Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Creating A World Of Forgiveness (Part 1)

Creating A World Of Forgiveness (Part 1)

God wants us to create a world of forgiveness, a world where each one is uncritical and does not keep a negative eye on others' mistakes and weaknesses, a world where there is complete peace and harmony between everyone, inspite of their different natures or sanskaras. 

Based on spiritual knowledge and understanding, we are sharing with you few different qualities that are different colours of forgiveness and matching actions associated with them, which you could experience. 

Generosity - Be Forgetful Of Others' Mistakes

Openness - Accommodate Others

Thankfulness - Give Blessings And Take Blessings

Warmth - Be Uncritical

Tolerance - Keep An Easy Eye On Others' Weaknesses

Acceptance - Absorb Others' Virtues

Giving - Fill Others With Virtues 

In order to experience these different qualities, which means bringing these different colours of forgiveness into practice, we need the powers of peace, love and truth. These three powers together make up the healing balm of forgiveness, which heal our anger-filled thoughts, feelings and emotions, which in turn heal our peaceless words and actions.

(To be continued tomorrow …)


Message for the day

God's love brings out the best from within.

Expression: God, who is an image of perfection, becomes a source of inspiration and power for the one who is connected to Him. with the connection with God, and with an experience of His love, it becomes easy to be in touch with the innate qualities of peace and purity. In all circumstances, the presence of God becomes a great motivator to express the inner beauty.

Experience: When I am deeply connected with God, I am able to be connected with the innate beauty. God's love becomes a source of energy to connect me back to my innate beauty. Thus I find that I am able to maintain this inner beauty under all circumstances. I am not negatively influenced by the situations or people.