He was born as a symbol of divinity and humility, whom God chose out of millions.
His face full of love, respect and purity revealed God to the world.
His soul consciousness attracted thousands of souls to God's wisdom, which God had revealed to him.
God named him Brahma Baba with love, through whom the divine task of creating a beautiful world began.
Brahma Baba took the first step and surrendered his mind, body, wealth and relationships to God.
His deep faith in God filled inside him the power to face all those who did not understand God's presence in the world, which Brahma Baba had experienced.
Following him, thousands of souls gave their lives a new vision and fulfilled completely their desire of many births of finding God.
Brahma Baba was an embodiment of spiritual wisdom, meditation, qualities and service, whose every divine thought, word and action changed the world.
God nurtured through him and others who had joined him, a worldwide organisation called the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organisation which has stood firm in sharing its teachings, values and Rajyoga meditation since the year 1936.
It was the winter of 1969 at Mt. Abu. Brahma Baba's spiritual journey of 33 years through his physical costume ended and He became pure on the night of 18th January and he whispered the names of three stages - soul conscious, viceless and egoless in his last breaths.
God pulled him in his angelic costume into the angelic world that night and He became a constant companion of God and constant server of the world after that through his pure angelic form.
Brahma Baba became An Angel To Remember, the one whom God and the entire world loves, respects and remembers so much. |