Soul Sustenance 20-04-2013
Pure Cooking (cont.)
1. First, it is essential to develop a positive attitude towards cooking. Before
undertaking any food preparation, ask yourself. 'Do you consider the project at
hand to be an enjoyable, creative activity or an unpleasant time-consuming boring,
repetitive karma?’ Find a way of enjoying it, by playing spiritual songs
or trying new recipes and having deep meditation while cooking.
2. Before cooking, make sure the kitchen is clean and in order. Take out all the
things you will need to make the meal and place them where they will be used. This
makes the process of cooking more smooth and enjoyable.
3. While cooking avoid doing other work in between. You will actually be saving
time and the food will definitely turn out better.
4. As much as possible, remain in silence, paying attention to the quality of the
thoughts you have. Try to have pure and peaceful thoughts. This creates a powerful
atmosphere that fills the food with pure vibrations and brings personal benefits
as well.
Message for the day 20-04-2013
To be obedient to God means to have a right to His inheritance.
Projection: We sometimes find ourselves feeling low and unenthusiastic. We
tend to blame the situations and the people around which makes us feel even more
dull. At such times we expect and seek God's help and power but experience no help
from him.
Solution: We need to realise that we don't have to ask God for power or blessings
but have a right to them. Before we perform any task we need to ask ourselves if
God will like what we are doing. If we do everything according to God's wishes that
means we are obedient. Such obedience will get us the inheritance of peace and happiness
from God.
In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris