Thursday, August 13, 2015

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 13-08-2015

Soul Sustenance 13-08-2015

A Beautiful Reunion (Part 2)

As per the knowledge of the world drama, after living many births in the last phase of the world drama in sorrow, especially when sorrow came our way through the different mediums of mind, body, role and relationships, there was a desire in each one’s heart to experience joy and that desire is being fulfilled by God now. It is the time when He comes down and is very close to us while He is liberating us from all the different moments of sorrow we went through in each birth, those sorrows which we have forgotten in our present birth. We all have stored inside our sub-conscious minds various different memories of ups and downs that we went through in different births in the latter part of the world drama. Today the shadows of those same memories continue to fall upon our lives i.e. whenever we are faced with a difficult situation, we tend to experience fear and insecurity very easily and the inner strength to face these difficulties is lacking. This is because we went through a lot of pain due to various reasons like the sudden loss of a loved one, the illness that destroyed our confidence, our own untimely death, the wars and the financial instability, the other types of sorrows like not being as attractive or healthy as others or natures that we received from our parents not being particularly pure and positive, even the not so perfect or nice husband or wife or child or any other relationship that was sorrow-giving. All this and much more happened with each one of us in some birth or the other that we passed through in our journey of birth and rebirth, especially in the last phase of the world drama.

The love of God - the spiritual Father and Mother, today, is making us forget all the hidden fears and sorrow that we even carry sub-consciously because He is the One who has seen all that we experienced each day of each birth. And also, the love exchanged through each interaction with each soul of the world based on spiritual wisdom is filling us with a lot of happiness and bringing us heartfelt blessings from them. So, our present lives are full of enthusiasm and all that we went through in the last phase of the world drama is being washed out by the love of the Supreme and the love of all the souls of the world family who accompany us, as the world drama comes to an end and a new repetition of the world drama begins on a happy note in the future and remains full of happiness for many years after that.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Message for the day 13-08-2015

The one who defames or criticizes is a true friend.

Thought to ponder: If one has a clear vision of where he wants to go, he constantly looks for opportunities and means to move ahead. When someone criticizes, it is an opportunity to learn something, to check and change what I might have missed. It doesn't matter with what intention the other person is criticizing. It is more important whether I have learnt from it or not. So he actually becomes a friend who is helping me progress.

Point to practice: Today I will listen to people carefully and take at least one point that I could bring about a change. I will then explain to myself that this particular aspect is going to help me to move forward. This is what I will bring into action.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

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