Sunday, August 07, 2022

5 Ways To Be Assertive In Situations

5 Ways To Be Assertive In Situations

1. Put Your Point Across Peacefully And Respectfully - Often in different life situations we become angry when others do not agree with us and do not respect our opinion. We feel this is wrong and feel the urge to do something about that. We can share our opinion and also explain why that is beneficial in the situation, but without having any ego and with a lot of peace and respect.

2. Make Sure The Other's Feelings Are Not Hurt - Spirituality teaches us that being aggressive is against the goodness of human relationships and being assertive is not wrong if used in a correct way without giving pain to the other person and without dominating the other person's feelings. So, assertiveness can be used wherever required and situations can be taken to their destination of success.

3. Take Time To Give Your View, Do Not Be Judgmental - A very important spiritual dimension of relationships is to think before you speak because words once spoken do not come back and also once the other person has heard them they do not forget them. So being assertive is good but we shouldn't misuse the power and make it a part of conversations in a positive way.

4. Make God's Love A Part Of Your Assertive Nature - Remember that assertiveness should be filled with God's love and goodness. Only then it is effective. God's love is important because it also fills us with spiritual love for the other soul and also makes us caring which is very important while being assertive. Also, the love in our heart ensures we are not blunt while being assertive but are very soft.

5. Listen To The Other's Opinion And Understand Them - In relationships, it is very important to listen and deeply realize what the other person is trying to say. Otherwise, assertiveness can be very wrongly used and affect relationships negatively. The more we listen to the other person's heart's voice, the more we will be able to satisfy them with our assertiveness and mutual understanding.


Message for the day

To be elevated is to perform every task with understanding.

To understand means to know what to do. So the one who understands and performs the task with this understanding surely performs only elevated tasks. No task is negative, or waste. Nor are actions ordinary, but each and every action is special because there is clear understanding. Others too get inspiration from such actions. 

Experience: When there is clear understanding of what I have to do, I am able to do what is right. So in this process, I find that there is a lot of time and energy saved and I am able to move forward very easily. I find that I am able to use my speciality in the right way bringing benefit to myself and others.