Monday, November 08, 2021

Basic Principles Of True Success

Basic Principles Of True Success

Sometimes when we don't achieve our goals, we say - I was not successful, I failed. Calling yourself a failure is unfair to yourself. Start seeing yourself as truly successful always. When we don't achieve what we planned to, we label ourselves as failures. We need to understand the essence of success.

1. Success is not about what you do, success is first who you are. It is about I- the being, the energy which thinks, feels, speaks, behaves, comes into action, completes every task and achieves goals. Success begins with I the being, not the doing. 

2. If you are unhappy, disturbed, agitated or egoistic, and yet you fulfil your desires in the outer world, can you call yourself successful? It is not possible because you are not happy with who you are.

3. Remember that you are successful when you are happy, caring and kind. You are successful if you connect to people irrespective of their achievements, position or age. You are successful if you share what you know and cooperate with others. 

4. When you the being are successful and then come into action in the outer world, you enjoy your achievements. Even if you don't get what you wanted, remember you are still successful, just that achievement is pending for now. You will have the energy to retry and achieve.


Message for the day

The one who is loving is the one who experiences freedom.

Expression: The root of suffering is attachment, because attachment makes one bound. To be truly free means to learn to love and appreciate while remaining independent. Others' state of mind or task does not negatively influence one's own responses to the outside environment. There is the ability to be free and express one's own specialities without being coloured.

Experience: If I cannot keep myself free from attachment I am constantly experiencing suffering. Because I am attached, I am dependent on someone or something I have created a space for in my mind. When that person or object is criticized, neglected or not with me, I feel pain in my mind and I experience a sense of loss. Then I am not able to be loving.