Friday, December 30, 2022

Stop Running The Race … Enjoy The Present Moment (Part 4)

Stop Running The Race … Enjoy The Present Moment (Part 4)

It is also important to keep a balanced mind, while we are working on something. Anger, aggression, ego or greed can create imbalance in our thoughts. When we experience being ourselves and are at ease with life, we feel the energy to adventure into anything that's possible. If we are able to balance effort with ease, we are still moving towards our goals and with an equal amount of aspiration, but at the same time, appreciating the flow of life with it. When we are able to realize that it is ultimately virtues like joy, freedom and happiness that are important for us, these virtues act as a compass to help us direct our efforts towards our goals with more peace and composure. Being in touch with our original values and positive feelings in every situation helps us in making correct life decisions. When efforts are accompanied by only a lose attachment to the goal, we experience a flow. Perfect people, places or opportunities arise for us, without feeling that too much effort went into it. This success may or may not look like success to everybody, but to us, it will feel so. 

Practicing meditation and detachment can help us remain in soul consciousness and emphasize experiencing being over doing. Our health, inner well-being and own definition of success is more important than any job, salary, degree or anyone else's opinion about us. We can, therefore, consciously create a situation of peace and happiness, where the rising tide of expectation is controlled. We are then no longer troubled by unfulfilled needs and even the most ordinary experiences become enjoyable.


Message for the day

To move towards perfection is to have commitment for goodness.

The one who has a desire to move towards perfection is constantly busy trying to add goodness and positivity to everything he does. The aim is not just to keep out negativity but it becomes more important to add positivity. So such a person finds constant progress in his life and slowly moves towards perfection. 

Experience: When I find little excuses to bring about positivity, I am able to enjoy each and every moment. I never find anything ordinary or waste but everything is meaningful and beautiful. I am able to enjoy the richness of each and everything and discover the hidden treasures in each and every moment. I find myself slowly moving towards perfection.