Thursday, December 01, 2022

An Attitude Of Gratitude

An Attitude Of Gratitude

Sometimes we take for granted, all the people in our life and everything which makes life comfortable. When things are not right, complaining seems natural. If we look at our life's journey, a huge percentage of it is smooth. But we readily highlight difficulties and rarely acknowledge all that is good. Let's cultivate an attitude of gratitude for people, situations and things that come together routinely to make our life beautiful.

1. Gratitude creates happiness and being happy keeps you contented. Begin your day with gratitude. Connect to God and thank Him. Thank your mind and body for sustaining you. Then give gratitude to people in your life and objects you use.

2. Create a relationship with the objects you use. For example, don't leave your bed with blanket unfolded or pillow lying haphazard. Thank them for a good night's sleep and place them neatly.

3. Leave no room to crib or criticize, when there's a lot to thank. Not just situations and people who are nice, but be grateful even to those who're not being nice. They have made you stronger.

4. Start being grateful for literally everything. Then, once in a while when you experience something not being right, your mind will not complain.


Message for the day

Honesty inspires trust.

The one who is honest is clean and clear within. He is aware of his resources and uses them sincerely for his own benefit and that of others. Honesty also means to speak what is thought and to do what is spoken. So there are no discrepancies in thoughts, words and actions. So others are able to trust the one who is honest. Each action of an honest person becomes an inspiration for those around. 

Experience: When I am honest I break internal barriers. I am not caught up with the seeming negativity of the situation, nor do I feel helpless by the limitations set out by the situation. I am able to enjoy the gift of each moment and use it to the fullest extent. I find myself becoming an example for many, as others are inspired by whatever I do.