Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Do You Have A Deep Want To Change Yourself?

Do You Have A Deep Want To Change Yourself? 

A lot of times, we go back and forth on our self-transformation goals. We begin enthusiastically, making superficial changes whenever something goes wrong. Most of the time our attention is on what to change and how to change. But unless there is a burning desire or a deep want to change, transformation is not possible. A lot of times we say - I need to finish this habit in me… I need to change this behaviour…. But deep in our subconscious mind, we would have planted a subtle thought as - I am fine the way I am. So, until there is a deep longing in the mind for transformation, we cannot progress well. 

1. Ask yourself why you want to change. Is it because somebody else is not comfortable with your habits or behaviour? Or do you want to transform? Unless it is your desire, changes that occur become only temporary.

2. Intensify your desire to change. First of all, stop justifying old behaviours or habits. Next, evaluate how they were harming you and other people around you. Thirdly, list out the benefits that the transformation will bring. Internalize them every day until there is a burning desire to change. 

3. Meditate every morning and study spiritual knowledge. The mind cultivates right thinking and the intellect deepens in wisdom. You will have the inner power needed to transform. When you really want to change, the why to change and how to change become simple. 

4. Create an affirmation of the change you want to bring about in yourself. Once your mind creates thoughts in that direction, your intellect evaluates and decides. The thoughts come into action. Repeated action becomes your habit. Thereafter the new habit or behaviour becomes a part of your personality.


Message for the day

True help is to help people discover their own specialities.

Expression: When others' negativities or weaknesses are perceived, it is essential to look at their positivity or specialities too. This will naturally bring love and positivity in the relationship and there will be an encouragement of that positivity. So even if that person has no recognition or has not been using his speciality, an encouragement of it by others will naturally enable him to begin to use it.

Experience: Making others aware of their specialities and subtly encouraging them to use these specialities is a great help that I can do for others. When I am able to give this unique help and cooperation, I not only find benefit for others, but I am also able to get the good wishes of others. Even others naturally become positive with my positive attitude.