Soul Sustenance 01-08-2012
The Power To Co-operate
In India, there is a saying that when everyone gave a finger of co-operation, the
mountain of sorrow was lifted. If we look with open eyes at the world of today,
and at current social, financial and environmental trends, it's clear that there
is widespread suffering and sorrow, that it is likely to get worse, and that to
remove this sorrow will be a task like lifting a mountain. Meditation ignites a
conviction inside us that the task will be done. Although we have such different
backgrounds, cultures, personalities, and so on; meditation shapes our personalities
in such a way that it becomes easy for us to share our resources, work together,
and give our own finger of co-operation in the task.
The way meditation achieves this is interesting. Look at the other side - at what
prevents co-operation: it is ego, where I am in a state of self-glorification, hungry
for personal praise or fame, and not concerned about the wellbeing of the team.
In ego, I think I am the only one who knows, the one who is right. Ego kills co-operation.
Ego is closely connected to body-consciousness. An enormous 'I and my' factor comes
in when I think of myself as this body, and lose sight of the soul. My race, my
color, my gender, my physical appearance, my education, my family, my job, my position,
my possessions - all these become part of the build-up of ego. Working with others
with co-operation, who may at any moment challenge my ego with their own different
agendas and needs, then becomes stressful.
(To be continued tomorrow ....)
Message for the day 01-08-2012
To have love for God means to have love for all.
Expression: When there is love for God, there will be automatically love
for all human beings, the children of the One God. There will be recognition of
the speciality of all who come into contact and so words and actions will be beneficial
both for one self and others. There will not be love for only some or love only
Experience: When I am connected with the seed, God, I naturally find myself
becoming an instrument for God's love reaching out and touching the lives of others.
I will not have love only for a few people, but will have equal love for all. I
will then be in a position to help others too, to get rid of their negativity.
In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris