Sunday, April 10, 2022

Suppressing Anger? Don’t Even Create It

Suppressing Anger? Don't Even Create It

Anger is not our original nature. By repeatedly being angry when situations are not our way, we make it an obvious reaction. We express it, deny it or at best suppress it. Anger has become chronic, but the good news is we can take a step-wise approach to first control and then finish it.

1. Anger is your choice, just as patience and peace. You don't choose anger with authority figures or seniors but have given yourself the liberty to be angry at others. Practice meditation every morning to be patient with everyone. 

2. Initially you may feel tempted to react, but do not express your anger. When you bring out anger, the other person reacts as well. And then you react further and so does the other person. The magnitude of anger multiplies. 

3. Tell yourself - I am a powerful being. I understand they have a reason for what they did. I use patience and acceptance with them to protect myself and empower them. It is not suppression, but when you finish anger outside, gradually it finishes inside as well.

4. Identify one person to give corrections with vibrations of acceptance, understanding and calmness. Notice how your inner stability benefits you and them. Once you can choose patience with one person, repeat the same with 2 more people tomorrow, and then so on.


Message for the day

Determination fills a thought with power.

Expression: Any thought which is added with determination automatically brings confidence.  This confidence naturally fills the thought with power.  When there is the thought, 'I can do it', there is surely the power to do it.  Then there are no distractions, nor is there any comparision with others.  All resources are put to the maximum use and the task is accomplished.

Experience: When I am able to fill my positive thoughts with the power of determination, I am able to bring all my special thoughts and plans into action immediately.  I am able to feel the satisfaction of bringing equality into my thoughts, words and actions.  There is no feeling of helplessness, but there is only confidence and courage in doing what I am supposed to do.