Sunday, May 23, 2021

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 23-05-2021

Soul Sustenance 23-05-2021

Stop Controlling Negatively And Start Influencing Positively

The power of influence in relationships is extraordinary, but it practically disappears when we try to exercise control and force.

You can influence anyone positively in many ways:

- encouraging,

- sharing,

- listening,

- communicating in the right way.

In negative control we generate stress, frustration and anger. In positive influence the energy flows in a relaxed way with harmony and is not threatening, respecting each one for their specialty and allowing each one to be as they are.

In order to influence positively we need the power of discrimination and judgement in relation to what to say and what to do e.g. when you believe that the other person is the problem; generally the problem is not what others say or do, but rather how you perceive them. The way that you judge is what creates your negative feelings about them. We have the choice to perceive others as a threat, as a problem, or as an opportunity; an opportunity for learning, for change, for dialogue and understanding. We can choose to have compassion; to feel that the other is a problem indicates a lack of compassion.

Message for the day 23-05-2021

The one who understands God's love is himself loving too.

Expression: The one who understands that God has love for all children, never hates anyone, however negative the other person's characteristics might be. There is the understanding that it is not the person who is negative, but it is only a negative quality working within that person at that time. A loving person's love discourages the other person to use the negativity and encourages to use the positive qualities instead.

Experience: When I am connected with God, I am able to experience His love. Once I understand and experience His love, I am able to remain loving too - even with the most difficult people. I am then able to have good wishes for all, understanding that my love will make them positive too. I am never caught up with anyone's negativity, but am always happy as I only interact with positivity.

In Spiritual Service,
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