Friday, February 16, 2024

Experiencing And Radiating Happiness To Others (Part 3)

Experiencing And Radiating Happiness To Others (Part 3)

Happiness filled interactions make you completely free from the different worries and tensions life will sometimes bring in front of you. Also, a life rich with happiness is the best way to make yourself extremely stable and emotionally powerful. Just try this one day for yourself. Give happiness to each one you meet and try on another day, not doing that. The day you are busy in sharing and receiving happiness, that day you will feel stronger from within. Also, you will face all obstacles of different types easily and with more stability.


Also, such a day will pass very fast, as if you are on a joyride, sharing gifts with everyone, gifts that are invisible and of the inner personality. Gift your specialties to everyone. Don't keep them with you. Have a big heart in giving them to others. Suppose, a person has the gift of speaking confidently, don't keep that specialty to yourself. Use that speech to give happiness to each one and make everyone enthusiastic. Or you are very humble and have pure good wishes for everyone. Don't keep the good wishes to yourself or inside you. Express them through your words and interactions and make everyone feel the happiness of your goodwill. Also, suppose you are very intelligent, help others through your personality and all the wisdom you possess, of different things of the world. These are ways of spreading happiness. Remember each specialty of yours should serve and not be kept inside you for your use only. Spread the vibrations of your specialties to everyone around you and life will become lovely and joyful, not only for you, but for others around you, also.


Message for the day

To be accepting means to give a chance to the other person to change.

Expression: When someone makes a mistake there is usually a feeling of guilt and a lot of negative feelings. At such a time if there is understanding and love, it helps the other person bring about a change. There will be always an environment of positivity provided by the one who understands and accepts. So anyone in this environment can bring about a change with great ease.

Experience: Only when I am able to accept can I bring about a change in the other person. When I accept I am able to see what the other person is lacking and provide him with it. So I am actually giving the other person a chance to change. Also when I accept others and understand them, others too are able to accept me and love me as I am. I find my relationships becoming more and more beautiful.