Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 14-01-2015

Soul Sustenance 14-01-2015

The After Effects Of Anger

If realized deeply, it’s alright to conclude that anger destroys. If it doesn't destroy our physical body (that too it manages to do in the long term), it definitely destroys our capacity to be creative. And after all the very purpose of our life – is to be creative. So in short, anger deviates us from reaching our very purpose of life. Anger is never every good for health – mental or physical; never ever positive or empowering and never ever allowable or justified. Many authors of self development books, philosophers, psychologists and experts on the human nature have argued that anger is a natural, biological and psychological response which is an integral part of human sanskara and life. While this can be respected as a point of view, it is not at all true.

From a spiritual perspective, which means a view based on the absolute truth because the word spiritual means that which is the truth, anger is never ever natural or beneficial. While we are all used to getting angry, each one of us to different extents; on a little introspection, we will realize that it drains us out and is counter-productive. Anger is an absolutely unwanted emotion if we want to live a peaceful, contented and blissful life. It totally destroys the ability to create meaningful and deep relationships based on trust and respect and brings the efficiency of our actions, performed at the workplace, at home or anywhere else, down. If we believe in the necessity of anger, we need to stop for a while and reflect deeply and see if we can see how it is a huge obstacle to our own contentment and fulfillment, and how it negatively influences the contentment and fulfillment of those around us.

Message for the day 14-01-2015

You will continue to progress when you finish carelessness.

Expression: Check if you are satisfied with the progress you are making and see if you could do anything to improve it. Also check if your own carelessness is preventing you from moving forward quickly.

Experience: Take a thought of an aim that you have to fulfill within a certain period of time. Each day strengthen remind yourself of it and tell yourself that you only have to work towards this aim, whether others are doing it or not. When you look at others you tend to become slack too. So finish carelessness and continue to move forward.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

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