Tuesday, April 18, 2023

5 Benefits Of A Vegetarian Diet

5 Benefits Of A Vegetarian Diet 

1. Makes Our Mind Pure, Peaceful And Positive - Eating the flesh of an animal which has vibrations of fear, anger and pain, which have been created when it was being killed, causes our mind to lose its serenity. Our mind becomes more agitated and revengeful and we also create impure thoughts and feelings. A vegetarian diet makes our mind very pure, peaceful and full of positivity.

2. Improves Our Physical And Mental Health - Eating vegetarian food improves all types of health and increases our life span. Many serious physical and mental illnesses can be prevented and their symptoms can be reduced by following a vegetarian diet, which not only has a soothing and purifying effect on our mind but also on all the different physical systems of our body.

3. Makes Meditation More Beautiful And Blissful - Because a pure vegetarian diet creates a pure consciousness, our thinking and visualization becomes more powerful and clear and we are able to connect to the spiritual self and to God - the Supreme Soul better in meditation, with higher concentration and can also maintain the concentration for a longer time.

4. Brings Harmony And Love In Relationships - It is very commonly seen and experienced that shifting to a vegetarian diet, changes our personality immensely and reduces our anger and ego and makes us more relaxed and free from expectations. This positive transformation helps us see everyone as our brother souls and make all our relationships peaceful, loveful and free from conflicts.

5. Makes Our Kitchen Pure And God's Space - Spirituality teaches us the practice of cooking food in God's remembrance and offering food to God before eating it. When we shift to vegetarianism, our kitchen becomes an extremely pure space, where such food which has been obtained from nature and without violence, is cooked and offered to God.


Message for the day

Life's situations are a game for the one who is prepared to face challenges.

For the one who is a skilled player, every situation, however challenging it may be, seems like a game. Even the most difficult situation is faced bravely, knowing that it has come to teach something and increase the skill within. So such a person becomes a source of support to those around during difficult times. 

Experience: When I am aware of my own skills and specialities, I am able to face all life's situations with lightness and confidence. I enjoy everything that comes my way. I also am able to experience progress as I use all situations as a means for further increasing my own potential.