Soul Sustenance 26-06-2012
Meditation In Action (cont.)
The churning over of points of knowledge throughout our active hours strengthens
and maintains the meditative state of mind.
There are five basic points to churn over. We had discussed two yesterday.
The remaining three are given below. Create your own thought commentaries around
each point.
What Is My True Religion?
No matter how much surrounding turmoil there may be, I can remember that my true
religion is peace and purity. I am not a Hindu, a Buddhist or Christian, I am a
peaceful soul. Just as people do not want to convert from their religions, I resist
any attempt to pull me away from my true religion of peace and purity.
Where And What Is My Home?
Just as people love their homeland, I can have the same natural love for my original
home, the soul world. At the same time I can be aware of my original form of light
and power. In this way I can cross any situation that comes in front of me. I am
also aware that I have soon to return home and so I must settle all my karmic accounts.
How Is This World a Drama?
With the consciousness of the eternal world cycle, I can see my role and the roles
of others in a perfect and unlimited drama. Even though others and I are playing
parts, we are separate from the roles. Now that I know the Director (Supreme Soul)
and story of the whole drama from a spiritual perspective, there is no point in
getting upset over tiny little scenes. I know that in the beginning of the drama
when I had come on this world stage from the soul world, I was full of peace, love,
purity and happiness and so now I can re-emerge the sanskaras that I had in the
Message for the day 26-06-2012
To see only problems is to become the one who only takes service.
Expression: When there is the practice of seeing only problems in all situations
there is the inability to find solutions and act effectively. All the resources
that could be used for the benefit of the self and others remain hidden. Such a
person becomes dependent on others for finding solutions and a source of pity.
Experience: When I am caught up with problems and not able to see anything
else, I am unable to experience progress. I find myself moving backward losing a
lot of things I have. I would not be able to retain my self-confidence and would
become dependent on others.
In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris