Friday, April 12, 2024

Creating A Personality Of Truth (Part 3)

Creating A Personality Of Truth (Part 3)

Very often while dealing with people of different types, a lot of negative personality characteristics or weaknesses come into our behaviour and sometimes our good qualities get hidden. In such circumstances, people often see us as false and although we are truthful in many ways and we see ourselves that way, one or two weaknesses spoil that truthful nature at times. So, although, at heart, we want to be truthful and we are also, but the little shades of weaknesses, which may not be very much, make us seen as negatively natured. So a truthful nature means all virtues or qualities exist inside us 100% and everyone appreciates them all the times. The literal meaning of truth is not only honesty as we know it but complete purity or cleanliness or goodness of character.

Also, a beautiful and truthful nature also means one who does not pretend to be good but is good from deep inside. No one likes people who are good from the outside and will talk about you negatively in your absence. It is like showing a different face to people which others think is you. Also, in friendships or in relations of family, it is very commonly seen that that we will, especially with people close to us, share negative information about others' behavior. We will also think that it is okay, because those people are not listening. But remember your words don't reach them, but your thoughts and feelings definitely do. So, not only speak good about others but also think good about them. Be good in front of people and behind their back. That is truth in character and being virtuous always.


Message for the day

To donate virtues is the greatest donation.

Expression: To donate virtues means to express virtues through one's own words and actions. There is some or the other value revealed through all words and actions. The ones who constantly have the aim of donating virtues naturally bring benefit to all they come into contact with. No one would go away empty handed from such people.

Experience: When I constantly have the aim of using my virtues I have the satisfaction of giving continuously under all circumstances. I also find my own treasures of virtues increasing and I find myself richer and better than what I was. Thus I experience constant progress in my life.