 12-03-2020

Negative Reactions To Negative Actions

We very commonly react negatively with anger to another person’s anger filled words or actions, which we perceive to be unjustified or unreasonable. But this kind of action on our part, which we feel is our right and is a justified reaction or response, only adds to the negative energy already existing inside a particular situation, increasing the energy and making the situation even more complicated and difficult to resolve. Two negatives never make a positive, they make a higher negative, to which a very high positive has to be added (as compared to before) to bring the situation back to neutral or normal. Also, when you react, you are doing exactly what you believe the other person, the attacker, is doing – injuring someone on an emotional level, which is a form of subtle violence.

Lastly and very importantly, the other person’s negative and impulsive behavior, directed at you, portrays that at that particular moment he/she is experiencing an emptiness or void of wisdom, joy, peace, love and power, a void which he/she believes you have created and can only be re-filled by you. The anger filled action is a desire directed towards you, for this filling up. Hidden behind his/her anger is the feeling - Because of this person, I have lost my happiness at this particular moment and he/she should give it back to me immediately, which means that the other person is lacking the realization that no other person is ever responsible for your happiness. You are, always. Instead of switching on the awareness of this spiritual fact and emerging the value of forgiveness inside yourself, forgiveness because the other person is lacking this wisdom at that moment of time, you react, which makes you similar to him possessing a similar belief, something which you will definitely not appreciate too much. But, what happens is that the emotional storm inside you at that moment hides your ability to see how you are yourself injuring your spiritual heart. While you are in that emotional state, there is no way you can heal the wounds of the other’s heart i.e. correct the other person.

Message for the day 12-03-2020

To be powerful is to destroy unwanted habits.

Expression: To be powerful means to be aware of one’s own hidden powers and to use these powers in destroying old unwanted habits. It is to apply a powerful brake to the thoughts in a second, so that there is the ability to master the situation. Such a person does not fall prey to the situation but makes effort to become a destroyer of the weakness in a second.

Experience: When I am able to use my inner powers I am able to apply a brake to my thoughts in a second. I am able to finish old unwanted habits and be free from the burden of having to be with negativity. So I am able to be a master who is well equipped to face all situations in life. And I am able to be successful both in relationships and in my work.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris | Facebook | Youtube | Twitter | Instagram | Website | Intl Website

Watch Awakening TV Live on | http://awakeningtv.in | Youtube | Facebook

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TATA(Sky # 1065 | Airtel Digital TV # 678 | DishTv# 1087 | JioTV# 794 | Online www.pmtv.in