Thursday, June 30, 2022

The Role Play Of Thoughts In Relationships (Part 2)

The Role Play Of Thoughts In Relationships (Part 3)

Parent-child relationships are the foundation of our complete life. The earliest habits that children acquire in their lives are from their parents. Very often parents try and impose positive habits on their children. A very common trend that we see nowadays where parents will scold their child for common negative actions like getting angry, for lying to them, for watching inappropriate stuff on different mediums of technology like television and the internet or for getting involved in relationships with the opposite gender at a young age or even smoking and drinking. Very commonly parents are not satisfied with the change brought about by children by following the rules that they have set for them, causing parent-child relationships to get strained. Why is it that inspite of children knowing that parents are concerned for them, do not listen to their instructions and continue with the negative habits? A more powerful medium than words, which reaches children on a physical level, is the personality radiation of the parents which works on children. It reaches them faster than and much before the words do. Parents dictate the change but don't be the change. What that means is similar habits of lust, anger, greed, attachment, ego etc. exist inside them which keep travelling to the children on a subtle energy level. These negative energies influence their minds negatively much sooner than positive words in the form of instructions, leaving the words as good as ineffective.

Also considering another common relationship that children have, the one with their school teachers. Many investigations confirm that teachers' expectations, whether negative or positive, form one of the most influential factors in the academic performance of their students. If teachers expect good results from their students and have complete faith and confidence that they will succeed, their performance will be much closer to their real capacity than if they are expecting poor results. Very often in schools, the teachers' words regarding the performance of the children are not a direct reflection of their thoughts. Their words are full of faith and hope in the students' success but thoughts are lacking in optimism with regards to the same. Negative thoughts of fear of probable failure of the children, in the minds of teachers, inspite of positive words of encouragement, negatively influence impressionable minds of children. This leads to their poor show in school exams.


Message for the day

Victory is guaranteed to the ones who are constantly loving.

Expression: The ones who are loving are able to involve others in everything they do with their love. So whatever the task maybe, they find it to be very easy and are able to accomplish the biggest task with ease.  Also each task done by them is with love and so everything is done with lightness and so victory is guaranteed.

Experience: When I am loving and do everything with love, I constantly experience lightness, based on the blessings from others.  I am carefree as there is no heaviness of the task to be performed. Love transforms labour into entertainment.  My internal lightness enables me to do the biggest task with great ease, involving everyone with love.