Do you find all the pressures of modern life can tire you and reduce your strength? Is it really possible to feel great even when facing challenging times and situations? Competing in the fast pace of life, most of us today including children, have accepted anxiety, anger, fear, guilt, depression as a natural way of living. This is affecting our physical health, our relationships, career and study patterns. Whenever we thought about the cause of our emotional disturbances, we always had someone to blame. The most common fatal belief is - It's not me, it's them. This is the illusion that someone else is responsible for what we think, feel and do. The truth is - It's not them, It's me. Always. It doesn't matter what happens, regardless of the nature of the event or the sharpness of the words intended to insult us, our response is always our own creation. A powerful soul awakens within their consciousness, the awareness that they have a choice in their every response. They realize they can maintain a calm, positive and stable attitude, regardless of what happens around them and even to their physical body.
At the core of the soul there is pure spiritual power of peace, love, truth and happiness. This power provides us with the inner strength needed to change. But how do we access this power? Meditation is the method – it allows this power to come to the surface of our consciousness and into our minds to color our thoughts, feelings and personality. When we get access to our own personal source of spiritual power, we become free of any dependency and our addiction to others acceptance and approval reduces. Any unwanted habit can be changed and the scars of all the negative habits which have developed within the soul over many births, can be healed. Meditation can certainly be considered as a healing process - spiritual, mental and emotional - with proven benefits to physical well-being. Rajyoga Meditation, as taught by the Brahma Kumaris, is an experience of the self as a soul, and a personal relationship and deep connection with the Supreme, the Source of perfection, God. |