Thursday, March 03, 2022

Positive Thought Based Living (Part 2)

Positive Thought Based Living 

(Part 2)

Blessings from every person you meet will make your life more beautiful and free of difficult situations. Living a life of giving joy to others through the simplest possible ways like a smile or a warm greeting or a gesture of appreciation is a beautiful way of gathering blessings from everyone. It is said very commonly – give blessings and take blessings. That means the more you keep good wishes for others the more full of good wishes you will be which you will receive back from others. A good practice whenever you meet someone is to ensure that you have shared something with the other person e.g. If a person comes to you and he is lacking love, just look at him and create a pure and positive thought in your mind that may this person experience his original quality of love and may he share the same with others. Do this with a humble consciousness. This is like giving a blessing to the other. This will inspire the other person to change and imbibe the quality of love which he is lacking. You may think this won't work, but the power of a positive thought created by you is immense, which can transform the other person completely. After all our thought energy does touch the other person's consciousness on a subtle level. It's like whispering into the other's ears a message of pure love which he is lacking, listening to which is an inspiration for him to change himself. In the same way, if someone has a habit of becoming angry very easily and you pass her on a particular day on the street, look at her and send her a good wish that may you experience lots of peace which is your original sanskara. These are blessings which work magically. Powerful thoughts have immense power, much more than words. 

The pure love that you carry in this incognito way for others is like a healing balm for others which can make people more beautiful and bring them closer to you. Try giving a good wish to every person you meet in the day for one week. This way you will see how all your relationships with people become more beautiful and how everyone around you start becoming better individuals. It's a beautiful practice. 

(To be continued tomorrow …)


Message for the day

The right solution is found by the mind which is free from worry.

Expression: No matter how hard one worries about a problem, there can be no solution found.  When the mind is free from worry, it is able to be calm.  Then there will be no struggle but very naturally the right decision is made, which would be for the benefit of the self and that of others too.  On the contrary, a mind that is worried would make decisions that are harmful, even after a lot of thinking and rethinking.

Experience: When I keep the mind free from worry in the most difficult situation, I am able to experience inner calm, inspite of the outer disturbance, because there is no disturbance in my natural thinking process. There is a lot of peace within, which enables me to be free from negative feelings for everyone.  I also naturally have good wishes for myself and others, so whatever I do would be for everyone's benefit.