Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Experiencing Spiritual Success In Every Sphere Of Life (Part 3) | Soul Sustenance 05-07-2024

Experiencing Spiritual Success In Every Sphere Of Life (Part 3)

Whenever you begin any task, stand back from the task and observe the thoughts in your mind. If the thoughts are of worry, a lack of determination or a feeling of difficulty or you possess a negative attitude - that means you are not internally happy. This type of mindset is a negative start to the task and prevents success from being achieved. A positive and powerful thought and a happy thought is the fuel for everlasting success to be achieved. Determination attracts success and a lack of hope and positivity is sowing the seeds of failure. Also, there are many people who are looking to succeed fast and in a short span of time but they experience failure at the level of the heart. They are not only themselves discontented but no one will be content with them. So, always look for success but before you reach those important milestones, which will always exist in your life, also look for happiness and contentment at every step. Otherwise, all those loved ones and the beautiful relationships you share with them and also the beautiful roles that you take pure pride in will leave you. This is because many times, in trying to achieve too much and too fast, we are taking the wrong road to success. It is sometimes said – Success comes at a price. This holds true for many young achievers. They have done a lot and done good, but they did not follow the real meaning of success and take the right path to success, as we have defined in this message. 

Always remember, we are human beings not human doings. Always keep the being before the doing and success will be at your doorstep all through your life. Even if you achieve a little less on a physical level, you will achieve a lot more in terms of love and respect received from everyone around you. Also, the true wealth of happiness will be with you all through your life and you will live life much stronger and more peacefully.


Message for the day

To have the balance of being a master and a child is to experience constant success.

Expression: To have the right balance means to know when to be a master and when to be a child. When one gives an idea or makes a contribution, it is as a master - with total authority. But while the idea is heard by others and is being criticised I become a child. There is no attachment to the idea, but the mind is open to receive new thoughts in order to enrich what is already there.

Experience: When I am able to maintain a balance between being master and a child, I am able to experience constant happiness I am able to put forth my creative ideas with confidence. Yet I am not upset when someone criticises my ideas. On the contrary, I am constantly learning and moving forward. So I constantly experience success.

Overcoming Worry About What Others Think Of You (Part 2) | Soul Sustenance 04-07-2024

Experiencing Spiritual Success In Every Sphere Of Life (Part 2)

Success has wrongly been defined as the happening of a positive event or reaching an important milestone in your life. We often say we have done well in an exam or we have got a degree or we overcame a serious illness or we finished a project at work. These are all outer events when something good happens in our life. We have always thought that success came from outside. On the other hand, success in every sphere of your life will be much more and much more long lasting if internally you are powerful, content and joyful and full of truth. This is because our internal state of mind along with our intelligence and other important personality traits and also our physical skills bring us success. 

Sometimes our internal state of mind is very good but we lack positive skills and maybe a good physical personality suited for a task, and yet we do well in the task. This is because your inner state influences the task much more, even if you have not worked very hard or used too many skills. On the other hand, when our internal state of mind is sometimes not so positive, clear and powerful or our mind is full of unnecessary and negative thoughts but we are extremely talented and possess good intellectual skills, we don't perform well in a particular task in life. In this case, the skills are not enough to achieve the required purpose. So, long term success is attained more by what we think and positivity in character than by the different positive skills and talents we possess externally. 

(To be continued tomorrow …)


Message for the day

Forgiveness means to forget the mistakes of others.

Expression: The one who is able to forgive is able to forget the mistakes in his future interactions even after noticing the mistakes of others. He is able to be loving and so he is able to give corrections with love. Only when there is love in one's interactions, will the corrections given will be effective. Also such a person will not be caught up with anyone's mistakes and will be free from attitudes.

Experience: Even if there is a temporary feeling of negativity, if I am able to forget the mistakes of others and forgive them, I am able to be free from negative feelings. I am able to be light and free from the burdens of the past interactions with them. So I find myself successfully able to deal with others, whoever they may be.

Experiencing Spiritual Success In Every Sphere Of Life (Part 1) | Soul Sustenance 03-07-2024

Experiencing Spiritual Success In Every Sphere Of Life (Part 1)

We all live our lives in the pursuit of many goals and achievements. Although, life presents to us different types of situations and life in its every moment has something to be achieved. It is in living every moment of our lives in happiness and contentment that true success is attained. On the other hand, reaching important goals and achieving important milestones in life in different spheres is very important. Yet while reaching these goals and milestones and on our journey towards reaching them, if we remain light and keep our actions positive and correct and as a result we remain happy, that is in fact true success. 

Very often, when we try and move too fast to our goals, there can be some success achieved. But while reaching that goal if you perform actions that give sorrow to others or you are not honest or you lose hope and confidence or even for that matter your relationships or health our affected because of that, then that is not true success. Success means experiencing a sense of achievement at every step and not just when the final destination is reached. Also, success means sharing good wishes with each other and giving love to each other, giving blessings and taking blessings from each other, serving and sustaining everyone with good qualities and powers and being a good person. Materialistic success in wealth or role but not experiencing success in these different emotional and spiritual terms is not complete success and not 100% success. 

(To be continued tomorrow …)


Message for the day

To be elevated is to perform every task with understanding.

Expression: To understand means to know what to do. So the one who understands and performs the task with this understanding surely performs only elevated tasks. No task is negative, or waste. Nor are actions ordinary, but each and every action is special because there is clear understanding. Others too get inspiration from such actions.

Experience: When there is clear understanding of what I have to do, I am able to do what is right. So in this process, I find that there is a lot of time and energy saved and I am able to move forward very easily. I find that I am able to use my speciality in the right way bringing benefit to myself and others.